Refactoring: vertices and normals bind poses are now generated instead of read from the file (as suggested in ArmatureModifier ;).

git-svn-id: 75d07b2b-3a1a-0410-a2c5-0572b91ccdca
experimental 12 years ago
parent 2a00f1ccb0
commit 915638a370
  1. 47
  2. 45
  3. 14

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer;
* Class that holds information about the mesh.
@ -18,10 +17,6 @@ public class MeshContext {
private Map<Integer, Geometry> geometries = new HashMap<Integer, Geometry>();
/** The vertex reference map. */
private Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>> vertexReferenceMap;
/** Bind buffer for vertices is stored here and applied when required. */
private Map<Integer, VertexBuffer> bindPoseBuffer = new HashMap<Integer, VertexBuffer>();
/** Bind buffer for normals is stored here and applied when required. */
private Map<Integer, VertexBuffer> bindNormalBuffer = new HashMap<Integer, VertexBuffer>();
* Adds a geometry for the specified material index.
@ -78,46 +73,4 @@ public class MeshContext {
public void setVertexReferenceMap(Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>> vertexReferenceMap) {
this.vertexReferenceMap = vertexReferenceMap;
* This method sets the bind buffer for vertices.
* @param materialIndex
* the index of the mesh's material
* @param bindNormalBuffer
* the bind buffer for vertices
public void setBindNormalBuffer(int materialIndex, VertexBuffer bindNormalBuffer) {
this.bindNormalBuffer.put(materialIndex, bindNormalBuffer);
* @param materialIndex
* the index of the mesh's material
* @return the bind buffer for vertices
public VertexBuffer getBindNormalBuffer(int materialIndex) {
return bindNormalBuffer.get(materialIndex);
* This method sets the bind buffer for normals.
* @param materialIndex
* the index of the mesh's material
* @param bindNormalBuffer
* the bind buffer for normals
public void setBindPoseBuffer(int materialIndex, VertexBuffer bindPoseBuffer) {
this.bindPoseBuffer.put(materialIndex, bindPoseBuffer);
* @param materialIndex
* the index of the mesh's material
* @return the bind buffer for normals
public VertexBuffer getBindPoseBuffer(int materialIndex) {
return bindPoseBuffer.get(materialIndex);

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.jme3.asset.BlenderKey.FeaturesToLoad;
@ -106,18 +107,18 @@ public class MeshHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
return copiedGeometries;
// reading mesh data
String name = structure.getName();
MeshContext meshContext = new MeshContext();
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Reading mesh: {0}.", name);
// reading materials
LOGGER.fine("Loading materials.");
MaterialHelper materialHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(MaterialHelper.class);
MaterialContext[] materials = null;
if ((blenderContext.getBlenderKey().getFeaturesToLoad() & FeaturesToLoad.MATERIALS) != 0) {
materials = materialHelper.getMaterials(structure, blenderContext);
// reading vertices and their colors
LOGGER.fine("Reading vertices and their colors.");
Vector3f[][] verticesAndNormals = this.getVerticesAndNormals(structure, blenderContext);
List<byte[]> verticesColors = this.getVerticesColors(structure, blenderContext);
@ -130,6 +131,7 @@ public class MeshHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
if (meshBuilder.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.fine("The geometry is empty.");
geometries = new ArrayList<Geometry>(0);
blenderContext.addLoadedFeatures(structure.getOldMemoryAddress(), structure.getName(), structure, geometries);
blenderContext.setMeshContext(structure.getOldMemoryAddress(), meshContext);
@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ public class MeshHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
// reading vertices groups (from the parent)
LOGGER.fine("Reading vertices groups (from the Object structure).");
Structure parent = blenderContext.peekParent();
Structure defbase = (Structure) parent.getFieldValue("defbase");
List<Structure> defs = defbase.evaluateListBase(blenderContext);
@ -148,13 +150,11 @@ public class MeshHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
verticesGroups[defIndex++] = def.getFieldValue("name").toString();
// creating the result meshes
geometries = new ArrayList<Geometry>(meshBuilder.getMeshesPartAmount());
// reading custom properties
LOGGER.fine("Reading custom properties.");
Properties properties = this.loadProperties(structure, blenderContext);
// generating meshes
LOGGER.fine("Generating meshes.");
geometries = new ArrayList<Geometry>(meshBuilder.getMeshesPartAmount());
for (Entry<Integer, List<Integer>> meshEntry : meshBuilder.getMeshesMap().entrySet()) {
int materialIndex = meshEntry.getKey();
// key is the material index (or -1 if the material has no texture)
@ -177,34 +177,23 @@ public class MeshHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
mesh.setBuffer(Type.Index, 1, indices);
LOGGER.fine("Creating vertices buffer.");
VertexBuffer verticesBuffer = new VertexBuffer(Type.Position);
verticesBuffer.setupData(Usage.Static, 3, Format.Float, BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(meshBuilder.getVertices(materialIndex)));
// initial vertex position (used with animation)
VertexBuffer verticesBind = new VertexBuffer(Type.BindPosePosition);
verticesBind.setupData(Usage.CpuOnly, 3, Format.Float, BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(meshBuilder.getVertices(materialIndex)));
LOGGER.fine("Creating normals buffer.");
VertexBuffer normalsBuffer = new VertexBuffer(Type.Normal);
normalsBuffer.setupData(Usage.Static, 3, Format.Float, BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(meshBuilder.getNormals(materialIndex)));
// initial normals position (used with animation)
VertexBuffer normalsBind = new VertexBuffer(Type.BindPoseNormal);
normalsBind.setupData(Usage.CpuOnly, 3, Format.Float, BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(meshBuilder.getNormals(materialIndex)));
meshContext.setBindPoseBuffer(materialIndex, verticesBind);// this is stored in the context and applied when needed (when animation is applied to the mesh)
// setting vertices colors
if (verticesColors != null) {
LOGGER.fine("Setting vertices colors.");
mesh.setBuffer(Type.Color, 4, meshBuilder.getVertexColorsBuffer(materialIndex));
// setting faces' normals
meshContext.setBindNormalBuffer(materialIndex, normalsBind);// this is stored in the context and applied when needed (when animation is applied to the mesh)
// creating the result
LOGGER.fine("Preparing the result part.");
Geometry geometry = new Geometry(name + (geometries.size() + 1), mesh);
if (properties != null && properties.getValue() != null) {
this.applyProperties(geometry, properties);
@ -347,6 +336,7 @@ public class MeshHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* blender file
private void readBMesh(MeshBuilder meshBuilder, Structure meshStructure, BlenderContext blenderContext) throws BlenderFileException {
LOGGER.fine("Reading BMesh.");
Pointer pMLoop = (Pointer) meshStructure.getFieldValue("mloop");
Pointer pMPoly = (Pointer) meshStructure.getFieldValue("mpoly");
Pointer pMEdge = (Pointer) meshStructure.getFieldValue("medge");
@ -409,6 +399,7 @@ public class MeshHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* blender file
private void readTraditionalFaces(MeshBuilder meshBuilder, Structure meshStructure, BlenderContext blenderContext) throws BlenderFileException {
LOGGER.fine("Reading traditional faces.");
Pointer pMFace = (Pointer) meshStructure.getFieldValue("mface");
List<Structure> mFaces = pMFace.isNotNull() ? pMFace.fetchData(blenderContext.getInputStream()) : null;
if (mFaces != null && mFaces.size() > 0) {

@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
/* package */class ArmatureModifier extends Modifier {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ArmatureModifier.class.getName());
private static final int MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX = 4; // JME
// limitation
private Skeleton skeleton;
private Structure objectStructure;
@ -197,16 +196,9 @@ import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
//FIXME @Kaelthas this should be replaced by a call to
VertexBuffer bindNormalBuffer = meshContext.getBindNormalBuffer(materialIndex);
if (bindNormalBuffer != null) {
VertexBuffer bindPoseBuffer = meshContext.getBindPoseBuffer(materialIndex);
if (bindPoseBuffer != null) {
LOGGER.fine("Generating bind pose and normal buffers.");
// change the usage type of vertex and normal buffers from
// Static to Stream
