Commit Graph

6554 Commits (9dc87b71e90165c32273d4583ff22f445917c9f5)

Author SHA1 Message Date 4ecc911b69 Feature: added bottom texture for the sky during sky loading. 12 years ago 66f1a0302f Refactoring: removing unnecesary System.out's. ;) 12 years ago eb7e7bbaad Feature: added sky loading. 12 years ago
iwg..ic 592303181e Android: Rewrite of EGL config chooser. ConfigType is also now deprecated so that egl* protected parameters in AndroidHarness can be used. These new parameters are copied into AppSettings and then used in AndroidConfigChooser to define the minimum requirements for selecting an appropriate egl config. If a different config is choosen, the AppSettings are updated so users can detect the currently used values. 12 years ago
iwg..ic c1c9fc871a Add alpha bits to AppSettings. Currently only to be used for Android EGL config choosing. 12 years ago f94ad2b37a Bugfix: fixed an issue with improper normals direction in merged vertices in mirror modifier. 12 years ago f0aff05d41 ShaderNodes : UnshadedNodes now supports hardware skinning, and discard threshold 12 years ago 915638a370 Refactoring: vertices and normals bind poses are now generated instead of read from the file (as suggested in ArmatureModifier ;). 12 years ago 2a00f1ccb0 Refactoring: removed unnecessary return type from the modifiers (it was never used). 12 years ago 8df3569688 Refactoring: small reorganisation of ObjectHelper class. 12 years ago d86adfa4f1 Bugfix: fixed an issue with missing material color when material has a non used texture. 12 years ago 2fc18e9e2c Fix for the builld, vector3f. interpolate was still called in SlopeTerrainTool instead of interpolateLocal 12 years ago 2707b6586b Fixed an issue where HW skinnings buffer were causing an exception when loading a mesh 12 years ago
iwg..ic 2711e729d0 Android: Modify EGLConfigChooser to evaluate available configs when asked by the surface. More to come to clean up this area. Addresses issue: 12 years ago 5a1e7dbd63 Applied the same interpolate to interpolateLocal 12 years ago 1fc55d2eb0 Changed the other two-vector version of interpolate 12 years ago b73d42e654 Changed interpolate to interpolateLocal to match latest 12 years ago 641c138a1b Changed interpolate() to interpolateLocal() to match 12 years ago 87930e7075 Modified to allow the rolling index to be seeded 12 years ago
sha..RD 05603965fc * Check that the EGLDisplay used to select config is the same as the rendering EGLDisplay 12 years ago
sha..RD 25814a8859 * Safety first: *ALL* EGL calls are now checked for errors prior to proceeding 12 years ago d70174d91a Added a proper toString() to CollisionResult. 12 years ago
nor..67 0ee9f53c27 - fix build of latest bullet natives (multithreading libs), thanks to @EmpirePhoenix 12 years ago 5bc840e57a Fixed an isse where shader compilation would fail for shadows because of deprecated usage of varying in glsl1.5 shaders. 12 years ago
iwg..ic 1a94e65176 Android: Updated error checking for egl config logging 12 years ago 638947623d Refactoring: 12 years ago 64112acc83 Fix for a very subtle floating point precision 12 years ago 00354e426d GeometryBatchFactory now properly handles batching geometries with different numbe rof lod levels. 12 years ago 3800db318c LodGenerator now properly shift short indexes so that there is no negative value when assigned to an int and used as an index in an array 12 years ago a14b6a3a50 Fixed Bloom filter downsampling, broken in change 10750 12 years ago 8ffd1363b5 Fixed Fxaa, I broke it with change 10750 12 years ago f3165b632f Fix to water filter where there was a remaining "m_" in a paremeter set 12 years ago f8be6cf686 One can now change the depth test function throught the additional renderstate of a material. 12 years ago 8f307f8fa5 Added an eclipse '.settings' folder to svn ignore list. 12 years ago c69756acbc Let the comparator be reset without having to create 12 years ago
iwg..ic 1e3e14ba75 Update cursorPos for TouchEvents so InputManager.getCursorPosition() returns the last touch location. 12 years ago
iwg..ic 123ccabaff Android: Don't render mesh if vertex count == 0 12 years ago
sha..RD 610d6e47fc * Avoid leaking FD in Natives.computeNativesHash() 12 years ago e66abb780d * Respect the JmeContext.Type for OffscreenSurface value when the JmeSystem gets a request for a context 12 years ago 55ab8f5d30 * Add convenience methods clearUniformsSetByCurrentFlag() and resetUniformsNotSetByCurrent() to Shader (normally this is performed by Material) 12 years ago
sha..RD 67ce41ee57 * Make sure to reset planeState and viewportChanged values in when cloning cameras 12 years ago
sha..RD 228a8e2ebd * VertexBuffer.invariant() - check that buffer position is zero and limit is non zero 12 years ago
sha..RD d048d5d6c1 * Avoid FD leaking in AbstractHeightMap save 12 years ago
sha..RD f94bc8660c * Avoid FD leaking in binary importer/exporter 12 years ago d6a1b63206 Bugfix: fix to specular light loading. Taking intensity into consideration. Fix given by: pfannenwender. 12 years ago
nor..67 2bb849a0f3 - change build file to use build-zip target 12 years ago
nor..67 e4ffcec925 SDK 12 years ago 1b17c4fd04 Bugfix: fixes to specular shininess loading. 12 years ago b4dfd528ee Bugfix: fixes to scale/rotation setting and reading. 12 years ago
nor..67 a3876e49de - build engine zip release for stable build as well 12 years ago