Commit Graph

2667 Commits (be38e480b79adf0ace9b6016bbbea03849c689c2)

Author SHA1 Message Date
sha..RD d048d5d6c1 * Avoid FD leaking in AbstractHeightMap save 12 years ago
sha..RD f94bc8660c * Avoid FD leaking in binary importer/exporter 12 years ago d6a1b63206 Bugfix: fix to specular light loading. Taking intensity into consideration. Fix given by: pfannenwender. 12 years ago 1b17c4fd04 Bugfix: fixes to specular shininess loading. 12 years ago b4dfd528ee Bugfix: fixes to scale/rotation setting and reading. 12 years ago b20905f08d WaterFilter now use the built in global uniform ViewProjectionMatrixInverse instead of a custome material parameter 12 years ago afa9376b26 - FilterPostProcessor no longer use a different camera to render the fulscreen quad. This greatly simplify the multiviewport filtering handling and global uniform matrix will now be usable in fliter's shaders, because it uses the same cam as the back buffer scene. 12 years ago 0bb9822322 Bugfix: fixed an issue that caused repeated meshes to be populated in the wrong direction when Y axis was set as up axis. 12 years ago 92757f8a9d Sends all key events (including repeat events) in the JOGL NEWT backend 12 years ago 166373230c Possible fix for the bug on compressed DDS textures in the JOGL backend 12 years ago b7042af8ce Switches to JOGL 2.0.2, reverts my mistake 12 years ago e877d1f8c9 Switches to JOGL 2.0.2 12 years ago 07477b0be8 cloneForSpatial in LodControl now properly calls super.cloneForSpatial 12 years ago b61192d71e Formated LodControl before fixing a cloning issue 12 years ago bf4447bc46 Feature: loading separate UV sets defined by user and loading LightMap. 12 years ago b577a6c336 Fixed an issue with multiple shadow renderers. 12 years ago 55b2afde82 Made the DebugKeysAppState output something that you just have to copy paste into your code when outputing the position and rotation of the camera. 12 years ago
iwg..ic a1316b4514 Android: Fix issue with AndroidHarness trying to pause audio after app.stop() closed down the audio renderer 12 years ago 9f6c42f568 fixed imports in HelloTerrain, and made the same changes as in HelloCollision in HelloTerrainCollision 12 years ago 5962b6cc39 Removes the use of the deprecated Box contructor with the mesh origin in HelloPicking, made the crosshair properly centered. Also updated the wiki 12 years ago 2224767cbe Removed depricated material example in hellomaterial, refactored some object names 12 years ago e36241e74b Removes the use of the deprecated Box contructor with the mesh origin in HelloPhysics. Also updated the wiki 12 years ago b01ac95cfc Removes the use of the deprecated Box contructor with the mesh origin in HelloNode. also updated the wiki and made the screenshot up to date to what the tutorial produces 12 years ago 191e619bcc Removes the use of the deprecated Box contructor with the mesh origin in HelloLoop. also updated the wiki and made the screenshot up to date to what the tutorial produces 12 years ago c576d47c15 Removes the use of the deprecated Box contructor with the mesh origin in HelloLoop. also updated the wiki 12 years ago e530cf9ad6 Removes the use of the deprecated Box contructor with the mesh origin in HelloJME3. also updated the wiki 12 years ago 97ccd701fe Used var-args to register input listeners to the inpurManager in HelloInput instead of creating a string arrays. Also updated the wiki 12 years ago 01d8f36a52 Changed the way the walkDirection is computed in HelloCollision to avoid instatiating vector3f on each update. Also updated the wiki to reflect the change 12 years ago 7c5571070c fixed Hello Audio tutorial, also updated the wiki, and added an important note about positional audio 12 years ago 82324a385e replaced a thrown exception with a logger warning 12 years ago b143904913 Android renderer : fixed issue where parsing opengl es version was failing on some device and causing a crash 12 years ago aa325fc854 Fixed an issue with where one couldn't have several Shadow renderers in the same scene 12 years ago a457d2d922 helloworld: updated depricated Box() constructor and object names 12 years ago aa55fb6c61 Removed asserts from LodGenerator. 12 years ago
iwg..ic 20d5565cb7 Added a little offset to the physics ray to correct detecting onGround 12 years ago cb90159e81 - TangentBinormalGenerator : not joining the similar vertices for computing tangents when not splitting mirrored vertices seems to yeild worse artifacts than before. 12 years ago e373d160d9 - put back previous API for TangentBinormalGenerator generate method 12 years ago a1533a407b - TangentBinormalGenerator now splits vertices with mirrored uvs. This is an optional operation. 12 years ago 93aa3cd37b - Fixed issue introduced in last change of Mesh write method. Hardware Skinning buffers were not properly ignored at save time in some rare cases, and were causing a crash 12 years ago e58d47c28d Reverted previous change. Use instead. 12 years ago 81d7a145a7 Added the ability to create a quad with the origin at the center. 12 years ago
nor..67 79eec54e0d - update android bullet natives 12 years ago
nor..67 2e52df7b0a - update android import file for bullet binaries 12 years ago
nor..67 03335bb4fc - update bullet binaries for osx 12 years ago
nor..67 aa466d2039 - update bullet library to 2.81 12 years ago
nor..67 70eddd78a7 - fix native bullet compiler error 12 years ago
nor..67 feb6b1a55a - update build-impl to netbeans 7.3 12 years ago cf1ff27234 - Fixed the way handedness/parity is computed in the tangent binormal generator 12 years ago 08b27f7673 removed the mesh collision shape from 12 years ago a67786c58e fixed issue when saving a mesh in hw skinning mode was not restoring the buffers. 12 years ago