* Updated OpenVR implementation to 1.0.9
User can specify external OpenVR library to load with
openvr.library.path system property.
Usage: java -Dopenvr.library.name=my_path_to_library MyApp
Removed reference to OCCULUS VR and OpenVR from VRAppstate as this class
is generic and does not have to be linked to specific implementation.
VRMouseManager can be buggous using OSVR or Occulus VR.
Refactored VR implementation packages in order to separate all available
implementation. Modifying or adding implementation should no more impact
other ones.
Renamed some classes in order to be uniform
This VREnvironment is independent from the JMonkey stuff and enables to
check and initialize VR specific capabilities before initializing
The procedure is now to initialize a VR environment and, if the
initialization is ok, to attach a VRAppstate to the main application.
Some class has been refactored:
- System classes are within the com.jme3.system package
- VR related utility classes are in the package com.jme3.util.
- Basic and PSSM shadow renderer are now deprecated
- There is now one processor and its filter conterpart for each light type
- created an abstract shadow processor that hold the common shadowing code. It's totally independent of the shadow technique used.
- extracted the CompareMode and FilterMode enum to their own files.
- renamed FilterMode enum to EdgeFilteringMode
- refactored the shader code, to avoid duplicate code. all shadow related code is now gathered into Shadows.glsllib and Shadows15.glsllib.
- added spot light Shadows
- removed the ShadowCamera class as it was not used.
- removed "pssm" in the naming of classes, shader and shader libs since it's not relevant anymore
git-svn-id: https://jmonkeyengine.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@9971 75d07b2b-3a1a-0410-a2c5-0572b91ccdca