Build android bullet-native on Travis (#1175)

* First attempt at building android-natives.

*  Use OpenJDK because native build is broken without

* Try OpenJDK 10

* Try openJDK 9

* Try openJDK11 again but "enable" the EE Module

* OpenJDK 11 has no Java EE Module anymore.

* Try to fix Android Header Generation

* Fix invalid flag error with javac by removing empty quotes

* Try to fix build of decode.

* Remove jni generated headers from the repository.

* Adjust .gitignore as those header files won't appear at that location anymore

* Fix Android Build: Fill the jme3-android-native headers during the build of jme3-android. This works because jme3-android-native already depends on jme3-android.

Due to technical reasons, the headers share the same location and thus the include directives have been adjusted slightly.

* Copy jni headers to the jni directory.

* Adjust the path slightly

* Try to silence android sdk's license print out

* Also fix openAL

* Solve task name conflict

* Really silence license now

* Tasks seem shared but Strings are not...

* Only build Android-Native

* Trying to reduce the amount of dependencies needed.

* Remove even more dependencies

* Even more removal

* Prepare Deployment

* Fix Deployment

* Cleanup: Remove feature branch from branches for travis.

* Revert a few unnecessary things

* Removed NDK Comments.

* Bullet Android: Some cosmetic changes (removed commented debug code) and generate bullet-native headers during jme3-bullet compilation.

* Fix Bullet Build by using GNU libstdc++ instead of STLPort (discontinued)

* Fix Bullet-Native Compilation
MeFisto94 6 years ago committed by Stephen Gold
parent 194ae883c5
commit 1bde90d1a1
  1. 2
  2. 81
  3. 4
  4. 2
  5. 24

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ matrix:
- export ANDROID_NDK=$ANDROID_HOME/ndk-bundle
- ./gradlew -PbuildNativeProjects=true jme3-android-native:assemble
- ./gradlew -PbuildNativeProjects=true jme3-android-native:assemble jme3-bullet-native-android:assemble
- '[ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ] && ./private/ || :'
- '[ -n "$TRAVIS_TAG" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ] && ./gradlew bintrayUpload || :'

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
String jmeBulletNativeProjectPath = '../jme3-bullet-native'
String jmeBulletNativeProjectPath = project(":jme3-bullet-native").projectDir
String localUnzipPath = jmeBulletNativeProjectPath
String localZipFile = jmeBulletNativeProjectPath + File.separator + bulletZipFile
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ dependencies {
compile project(':jme3-bullet')
// Java source sets for IDE acces and source jar bundling / mavenization
// Java source sets for IDE access and source jar bundling / mavenization
sourceSets {
main {
java {
@ -42,70 +42,41 @@ task downloadBullet(type: MyDownload) {
// Unzip bullet if not available
task unzipBullet(type: Copy) {
def zipFile = file(localZipFile)
def outputDir = file(localUnzipPath)
// println "unzipBullet zipFile = " + zipFile.absolutePath
// println "unzipBullet outputDir = " + outputDir.absolutePath
from zipTree(zipFile)
into outputDir
from zipTree(localZipFile)
into file(localUnzipPath)
unzipBullet.dependsOn {
def zipFile = file(localZipFile)
// println "zipFile path: " + zipFile.absolutePath
// println "zipFile exists: " + zipFile.exists()
if (!zipFile.exists()) {
if (!file(localZipFile).exists()) {
// Copy Bullet files to jni directory
task copyBullet(type: Copy) {
def sourceDir = file(bulletSrcPath)
def outputDir = new File(jniPath)
// println "copyBullet sourceDir = " + sourceDir
// println "copyBullet outputDir = " + outputDir
from sourceDir
into outputDir
from file(bulletSrcPath)
into file(jniPath)
copyBullet.dependsOn {
def bulletUnzipDir = file(localZipFolder)
// println "bulletUnzipDir: " + bulletUnzipDir.absolutePath
// println "bulletUnzipDir exists: " + bulletUnzipDir.exists()
// println "bulletUnzipDir isDirectory: " + bulletUnzipDir.isDirectory()
if (!bulletUnzipDir.isDirectory()) {
if (!file(localZipFolder).isDirectory()) {
// Copy jME cpp native files to jni directory
task copyJmeCpp(type: Copy) {
def sourceDir = new File(jmeCppPath)
def outputDir = new File(jniPath)
// println "copyJmeCpp sourceDir = " + sourceDir
// println "copyJmeCpp outputDir = " + outputDir
from sourceDir
into outputDir
from file(jmeCppPath)
into file(jniPath)
// Copy jME android native files to jni directory
task copyJmeAndroid(type: Copy) {
def sourceDir = new File(jmeAndroidPath)
def outputDir = new File(jniPath)
// println "copyJmeAndroid sourceDir = " + sourceDir
// println "copyJmeAndroid outputDir = " + outputDir
from sourceDir
into outputDir
from file(jmeAndroidPath)
into file(jniPath)
//dependsOn ':jme3-bullet:generateNativeHeaders'
task buildBulletNativeLib(type: Exec, dependsOn: [copyJmeAndroid, ':jme3-bullet:generateNativeHeaders', copyJmeCpp, copyBullet]) {
task buildBulletNativeLib(type: Exec, dependsOn: [copyJmeAndroid, ':jme3-bullet:compileJava', copyJmeCpp, copyBullet]) {
// args 'TARGET_PLATFORM=android-9'
// println "buildBulletNativeLib ndkWorkingPath: " + ndkWorkingPath
// println "buildBulletNativeLib rootProject.ndkCommandPath: " + rootProject.ndkCommandPath
@ -114,26 +85,20 @@ task buildBulletNativeLib(type: Exec, dependsOn: [copyJmeAndroid, ':jme3-bullet:
args "-j" + Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors()
//task updatePreCompiledBulletLibs(type: Copy, dependsOn: generateNativeHeaders) {
task updatePreCompiledBulletLibs(type: Copy, dependsOn: buildBulletNativeLib) {
def sourceDir = new File(ndkOutputPath)
def outputDir = new File(bulletPreCompiledLibsDir)
// println "updatePreCompiledBulletLibs sourceDir: " + sourceDir
// println "updatePreCompiledBulletLibs outputDir: " + outputDir
/* The following two tasks: We store a prebuilt version in the repository, so nobody has to build
* natives in order to build the engine. When building these natives however, the prebuilt libraries
* can be updated (which is what the CI does). That's what the following two tasks do
from sourceDir
into outputDir
task updatePreCompiledBulletLibs(type: Copy, dependsOn: buildBulletNativeLib) {
from file(ndkOutputPath)
into file(bulletPreCompiledLibsDir)
// Copy pre-compiled libs to build directory (when not building new libs)
task copyPreCompiledBulletLibs(type: Copy) {
def sourceDir = new File(bulletPreCompiledLibsDir)
def outputDir = new File(ndkOutputPath)
// println "copyPreCompiledBulletLibs sourceDir: " + sourceDir
// println "copyPreCompiledBulletLibs outputDir: " + outputDir
from sourceDir
into outputDir
from file(bulletPreCompiledLibsDir)
into file(ndkOutputPath)
// ndkExists is a boolean from the build.gradle in the root project
@ -149,7 +114,7 @@ if (ndkExists && buildNativeProjects == "true") {
jar.into("lib") { from ndkOutputPath }
// Helper class to wrap ant dowload task
// Helper class to wrap ant download task
class MyDownload extends DefaultTask {
String sourceUrl

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
APP_OPTIM := release
APP_ABI := all
APP_STL := stlport_static
# gnustl_static or stlport_static
# Used to be stlport_static, but that has been removed.
APP_STL := c++_static
APP_MODULES := bulletjme
APP_CFLAGS += -funroll-loops -Ofast

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ model {
tasks.all {
dependsOn unzipBulletIfNeeded
dependsOn ':jme3-bullet:generateNativeHeaders'
dependsOn ':jme3-bullet:compileJava'
// Add output to jar file

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
apply plugin: 'java'
if (!hasProperty('mainClass')) {
ext.mainClass = ''
String classBuildDir = "${buildDir}" + File.separator + 'classes'
def nativeIncludes = new File(project(":jme3-bullet-native").projectDir, "src/native/cpp")
sourceSets {
main {
@ -18,22 +21,7 @@ dependencies {
compile project(':jme3-terrain')
task generateNativeHeaders(type: Exec, dependsOn: classes) {
def files0 = fileTree("src/main/java/").filter { it.isFile() && it.getName().endsWith(".java") }.files
def files1 = fileTree("src/common/java/").filter { it.isFile() && it.getName().endsWith(".java") }.files
def files2 = fileTree("../jme3-core/src/main/java/").filter { it.isFile() && it.getName().endsWith(".java") }.files
def files3 = fileTree("../jme3-core/src/plugins/java/").filter { it.isFile() && it.getName().endsWith(".java") }.files
def files4 = fileTree("../jme3-core/src/tools/java/").filter { it.isFile() && it.getName().endsWith(".java") }.files
def files5 = fileTree("../jme3-terrain/src/main/java/").filter { it.isFile() && it.getName().endsWith(".java") }.files
def classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.asPath
def nativeIncludes = new File(project(":jme3-bullet-native").projectDir, "src/native/cpp")
def filesList = "\"" + files0.join("\"\n\"") + "\"\n\"" + files1.join("\"\n\"") + "\"\n\"" + files2.join("\"\n\"") + "\"\n\"" + files3.join("\"\n\"") + "\"\n\"" + files4.join("\"\n\"") + "\"\n\"" + files5.join("\"\n\"") + "\""
new File("$projectDir/java_classes.jtxt").text = filesList.replaceAll(java.util.regex.Pattern.quote("\\"), java.util.regex.Matcher.quoteReplacement("/"))
executable org.gradle.internal.jvm.Jvm.current().getExecutable('javac')
args "-h", nativeIncludes
args "@$projectDir/java_classes.jtxt"
args '-d', classBuildDir
args "-encoding", "UTF-8"
compileJava {
// The Android-Native Project requires the jni headers to be generated, so we do that here
options.compilerArgs += ["-h", nativeIncludes]