2.19: Textual Input(of)course Edition!
=Built in font is now olc::Renderable
+EnablePixelTransfer() - Gate if layer content transfers occur (speedup in decal only apps)
+TextEntryEnable() - Enables/Disables text entry mode
+TextEntryGetString() - Gets the current accumulated string in text entry mode
+TextEntryGetCursor() - Gets the current cursor position in text entry mode
+IsTextEntryEnabled() - Returns true if text entry mode is activated
+OnTextEntryComplete() - Override is called when user presses "ENTER" in text entry mode
+Potential for regional keyboard mappings - needs volunteers to do this
+ConsoleShow() - Opens built in command console
+ConsoleClear() - Clears built in command console output
+ConsoleOut() - Stream strings to command console output
+ConsoleCaptureStdOut() - Capture std::cout by redirecting to built-in console
+IsConsoleShowing() - Returns true if console is currently active
+OnConsoleCommand() - Override is called when command is entered into built in console
FIX Emscripten JS formatting in VS IDE (thanks Moros)
+"Headless" Mode
+Mouse Button Constants
+Move Constructor for olc::Renderable
+Polar/Cartesian conversion for v2d_generic
+DrawRotatedStringDecal()/DrawRotatedStringPropDecal() (thanks Oso-Grande/Sopadeoso (PR #209))
=Using olc::Renderable for layer surface
+Major Mac and GLUT Update (thanks Mumflr)
Fix PixelLerp() - oops my bad, lerped the wrong way :P
Fix "Shader" support for strings - thanks Megarev for crying about it
Fix GetTextSizeProp() - Height was just plain wrong...
+vec2d operator overloads (element wise *=, /=)
+vec2d comparison operators... :| yup... hmmmm...
+vec2d ceil(), floor(), min(), max() functions - surprising how often I do it manually
+DrawExplicitDecal(... uint32_t elements) - complete control over convex polygons and lines
+DrawPolygonDecal() - to keep Bispoo happy, required significant rewrite of EVERYTHING, but hey ho
+Complete rewrite of decal renderer
+OpenGL 3.3 Renderer (also supports Raspberry Pi)
+PGEX Break-In Hooks - with a push from Dandistine
+Wireframe Decal Mode - For debug overlays