Commit Graph

689 Commits (5144c99dcdb880d28d40f8fce6c3d9b8b72c834c)

Author SHA1 Message Date c929d0ca41 Bugfix: added jme serialization for CameraNode, LighNode, CameraControl and LightControl (as suggested by @rectalogic). 13 years ago a498a1cdc9 Changing default value for controlDir. It is now SpatialToCamera instead of CameraToSpatial. 13 years ago
Sha..rd 07a6ca931f * Fix "particlesPerSecond set to 0 accumulates timeDiff" issue 13 years ago
Sha..rd 6aefda2e38 * BatchNode / GeometryBatchFactory now batch animated models correctly. Note that any control(s) are removed during the batching process, and must be re-added after batching for animation to work. 13 years ago
Sha..rd 2a11aae3a4 * ImageRaster now supports Android. However the constructor can no longer be used. Instead user should create it by using ImageRaster.create() which automatically defers the handling to JmeSystem. 13 years ago
Sha..rd 3c4405868a * Fix incorrect bounding box calculation when points are not centered on origin 13 years ago
ShA..Rd 9ad757596b * Fixed issue where using images with pregenerated mips would cause performance loss due to them being generated again and again 13 years ago 39f265f50e Adding Android Sensor support as simulated joysticks. Only orientation is supported right now, more sensor types to be added later. When device orientation changes, Joystick[0] is updated just like using an actual joystick. Users need to add "joystickEventsEnabled = true" to the MainActivity to enable the orientation joystick so battery life is conserved if sensor data is not desired. See for the long history. 13 years ago e253546982 ChaseCamera : added a hideCursorOnRotate flag to the chaseCam to prevent interfering with nifty. 13 years ago 5c9afd9d59 LightNode now properly works with SpotLight 13 years ago
nor..67 96b60664a9 - add Filter support to AssetManager (thanks to @rectalogic) 13 years ago 133bd21ab9 - Fixed bug where if you set minDistance that is higher than the current distance, the camera view would still remain at the old distance. 13 years ago 206a6b74f3 UserData : setUserData(someKey,null) now properly removes the user data from the map. 13 years ago a04d5dde01 BufferUtils : Apply changes made by Empire Phenix to properly track direct memory. This feature is defaulted to off. 13 years ago 37710098a2 ParticleEmitter : created a RadialParticleInfluencer 13 years ago 27930a7cd9 DefaultParticleInfluencer / NewtonianParticleInfluencer : Fixed initialVelocity attribute naming that was kept as startVelocity while acessors where get/setInitialVelocity. 13 years ago aacc136aa8 ParticleEmitter : RotationSpeed has now an effect when setting a faceNormal to a ParticleEmitter 13 years ago
Sha..rd 0ddc10a0c0 * Fixed minor javadoc issue 13 years ago
Sha..rd 6f5d4ef943 * Added ViewPort.clearProcessors() to remove all processors from a viewport 13 years ago
Sha..rd f5f3a85042 * Added new ImageRaster thing, it can let you read and write pixels on jME3 images without caring about the underlying format. NOTE: None of the jME3 internal classes use it yet, the code has yet to be ported. 13 years ago
Sha..rd 69cbad9ce9 * Deprecated Intensity formats and RGB10, these never worked, and never will 13 years ago 16851eb1d8 Removing Android Sensor Support (undo r9610). Preparing for new way of implementing sensor support on Android. 13 years ago 3bd77d3048 Changed the way EffectTrack and AudioTrack are serialized. 13 years ago ae3cc96caa Fixed issue 13 years ago ef98888ce7 EffectTrack now disable and cull the emitter once all particles are gone 13 years ago
Sha..rd 2ab5e4abbe * Nifty GUI now uses Unshaded.j3md for rendering which is cleaner 13 years ago
Sha..rd 38ff6f7560 * Fixed issue where setting an unset define then setting an already set define would cause the unset define to not be updated in the shader 13 years ago
Sha..rd dba5ba5851 * Fixed culling with asymmetric frustums 13 years ago
Sha..rd 896c0d31a5 * Forgot to commit this quite crucial class .. 13 years ago
Sha..rd b0286ae5ff * Fixed "IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!" issue with CollisionResults 13 years ago
Sha..rd 20566963f8 * Add javadoc for InputManager.setMouseCursor() 13 years ago a76f3a2cab Reset viewport size to current camera settings after reading the framebuffer. 13 years ago bb631ab13a Adding support for defining external (or internal in Android's case) sensors. This is still a work in progress. Major task yet to complete is defining the coordinate system to return the sensor data. 3 sensor types are defined: Magnetic, Accelerometer, Orientation. Right now the sensor data is returned in device coordinates for Magnetic and Acceleration, and World (Earth) coordinates for Orientation. Sensors use the Input Manager to define triggers and listeners like all other input types. Only Android has an implementation for SensorInput at this time. See forum post for details of the operation and current status. 13 years ago 1fbc0cc406 Audio and Effect tracks added a couple of accessors 13 years ago 91f2353a57 Re-introduced WorldMatrixInverseTranspose in UniformBindingManager 13 years ago eb024346ff Added constructors and method to allow users to set the file path to store the screenshots. 13 years ago 0deeb597f1 Screenshots are now supported on Android. Be Aware, file location for screenshots is now based on JmeSystem.getStorageFolder. This means that on Desktop systems, the screenshots will be placed in the user.home location instead of the application directory. Other changes include: Moved ScreenshotAppState to core, added takeScreenShot method, force glViewPort to full screen to handle cases where the last postView ViewPort isn't full screen. See post 13 years ago a597f1b19e Created AudioTrack and EffectTrack to add sound or particle effects to an existing Animation 13 years ago ef6644b58f FilterPostProcessor now correctly clears the color of the previous render when rendering a new filter, except when in multiviewports. 13 years ago 94f424f203 * ViewPort will only set refresh flags on scene if its a Geometry (since normally a node based scene graph would have these flags set already). 13 years ago f3d56b3ee6 BatchNode : fixed an issue where the material map entry was passed to the material.contentEqual instead of the material. 13 years ago
Sha..rd c7186886bc * OGLESShaderRenderer.readFrameBuffer() can now read from the main framebuffer in RGBA format. 13 years ago
Sha..rd a3255e4f45 * Javadoc fixes to FastMath 13 years ago
Sha..rd 9d95528e21 * Fixed issue where setReverbEnabled(false) after setPositional(false) did not actually remove reverb. Reverb is now removed automatically when setPositional(false) per contract of the method. 13 years ago
Sha..rd 5497fcc7e6 * Fixed issue where attaching scene to viewport does not force it to update 13 years ago c02b24da12 Cinematics : renamed all XXXTrack in cinematic.event to XXXEvent, so there is no confusion with the Tracks in the animation system. 13 years ago 94ae185d6d Animation tracks is now a SafeArrayList instead of an array. One can now add a track to an Animation 13 years ago 96ae823504 Fixed viewport uniforms binding 13 years ago
Sha..rd 0a3f7903a4 * Added methods to BufferUtils to create Vector4f buffers or set them 13 years ago
Sha..rd f401c9c1da * Material world parameters are now set in uniformBindingManager instead of RenderManager 13 years ago