with custom subclasses and service interfaces for client
services and server-side services (HostedServices).
This code is a copy and refactoring of code I developed for
Mythruna... it worked there but I haven't tested it yet in its
new form. Things may change as I integrate this more closely
with the core Client and Server classes. I wanted to get it
into source control first.
Also included an RPC service implementation which can serve
as the underpinning for other things.
Coming soon: serializer registration service and a simple
RMI service based on the RPC layer.
makes it easier to handle network messages. These
delegators can introspect a delegate type to find
message-type specific handler methods. This mapping
can be done automatically or performed manually.
For DXT1/3 images, the format for color and alpha blocks is the same,
so the bug would not appear. For DXT5 images, the alpha block is formatted
differently. The issue is that it flips the color block and then the alpha
block for 2x2 images, but the correct order is alpha block then color block.
* Separate GLFbo and GLExt implementations. GLFbo can now be implemented either via vanilla OpenGL3 calls or GL_EXT_framebuffer_*** extensions (OpenGL2.1- only).
* Use modern way of getting supported extensions in core profile.
* Luminance and Alpha formats are not available when running in core profile.
* Bind a dummy vertex array object (VAO) when running in core profile.
* Point sprite mode is always enabled. Since both OpenGL ES 2.0 and OpenGL 3.2 core require it, jME3 is no longer capable of rendering regular points.
Also added ability to add new buttons as events come in due to Android not providing a definitive way to determine which buttons are supported on the device.
The optimisation disabled would result in null TextureKeys.
-> This would then result in textures being embedded into the j3o file, seriously bloating the assets.
Signed-off-by: Kai Börnert <kai-boernert@visiongamestudios.de>