A complete 3D game development suite written purely in Java.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

285 lines
8.8 KiB

apply plugin: 'cpp'
import java.nio.file.Paths
String bulletSrcPath = bulletFolder + '/src'
if (!hasProperty('mainClass')) {
ext.mainClass = ''
dependencies {
compile project(':jme3-bullet')
clean { dependsOn 'cleanHeaders', 'cleanUnzipped' }
// clean up auto-generated C++ headers
task cleanHeaders(type: Delete) {
delete fileTree(dir: 'src/native/cpp', include: 'com_jme3_bullet_*.h')
// clean up unzipped files
task cleanUnzipped(type: Delete) {
delete bulletFolder
// clean up the downloaded archive
task cleanZipFile(type: Delete) {
delete bulletZipFile
model {
components {
bulletjme(NativeLibrarySpec) {
targetPlatform 'Windows64'
targetPlatform 'Windows32'
targetPlatform 'Mac64'
targetPlatform 'Mac32'
targetPlatform 'Linux64'
targetPlatform 'Linux32'
targetPlatform 'LinuxArm'
targetPlatform 'LinuxArmHF'
targetPlatform 'LinuxArm64'
sources {
cpp {
source {
srcDir 'src/native/cpp'
srcDir bulletSrcPath
exclude 'Bullet3Collision/**'
exclude 'Bullet3Dynamics/**'
exclude 'Bullet3Geometry/**'
exclude 'Bullet3OpenCL/**'
exclude 'Bullet3Serialize/**'
include '**/*.cpp'
exportedHeaders {
srcDir 'src/native/cpp'
srcDir bulletSrcPath
exclude 'Bullet3Collision/**'
exclude 'Bullet3Dynamics/**'
exclude 'Bullet3Geometry/**'
exclude 'Bullet3OpenCL/**'
exclude 'Bullet3Serialize/**'
include '**/*.h'
toolChains {
gccArm(Gcc) {
// Fun Fact: Gradle uses gcc as linker frontend, so we don't specify ld directly here
path "/usr/bin"
cCompiler.executable = "arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-7"
cppCompiler.executable = "arm-linux-gnueabi-g++-7"
linker.executable = "arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-7"
assembler.executable = "arm-linux-gnueabi-as"
path "/usr/bin"
cCompiler.executable = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-7"
cppCompiler.executable = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-7"
linker.executable = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-7"
assembler.executable = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-as"
path "/usr/bin"
cCompiler.executable = "aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-8"
cppCompiler.executable = "aarch64-linux-gnu-g++-8"
linker.executable = "aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-8"
assembler.executable = "aarch64-linux-gnu-as"
binaries {
withType(SharedLibraryBinarySpec) {
def projectPath = project.projectDir.absolutePath
def javaHome = org.gradle.internal.jvm.Jvm.current().javaHome
def os = targetPlatform.operatingSystem.name
def arch = targetPlatform.architecture.name
def fileName = sharedLibraryFile.name
// Gradle decided to change underscores to dashes - fix that.
arch = arch.replaceAll('-', '_')
// For all binaries that can't be built on the current system
if (buildNativeProjects != "true") {
buildable = false
if (!buildable) {
if (sharedLibraryFile.exists()) {
// Add binary to jar file if the binary exists in the build folder already,
// e.g. when the build of jme3-bullet-native has been run on a virtual box
// and the project hasn't been cleaned yet.
jar.into("native/${os}/${arch}") {
from sharedLibraryFile
} else {
// Get from libs folder if no fresh build is available in the build folder and add to jar file
def precompiledFile = Paths.get(projectPath, 'libs', 'native', os, arch, fileName).toFile()
if (precompiledFile.exists()) {
jar.into("native/${os}/${arch}") {
from precompiledFile
if (toolChain in VisualCpp) {
cppCompiler.args "/I$javaHome\\include"
} else{
cppCompiler.args '-I', "$javaHome/include"
if (os == "osx") {
cppCompiler.args '-I', "$javaHome/include/darwin"
cppCompiler.args "-O3"
cppCompiler.args "-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE"
} else if (os == "linux") {
cppCompiler.args "-fvisibility=hidden"
cppCompiler.args '-I', "$javaHome/include/linux"
cppCompiler.args "-fPIC"
cppCompiler.args "-O3"
cppCompiler.args "-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE"
cppCompiler.args "-fpermissive"
linker.args "-fvisibility=hidden"
} else if (os == "windows") {
if (toolChain in Gcc) {
if (toolChain.name.startsWith('mingw')) {
cppCompiler.args '-I', "$projectDir/src/native/cpp/fake_win32"
} else {
cppCompiler.args '-I', "$javaHome/include/win32"
cppCompiler.args "-fpermissive"
cppCompiler.args "-static"
cppCompiler.args "-O3"
cppCompiler.args "-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE"
linker.args "-static"
linker.args "-Wl,--exclude-all-symbols"
else if (toolChain in VisualCpp) {
cppCompiler.args "/I$javaHome\\include\\win32"
tasks.all {
dependsOn unzipBulletIfNeeded
Build android bullet-native on Travis (#1175) * First attempt at building android-natives. * Use OpenJDK because native build is broken without * Try OpenJDK 10 * Try openJDK 9 * Try openJDK11 again but "enable" the EE Module * OpenJDK 11 has no Java EE Module anymore. * Try to fix Android Header Generation * Fix invalid flag error with javac by removing empty quotes * Try to fix build of decode. * Remove jni generated headers from the repository. * Adjust .gitignore as those header files won't appear at that location anymore * Fix Android Build: Fill the jme3-android-native headers during the build of jme3-android. This works because jme3-android-native already depends on jme3-android. Due to technical reasons, the headers share the same location and thus the include directives have been adjusted slightly. * Copy jni headers to the jni directory. * Adjust the path slightly * Try to silence android sdk's license print out * Also fix openAL * Solve task name conflict * Really silence license now * Tasks seem shared but Strings are not... * Only build Android-Native * Trying to reduce the amount of dependencies needed. * Remove even more dependencies * Even more removal * Prepare Deployment * Fix Deployment * Cleanup: Remove feature branch from branches for travis. * Revert a few unnecessary things * Removed NDK Comments. * Bullet Android: Some cosmetic changes (removed commented debug code) and generate bullet-native headers during jme3-bullet compilation. * Fix Bullet Build by using GNU libstdc++ instead of STLPort (discontinued) * Fix Bullet-Native Compilation
6 years ago
dependsOn ':jme3-bullet:compileJava'
// Add output to jar file
jar.into("native/${os}/${arch}") {
from sharedLibraryFile
// Add depend on build
jar.dependsOn tasks
// Add output to libs folder
task "copyBinaryToLibs${targetPlatform.name}"(type: Copy, dependsOn: tasks) {
from sharedLibraryFile
into "libs/native/${os}/${arch}"
// Add depend on copy
withType(StaticLibraryBinarySpec) {
buildable = false
platforms {
Windows32 {
architecture "x86"
operatingSystem "windows"
Windows64 {
architecture "x86_64"
operatingSystem "windows"
Mac32 {
architecture "x86"
operatingSystem "osx"
Mac64 {
architecture "x86_64"
operatingSystem "osx"
Linux32 {
architecture "x86"
operatingSystem "linux"
Linux64 {
architecture "x86_64"
operatingSystem "linux"
LinuxArm {
architecture "arm"
operatingSystem "linux"
LinuxArmHF {
architecture "armhf"
operatingSystem "linux"
LinuxArm64 {
architecture "aarch64"
operatingSystem "linux"
// Java source sets for IDE access and source jar bundling / mavenization
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir 'src/native/cpp'
task downloadBullet(type: MyDownload) {
sourceUrl = bulletUrl
target = file(bulletZipFile)
task unzipBullet(type: Copy) {
from zipTree(bulletZipFile)
into file('.')
unzipBullet.dependsOn {
if (!file(bulletZipFile).exists()) {
task unzipBulletIfNeeded {
unzipBulletIfNeeded.dependsOn {
if (buildNativeProjects == "true") {
// Helper class to wrap ant download task
class MyDownload extends DefaultTask {
String sourceUrl
File target
void download() {
ant.get(src: sourceUrl, dest: target)