A complete 3D game development suite written purely in Java.
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Kae..pl 43e1446b3a Bugfix: animation control is now applied once per node and not many times (this happened when node had several different meshes). 11 years ago
android Android: set PreserveEGLContextOnPause when the os is rev 11 or higher. Dramatically reduces the resume time when the context can be preserved. 11 years ago
blender/com/jme3 Bugfix: animation control is now applied once per node and not many times (this happened when node had several different meshes). 11 years ago
bullet/com/jme3/bullet Native bullet raytest m_flags now accessible to Java, updated bullet builds incoming... 12 years ago
bullet-common/com/jme3/bullet Add isEnabled to PhysicsControl interface 12 years ago
bullet-native - fix meshcollisionshape header file 11 years ago
core Swich geometry sorting to tim sort. 11 years ago
core-data Fixed an issue with parallax mapping thanks to this thread http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/forum/topic/parallax-mapping-fundamental-bug/#post-256898 11 years ago
core-effects - Made the FilterPostProcessor cleanup delete framebuffers and textures form memory. 11 years ago
core-plugins/com/jme3 Fixed an issue with how reading text files with bufferedReader was done. Using a null check for EOF instead of buffer.ready(). This was causing a NPE on android 4.4 11 years ago
desktop - fix check for osx hack in natives extraction 11 years ago
ios/com/jme3/system/ios - change logging from logger.info() logger.fine and logger.warning() 12 years ago
jbullet/com/jme3/bullet * Add capability to serialize BVH data structure for MeshCollisionShape when native bullet is used (see http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/forum/topic/meshcollisionshape-serialize/) 12 years ago
jheora/com/jme3/newvideo Replace NetBeans file templates with jME licenses 13 years ago
jogg/com/jme3/audio/plugins - set logging from Level.INFO to Level.FINE for most logging 12 years ago
jogl/com/jme3 Adds the support of the native cursor into the JOGL NEWT backend (not tested) 11 years ago
lwjgl/com/jme3 Keep better track of the independent alpha test related 11 years ago
networking/com/jme3/network Provide access to an in-order list of all class 11 years ago
niftygui Re added nifty optimization to not render fully transparent quads 11 years ago
ogre/com/jme3/scene/plugins/ogre Hardware Skinning now uses its own bone index and bone weight buffers. The vertex buffers are initialized empty when the model is loaded and placed in the cache. 12 years ago
openal-soft-native/android Android: Add support for effects, filters, reverb, and environment to Android implementation of OpenAL Soft 12 years ago
terrain Allow a custom Executor to be passed to the TerrainLodControl 12 years ago
test/jme3test Added a method to manually clean up any Terrain lod control threads. 12 years ago
tools/jme3tools GeometryBatchFactory now properly handles batching geometries with different numbe rof lod levels. 12 years ago
xml/com/jme3/export/xml Change all source licenses to say 2009-2012 13 years ago