* Added key remapping for GLFW key constants
* Rename AppSettings.getGammaCorrection() to isGammaCorrection()
* Use LWJGL3 artifacts from maven
* Minor compatibility changes for LWJGL 3.0.0b
* Fixed some minor bugs in LwjglWindow
* Added key remapping for GLFW key constants
* Rename AppSettings.getGammaCorrection() to isGammaCorrection()
* Use LWJGL3 artifacts from maven
* Minor compatibility changes for LWJGL 3.0.0b
* Fixed some minor bugs in LwjglWindow
* Y hotspot is top in jogl, and bottom in jme
* in jme when mouse is invisible it should be confined into the window (on mac it could go out of the window)
* when window doesn't has the focus the mouse should not behave like when has the focus like
* trying to re-center
* stay invisible
* Unified all renderers into common class 'ALAudioRenderer'
* LWJGL and Android now implement the AL / ALC / EFX interfaces to provide a common OpenAL backend for jME
* Added support for OpenAL Soft "Pause Device" extension, which allows the engine to pause the context while running in the background (currently requires OpenAL soft 1.16 and thus is Android only feature)
* Deprecate old library loader
* Add warning when the requested number of antialiasing samples cannot be satisfied
* Cleaned up LwjglContext.determineMaxSamples()
- Add instanced geometry support. This is performed by uploading 4 vertex buffers each containing 4 floats. The top 3 rows are the world matrix and the bottom row is a quaternion representing the normal matrix. Hence, both unshaded and lit geometries can be rendered through instancing.
See Instancing.glsllib for more information as well as the comment in LwjglRenderer.
One can now mark a texture param in a material definition as linear by using -Linear at the end of the parameter declaration (case insensitive).
An Image bound to a material texture param in a linear color space will have its ColorSpace set to linear when bound to the material by mat.setTexture("name", texture);
Added the -LINEAR flag to all texture param that needed it in stock materials (lighting.j3md, terrainLighting.j3md, different Filter materials).
- All images constructors now take the isSrgb flag as a parameter, all engine classes has been changed to accommodate the change, old constructors has been deprecated for backward compatibility. One should always ask himself in which color space is an image if dealing with gamma correction
- Gamma correction has been defaulted to false in the appSettings