Walkways/Rock - 100%
Hardness: HARD
Grass - 80%
Hardness: MEDIUM
Sand - 60%
Hardness: SOFT
Swamp - 50%, after 5 seconds: Hamster sinks and respawns.
Hardness: SOFT
Lava - Hamster melts (*dies*) and respawns.
Hardness: SOFT
Ice - Very Slippery, acceleration massively reduced.
Hardness: HARD
Shore - 80%
Hardness: MEDIUM
Deep Water - 10%, after 5 seconds: Hamster drowns and respawns.
Hardness: MEDIUM
Forests - 50%
Hardness: MEDIUM
Tunnels - Transports you from Point A to Point B. Takes a small animation to enter/exit
Hardness: HARD
When walking on tiles, particles left behind will use colors from the tile we are walking on.
Solid Tiles
Forest overrides whatever it's layered on.
Radar - Display nearby upgrades as icons. Also displays checkpoints.
Hamster Wheel - Enhances Speed
Upgrades -
Grass - No slowdown in grass
Sand - No slowdown in sand
Swamp - 80%, no more sinking
Lava - Fire-resistant, can run on lava.
Forest - No slowdown in forests
Ice - Normal Grip on Ice, normal acceleration.
Penalties -
If you have to get shuttled by the Hamster Rescue Boat, you lose all upgrades
Hamster Jets - Activate to take off into the sky. Zooms out the map and lets you target a landing area.
When Hamster Jets are fully damaged, you need new ones.
MAX Fall -
HARD - 100% + Knockout
MEDIUM - 80% + Knockout
SOFT - 50%
Medium Fall -
HARD - 80%
MEDIUM - 50%
SOFT - 25%
Light Fall -
HARD - 50%
MEDIUM - 25%
SOFT - 25%
Knockouts cause the Hamster to be unable to move for 5 seconds.
All upgrades can only be obtained after obtaining a Hamster Wheel.
Arrow pointing to nearest checkpoint.
Racing progress is tracked by number of checkpoints.
- Pseudo-live tracking
Distance to nearest checkpoint based on distance from previous checkpoint.
- Segmented
- Three distinct colored segments that fill up, analog control
Hamster Rescue Boat
olcPGEX_ViewPort - Submit a PR where the offset is subtracted instead of added to determine clip region cutoffs.