* Use correct HALF_FLOAT constant for GLES
* Support GLTracer and GL debug in Android
* Support instancing in GLTracer
* Don't use unsupported TEXTURE_{BASE,MAX}_LEVEL in GLES
* Support ABGR8 using swizzle extension
* Move glFramebufferTextureLayer to GLFbo
* Avoid RGB111110F in filters unless its actually supported
* Use the same depth format in all places in FPP
* Print the object with the problem in NativeObjectManager
* JMException does not exist on Android
Now one has to either release a native OpenCLObject manually with release() or register it for automatic garbage collection using register().
These changes greatly improve the performance by reducing the load on the OpenCLObjectManager.
* Added key remapping for GLFW key constants
* Rename AppSettings.getGammaCorrection() to isGammaCorrection()
* Use LWJGL3 artifacts from maven
* Minor compatibility changes for LWJGL 3.0.0b
* Fixed some minor bugs in LwjglWindow
Moved LWJGL 3.x repository definition to build.grade in that module.
Fixed an issue where frame rate limit would cause GLFW frequency window hint to be set rather than use a software limiter.
Removed LWJGLTimer for lwjgl3 module, no need for it any more, we'll just use the NanoTimer.
Removed LWJGLCanvas for lwjgl3 module, can't implement this so we'll leave it for now.
* Separate GLFbo and GLExt implementations. GLFbo can now be implemented either via vanilla OpenGL3 calls or GL_EXT_framebuffer_*** extensions (OpenGL2.1- only).
* Use modern way of getting supported extensions in core profile.
* Luminance and Alpha formats are not available when running in core profile.
* Bind a dummy vertex array object (VAO) when running in core profile.
* Point sprite mode is always enabled. Since both OpenGL ES 2.0 and OpenGL 3.2 core require it, jME3 is no longer capable of rendering regular points.