Commit Graph

10 Commits (22d3f7f9f462c539ea03559962be8b12425bf84e)

Author SHA1 Message Date
iwgeric 22d3f7f9f4 Android: Refactor joystick support to prepare for upcoming gamepad support. 10 years ago
shadowislord aaac8cb613 URA is now used by default on Android 10 years ago
iwgeric 3a82c9eca1 Add frame rate limitiing on Android. 10 years ago
iwgeric 47477daa05 Forgot to update the commit text 10 years ago
iwgeric 5948479de4 comment out android show keyboard. Now using JmeSystem method to show/hide android soft keyboard. 10 years ago
iwgeric 858fd433ca Implement showSoftKeyboard for Android. 10 years ago
shadowislord 6bdebb937a Assume OpenGL ES 2.0 is supported on ICS and higher devices 10 years ago
shadowislord 14bfc7e166 Minor cleanups (no functionality change) 11 years ago
shadowislord 18b9ef5540 Refactor Android system 11 years ago
Normen Hansen a16857c8f4 switch to gradle layout 11 years ago
iwg..ic 911958cfbe Android: set PreserveEGLContextOnPause when the os is rev 11 or higher. Dramatically reduces the resume time when the context can be preserved. 11 years ago
iwg..ic 4f75cb688f Android: Move application initialization to the first onDrawFrame. Resolves issues where simpleInitApp gets called without the correct appsettings width and height. 11 years ago
iwg..ic cf92f30090 Android: Change Android Input to the new AndroidInputHandler. 11 years ago
iwg..ic 592303181e Android: Rewrite of EGL config chooser. ConfigType is also now deprecated so that egl* protected parameters in AndroidHarness can be used. These new parameters are copied into AppSettings and then used in AndroidConfigChooser to define the minimum requirements for selecting an appropriate egl config. If a different config is choosen, the AppSettings are updated so users can detect the currently used values. 12 years ago
iwg..ic 2711e729d0 Android: Modify EGLConfigChooser to evaluate available configs when asked by the surface. More to come to clean up this area. Addresses issue: 12 years ago
sha..RD 25814a8859 * Safety first: *ALL* EGL calls are now checked for errors prior to proceeding 12 years ago 9a28fed581 Android : changed the way the pixel config is passed to the OGLESContext. It's now passed in the appSettings. 12 years ago
nor..67 30498824d0 - set back logging about jme version and graphics adapter to Level.INFO 12 years ago
nor..67 ea973c14c3 - change logging from logger.fine and logger.warning() 12 years ago
nor..67 7ba657e430 - set logging from Level.INFO to Level.FINE for most logging 12 years ago
iwg..ic 1df4fe8346 Attempt to clean up some references to help with out of memory issues on second start of app on Android 12 years ago
iwg..ic 200df1c84b androidInput.loadSettings was never called, so setting mouseEventsEnabled = false; in MainActivity had no effect. 12 years ago
sky..ok 28ce76245f Change all source licenses to say 2009-2012 13 years ago 39f265f50e Adding Android Sensor support as simulated joysticks. Only orientation is supported right now, more sensor types to be added later. When device orientation changes, Joystick[0] is updated just like using an actual joystick. Users need to add "joystickEventsEnabled = true" to the MainActivity to enable the orientation joystick so battery life is conserved if sensor data is not desired. See for the long history. 13 years ago 16851eb1d8 Removing Android Sensor Support (undo r9610). Preparing for new way of implementing sensor support on Android. 13 years ago bb631ab13a Adding support for defining external (or internal in Android's case) sensors. This is still a work in progress. Major task yet to complete is defining the coordinate system to return the sensor data. 3 sensor types are defined: Magnetic, Accelerometer, Orientation. Right now the sensor data is returned in device coordinates for Magnetic and Acceleration, and World (Earth) coordinates for Orientation. Sensors use the Input Manager to define triggers and listeners like all other input types. Only Android has an implementation for SensorInput at this time. See forum post for details of the operation and current status. 13 years ago
Sha..rd cc3577acdc * Android renderer now supports configuration changes (see: 13 years ago 4e987ae63e Android : Pixel Format again. Transparent or Translucent pixel format should not be the deault setting as they drain a substential amount of fps and that most of the games will have an opaque background. 13 years ago 67712589e2 Android : changed the way the glsurface's pixel format was chosen, allowing the surface to have a translucent background 13 years ago
Sha..rd 29b2596359 * Removed various misc handling code from AndroidHarness to OGLESContext/JmeAndroidSystem to ease using jME3 outside of AndroidHarness 13 years ago 191bd21b40 Removed AndroidHarness specific calls from the OGLESContext. 13 years ago d2b727cfd8 Android : OGLESContext can now finish the activity when being destroyed, this way calling app.stop() from jME finished the associated activity. 13 years ago 92b97d38d8 Committed a patch from iwgeric, to make nifty Textfield display the soft keyboard on tap. 13 years ago
Sha..rd 1aed2068be * Formatted many android classes and files 13 years ago
Sha..rd 8652b1f759 Android 13 years ago 82b1e94953 Added SpashScreen support for android thanks to iwgeric 13 years ago
nor..67 3cdaf0e051 jme3: 13 years ago 895e02f2a6 Android: minor fixes 14 years ago 5f0bfd8c2e Android: complete rework of the config chooser, LEGACY is still using Android phone code, FASTEST is using 5,6,5,0,16,0 but with code in jme3-andoid which is currently identical to the android source and BEST is using 8,8,8,8,16,0 - also with the same jme3 code. 14 years ago bb2d1073de Android: added some more logging to the surface creation 14 years ago 0a58b3c92b Android: added ConfigType.LEGACY 14 years ago 2f8ae09033 Android: Fixed a race condition in OGLESContext which sometimes called initialize() more than once, added screen resolution setting and invert mouse x to harness 14 years ago a7974ac659 Android: Added first prototype of AndroidAudioRenderer 14 years ago fef0820ca6 Android: fixed bug - EGL_SURFACE_TYPE is checked now. Added ConfigType.FASTEST and .BEST to AndroidHarness 14 years ago f02c21a51f Android: fixed crash in harness if inputManager is not initialized yet 14 years ago b1792a4e1a Android: Added depth textures and fixed best config chooser not to choose a high color, but OpenGL ES 1.0 config 14 years ago 5461d56ac6 Android: Added proper OpenGL ES version detection and a best EGL Config Chooser 14 years ago dd100bed74 Android: preparation of android tree for jme input integration 14 years ago 8cefea550e Android: Fixed race-condition on GLSurfaceView destroy, fixed MouseEvents for flyCam rotation bug 14 years ago f93b95b3a4 Android: Fixed app lifecycle. If you leave your activity with the back key the app will be destroyed, if you use the home key the app gets frozen in the background. You can return to it and it will be in the same state as when you left it. 14 years ago