Commit Graph

2266 Commits (ef700eff19511bb5390efbfa7b183c9acfe19daa)

Author SHA1 Message Date
iwg..ic 5b326f4054 Minor reorganization of how appSettings are created and passed to the Context on Android. 13 years ago
iwg..ic fa6716877e Remove requirement for buffer type images to have width=height on Android devices that do not support NPOT. Now images allowed as long as both height and width are POT on devices that don't support NPOT. 13 years ago
Sha..rd f7a653088f * Put rangeCheck() back 13 years ago
Sha..rd 105d27fddf * Problem: Slow. Solution? Speed. 13 years ago
Sha..rd 47563c2cf1 * .. and here's the change that makes the previous change actually faster 13 years ago
Sha..rd dbc59934a7 * Added new image codec that should be faster for byte component image formats like RGBA8 13 years ago
Sha..rd 06d18c1366 * When a "severe" AssetNotFoundException is thrown for subassets, it won't be ignored by SceneLoader 13 years ago
Sha..rd cf2bd1de24 * dotScene loader can now load cameras (loads them as CameraNode). Fixes issue 226 13 years ago
Sha..rd a5275875a7 * HoverTank blender model now references the correct textures (PNG -> JPG) 13 years ago
Sha..rd a7bcb2b6e6 * Buggy model no longer has embedded lights 13 years ago
Sha..rd f9e99ab956 * Fixed rather silly bounding box computation bug. Thanks to @raistm. 13 years ago
Sha..rd a0d0b0922f * ArmatureModifier now sets 0.0 weight if the vertex should not be influenced by any bones. This fixes "disappearing" object issues in animated models. 13 years ago 5635bc2ff1 Geometry : fixed an issue where batching information were copied over cloning causing problem because the cloned geometry was marked as batched but was not. 13 years ago 2577485727 BufferUtils : ensureLargeEnough now set the limit to the buffer capacity if it exists to avoid creating a new buffer instead of reusing the previous one. 13 years ago d2e6648eb3 Bugfix: solved problem when one 2D texture was about to be cast on other 2D texture while they had exactly the same UV coordinates. 13 years ago ed2a224829 Bugfix: alpha map cannot be applied to unshaded material. 13 years ago
Sha..rd 2bfd91ef2e * MeshLoader will no longer generate NaN weights for vertices with no bone-weight assignments. Instead it will generate zero which will cause those vertices to remain in the bind pose. 13 years ago
Sha..rd a2ff0ba179 * Fix issue where a bone weight in a vertex was set to all zero would cause the vertex to snap to 0,0,0 13 years ago
Sha..rd 8c2bdebbae * AnimControl now forces the animation map to be non-null in all cases - when creating a new AnimControl, cloning it or loading from J3O. 13 years ago
Sha..rd 1ddb7903db * OBJ loader now supports loading models that use negative indices in the face statement 13 years ago
Sha..rd e848c53ef4 * Add small work around in MTL loader: Do not accept "d 0" or "Tr 0" as they hide the model 13 years ago
Sha..rd 46fb4c43b4 * Fix UTF8 error in ConstraintDefinition 13 years ago c929d0ca41 Bugfix: added jme serialization for CameraNode, LighNode, CameraControl and LightControl (as suggested by @rectalogic). 13 years ago 711b8ab9ca Huge constraints refactoring (the computations might yet not be perfect, but models loading should get much less crashes). 13 years ago 58bbd2d076 Fix for method that checks if the mesh is a B-Mesh or not. 13 years ago a498a1cdc9 Changing default value for controlDir. It is now SpatialToCamera instead of CameraToSpatial. 13 years ago e83b15028b Fix for animation rotations computation (in blender earlier than 2.50 the rotations were stored in degrees and later in radians). Thanks to @rectalogic for finding this :). 13 years ago
iwg..ic d2b97fb422 Fix issue with onPause trying to cancel vibration when user has not defined Vibration Service permission in manifest. 13 years ago
iwg..ic 5a71423624 Fix issue with BEST config not choosing a valid config on some devices when RGBA is not matched (ie no config exists with 0bit alpha). ConfigChooser now looks for an exact match of all attributes first, then a match of RGBA only, then uses the first available config. 13 years ago
iwg..ic 3aa223360a Add check for no Vibration Service on Device 13 years ago
Sha..rd 07a6ca931f * Fix "particlesPerSecond set to 0 accumulates timeDiff" issue 13 years ago
Sha..rd 6aefda2e38 * BatchNode / GeometryBatchFactory now batch animated models correctly. Note that any control(s) are removed during the batching process, and must be re-added after batching for animation to work. 13 years ago 4fa00b6d9a Fix for blender loader classes (latest changes to light and camera loading were taken into account). 13 years ago
Sha..rd 2a11aae3a4 * ImageRaster now supports Android. However the constructor can no longer be used. Instead user should create it by using ImageRaster.create() which automatically defers the handling to JmeSystem. 13 years ago
iwg..ic 5aca23f9b3 Changed Android Joystick Rumble to pulses. Rumble amount is used to determine length of vibration pulse. Vibration now stays on (pulsing based on rumble amount) until user sets joystick.rumble(0). 13 years ago
iwg..ic f219c8596d Added Rumble support for Android. If joystick.rumble is used, then the Manifest file must have <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>. Since Android doesn't allow for changing the vibration intensity, the rumble amount is convert into a vibration time duration in milliseconds (ie rumble amount of 0.25 = 250 milliseconds). 13 years ago
Sha..rd 6cddcf8f1d * Fix crash in TestWalkingChar 13 years ago
Sha..rd 3c4405868a * Fix incorrect bounding box calculation when points are not centered on origin 13 years ago be1aa87f55 * Fixed issue 518 .. again 13 years ago c8b3ae7f64 * Fix issue 518 13 years ago
ShA..Rd 9ad757596b * Fixed issue where using images with pregenerated mips would cause performance loss due to them being generated again and again 13 years ago
ShA..Rd 96c4b31e0f * Partial fix for issue 532 and issue 533 13 years ago 9e60eda71a Fix for loading smooth meshes. (One small step for java compiler is a huge step for blender importer :D) 13 years ago 39f265f50e Adding Android Sensor support as simulated joysticks. Only orientation is supported right now, more sensor types to be added later. When device orientation changes, Joystick[0] is updated just like using an actual joystick. Users need to add "joystickEventsEnabled = true" to the MainActivity to enable the orientation joystick so battery life is conserved if sensor data is not desired. See for the long history. 13 years ago fa426feb08 Wrapping cameras into CameraNode. 13 years ago be5428736d Wrapping Light into LightNodes (this allows to add constraints and properties to lights). 13 years ago e253546982 ChaseCamera : added a hideCursorOnRotate flag to the chaseCam to prevent interfering with nifty. 13 years ago 5c9afd9d59 LightNode now properly works with SpotLight 13 years ago
nor..67 23e949974a - change default error message of engine 13 years ago 1bad383be2 Added and entry to the blender key that allows to disable loading of generated textures. The value is set to false by default because generated textures need extra care when being loaded. 13 years ago