Commit Graph

121 Commits (966ff8d857280916d181d34c58fb8c2b628a58bd)

Author SHA1 Message Date 16851eb1d8 Removing Android Sensor Support (undo r9610). Preparing for new way of implementing sensor support on Android. 13 years ago
Sha..rd ac0f3a107c * Fix issue where setting texture on renderer with no mipmaps and then setting the same texture with mipmaps would prevent them from being generated (fixed for desktop GL1/GL2 and android) 13 years ago bb631ab13a Adding support for defining external (or internal in Android's case) sensors. This is still a work in progress. Major task yet to complete is defining the coordinate system to return the sensor data. 3 sensor types are defined: Magnetic, Accelerometer, Orientation. Right now the sensor data is returned in device coordinates for Magnetic and Acceleration, and World (Earth) coordinates for Orientation. Sensors use the Input Manager to define triggers and listeners like all other input types. Only Android has an implementation for SensorInput at this time. See forum post for details of the operation and current status. 13 years ago 48b40f4e3c Fixed issue where MOVE events were being generated even if the deltaX and deltaY were both 0. Now MOVE events with both deltaX and deltaY values of 0 will not be generated. See post 13 years ago 242f5d82f9 Fixed issue with AndroidInput not resetting the last touch position correctly on the UP and DOWN actions. See forum post 13 years ago
Sha..rd c7186886bc * OGLESShaderRenderer.readFrameBuffer() can now read from the main framebuffer in RGBA format. 13 years ago
Sha..rd 55d75c5abc * Shader now stores shader language in the ShaderSources instead of the Shader itself (everything makes a lot more sense now). 13 years ago
Sha..rd af7435ffdf * jME3 now shows error dialog on exception by default (unless user overrides handleError) 13 years ago
Sha..rd cc3577acdc * Android renderer now supports configuration changes (see: 13 years ago 4e987ae63e Android : Pixel Format again. Transparent or Translucent pixel format should not be the deault setting as they drain a substential amount of fps and that most of the games will have an opaque background. 13 years ago 67712589e2 Android : changed the way the glsurface's pixel format was chosen, allowing the surface to have a translucent background 13 years ago
nor..67 ea0be5cf9f - fix imports across engine 13 years ago 3cdeb6ed4d * Fix issue 476 13 years ago cd64f74898 - ANDROID fixed multitouch move taht was not sending additional pointers event. thanks to iwgeric 13 years ago d76d58c0e9 - ANDROID audio renderer : added a state check on the MediaPlayer to prenvent it to throw errors 13 years ago 0fe3b69f7d - ANDROID Reverted a change in resolution setting, as it apparently has bad side effects on GUI 13 years ago
Sha..rd 1009cd18b0 * Running jME3-android in emulator with GPU emulation now supported but sometimes there are opengl errors (?) 13 years ago
Sha..rd c34189dfe5 * Removed all "verbose logging" parts of OGLESShaderRenderer, as it made the code hard to read. This sort of logging functionality should be done in a "GL Wrapper" sort of class instead. 13 years ago
Sha..rd 4be1d2be1e * AndroidImageInfo now supports getting notification when the bitmap has been successfully uploaded to GL 13 years ago
Sha..rd 29b2596359 * Removed various misc handling code from AndroidHarness to OGLESContext/JmeAndroidSystem to ease using jME3 outside of AndroidHarness 13 years ago
Sha..rd 05d5c611e1 * AndroidAssetManager no longer fails on missing plugin classes 13 years ago
sky..ok a625e8ae2a Javadoc fixes R PHUN 13 years ago 1c92f500eb AndroidAudioRenderer : propperly set the looping value on media player 13 years ago
Sha..rd f68475319a * Added new image format: Depth24Stencil8, for framebuffers and textures that need stencil data 13 years ago
Sha..rd cf9d5b5ebc * Remove some useless files 13 years ago 2966b6a7b0 AndroidAudioRenderer : better mediaplayer life cycle handling 13 years ago 544e1f6342 Shaders : The line numbers on error now correctly takes the version line added to the shader into account 13 years ago 3a0e1f50ac Shaders : The line number is now printed for each line of shader code in the standard error output when a shader fail to compile. 13 years ago
sky..ok 533fb86c50 Down to 260 Javadoc warnings from 324 13 years ago 8ab5a211e2 Removed previously committed System.out from AndroidAudioRenderer 13 years ago 218f082c8b Properly stopping and resetting Medialayer in AndroidAudioRenderer to be able to play an audio node more than once without failing. 13 years ago 1a771236cf fix NPE in AndroidHarness when quitting (thanks iwgEric) 13 years ago 191bd21b40 Removed AndroidHarness specific calls from the OGLESContext. 13 years ago d2b727cfd8 Android : OGLESContext can now finish the activity when being destroyed, this way calling app.stop() from jME finished the associated activity. 13 years ago 92b97d38d8 Committed a patch from iwgeric, to make nifty Textfield display the soft keyboard on tap. 13 years ago 859123673e Committed patch from iwgEric that fixes a couple of issues on android touchinput 13 years ago
Sha..rd 491d514c0f * BorderClamp and Clamp texture wrap modes now become EdgeClamp on Android 13 years ago
Sha..rd df212d358f * AndroidAssetManager will avoid registering loaders if the class isn't in the classpath similar to DesktopAssetManager 13 years ago
Sha..rd 1aed2068be * Formatted many android classes and files 13 years ago b12285b8a4 * Make AndroidImageInfo extensible, add javadoc explanation 13 years ago 446c03935e Fixed NPE in AndroidAudioRenderer when soundPool is not initialized 13 years ago bb9b2ea5ce Changes to AndroidInput to properly handle multipoint touch events with proper ids (thanks to techsonic) 13 years ago a3497ca8b2 Null check on audio renderer in the onPause and onResume of the android Harness. The audio renderer appears to be null (wich is another issue) 13 years ago afc2710626 Removed the call to glHint GL10.GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT as it generates an INVALID_ENUM error. 13 years ago 07d5451a31 Removed the direct accessing of the seconds counter 13 years ago
Sha..rd b89b2428af * Applied audio fix patch (thanks prich) 13 years ago
Sha..rd 4aa00107e2 * Added missing AndroidImageInfo 13 years ago
Sha..rd 381a3365ef * Applied android audio renderer patch (thanks to prich on the forum) 13 years ago
Sha..rd a64db6fc7b * Andrid - AndroidLocator now follows spec when regards to multiple call support with AssetInfo.openStream() 13 years ago
Sha..rd 3fa629053a * Deleted AndroidApplication and AndroidSkyFactory due to deprecation 13 years ago