@ -31,8 +31,6 @@
* /
* /
package com.jme3.scene ;
package com.jme3.scene ;
import com.jme3.asset.AssetNotFoundException ;
import com.jme3.bounding.BoundingVolume ;
import com.jme3.export.InputCapsule ;
import com.jme3.export.InputCapsule ;
import com.jme3.export.JmeExporter ;
import com.jme3.export.JmeExporter ;
import com.jme3.export.JmeImporter ;
import com.jme3.export.JmeImporter ;
@ -40,31 +38,33 @@ import com.jme3.export.OutputCapsule;
import com.jme3.export.Savable ;
import com.jme3.export.Savable ;
import com.jme3.material.Material ;
import com.jme3.material.Material ;
import com.jme3.math.Matrix4f ;
import com.jme3.math.Matrix4f ;
import com.jme3.math.Transform ;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f ;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f ;
import com.jme3.scene.mesh.IndexBuffer ;
import com.jme3.scene.mesh.IndexBuffer ;
import com.jme3.util.IntMap.Entry ;
import com.jme3.util.IntMap.Entry ;
import com.jme3.util.SafeArrayList ;
import com.jme3.util.TempVars ;
import com.jme3.util.TempVars ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.nio.Buffer ;
import java.nio.Buffer ;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer ;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.logging.Level ;
import java.util.logging.Level ;
import java.util.logging.Logger ;
import java.util.logging.Logger ;
/ * *
/ * *
* BatchNode holds a geometry that is a batched version of all geometries that are in its sub scenegraph .
* BatchNode holds geometrie that are batched version of all geometries that are in its sub scenegraph .
* this geometry is directly attached to the node in the scene graph .
* There is one geometry per different material in the sub tree .
* usage is like any other node except you have to call the { @link # batch ( ) } method once all geoms have been attached to the sub scene graph ( see todo more automagic for further enhancements )
* this geometries are directly attached to the node in the scene graph .
* usage is like any other node except you have to call the { @link # batch ( ) } method once all geoms have been attached to the sub scene graph and theire material set
* ( see todo more automagic for further enhancements )
* all the geometry that have been batched are set to { @link CullHint # Always } to not render them .
* all the geometry that have been batched are set to { @link CullHint # Always } to not render them .
* the sub geometries can be transformed as usual their transforms are used to update the mesh of the geometryBatch .
* the sub geometries can be transformed as usual their transforms are used to update the mesh of the geometryBatch .
* sub geoms can be removed but it may be slower than the normal spatial removing
* sub geoms can be removed but it may be slower than the normal spatial removing
* Sub geoms can be added after the batch ( ) method has been called but won ' t be batched and will be rendered as normal geometries .
* Sub geoms can be added after the batch ( ) method has been called but won ' t be batched and will be rendered as normal geometries .
* To integrated them in the batch you have to call the batch ( ) method again on the batchNode .
* To integrate them in the batch you have to call the batch ( ) method again on the batchNode .
* TODO account for sub - BatchNodes
* TODO account for geometries that have different materials
* TODO normal or tangents or both looks a bit weird
* TODO normal or tangents or both looks a bit weird
* TODO more automagic ( batch when needed in the updateLigicalState )
* TODO more automagic ( batch when needed in the updateLigicalState )
* @author Nehon
* @author Nehon
@ -73,12 +73,13 @@ public class BatchNode extends Node implements Savable {
private static final Logger logger = Logger . getLogger ( BatchNode . class . getName ( ) ) ;
private static final Logger logger = Logger . getLogger ( BatchNode . class . getName ( ) ) ;
/ * *
/ * *
* the geometry holding the batched mesh
* the map of geometry holding the batched meshes
* /
* /
protected Geometry batch ;
protected Map < Material , Batch > batches = new HashMap < Material , Batch > ( ) ;
protected Material material ;
private boolean needMeshUpdate = false ;
/ * *
* Construct a batchNode
* /
public BatchNode ( ) {
public BatchNode ( ) {
super ( ) ;
super ( ) ;
@ -109,12 +110,17 @@ public class BatchNode extends Node implements Savable {
for ( Spatial child : children . getArray ( ) ) {
for ( Spatial child : children . getArray ( ) ) {
child . updateGeometricState ( ) ;
child . updateGeometricState ( ) ;
if ( needMeshUpdate ) {
batch . getMesh ( ) . updateBound ( ) ;
for ( Batch batch : batches . values ( ) ) {
batch . updateWorldBound ( ) ;
if ( batch . needMeshUpdate ) {
needMeshUpdate = false ;
batch . geometry . getMesh ( ) . updateBound ( ) ;
batch . geometry . updateWorldBound ( ) ;
batch . needMeshUpdate = false ;
if ( ( refreshFlags & RF_BOUND ) ! = 0 ) {
if ( ( refreshFlags & RF_BOUND ) ! = 0 ) {
@ -124,9 +130,14 @@ public class BatchNode extends Node implements Savable {
assert refreshFlags = = 0 ;
assert refreshFlags = = 0 ;
protected Transform getTransforms ( Geometry geom ) {
return geom . getWorldTransform ( ) ;
protected void updateSubBatch ( Geometry bg ) {
protected void updateSubBatch ( Geometry bg ) {
Batch batch = batches . get ( bg . getMaterial ( ) ) ;
if ( batch ! = null ) {
if ( batch ! = null ) {
Mesh mesh = batch . getMesh ( ) ;
Mesh mesh = batch . geometry . ge tMesh ( ) ;
FloatBuffer buf = ( FloatBuffer ) mesh . getBuffer ( VertexBuffer . Type . Position ) . getData ( ) ;
FloatBuffer buf = ( FloatBuffer ) mesh . getBuffer ( VertexBuffer . Type . Position ) . getData ( ) ;
doTransformVerts ( buf , 0 , bg . startIndex , bg . startIndex + bg . getVertexCount ( ) , buf , bg . cachedOffsetMat ) ;
doTransformVerts ( buf , 0 , bg . startIndex , bg . startIndex + bg . getVertexCount ( ) , buf , bg . cachedOffsetMat ) ;
@ -144,40 +155,8 @@ public class BatchNode extends Node implements Savable {
mesh . getBuffer ( VertexBuffer . Type . Tangent ) . updateData ( buf ) ;
mesh . getBuffer ( VertexBuffer . Type . Tangent ) . updateData ( buf ) ;
needMeshUpdate = true ;
batch . needMeshUpdate = true ;
protected void setTransformRefresh ( ) {
refreshFlags | = RF_TRANSFORM ;
setBoundRefresh ( ) ;
for ( Spatial child : children . getArray ( ) ) {
if ( ( child . refreshFlags & RF_TRANSFORM ) ! = 0 ) {
continue ;
innerTransformRefresh ( child ) ;
private void innerTransformRefresh ( Spatial s ) {
s . refreshFlags | = RF_TRANSFORM ;
s . setBoundRefresh ( ) ;
if ( s instanceof Node ) {
Node n = ( Node ) s ;
for ( Spatial child : ( ( SafeArrayList < Spatial > ) n . getChildren ( ) ) . getArray ( ) ) {
if ( ( child . refreshFlags & RF_TRANSFORM ) ! = 0 ) {
continue ;
innerTransformRefresh ( child ) ;
/ * *
/ * *
@ -185,121 +164,146 @@ public class BatchNode extends Node implements Savable {
* every geometry of the sub scene graph of this node will be batched into a single mesh that will be rendered in one call
* every geometry of the sub scene graph of this node will be batched into a single mesh that will be rendered in one call
* /
* /
public void batch ( ) {
public void batch ( ) {
doBatch ( ) ;
//we set the batch geometries to ignore transforms to avoid transforms of parent nodes to be applied twice
for ( Batch batch : batches . values ( ) ) {
batch . geometry . setIgnoreTransform ( true ) ;
List < Geometry > tmpList = new ArrayList < Geometry > ( ) ;
protected void doBatch ( ) {
Mesh m = new Mesh ( ) ;
///List<Geometry> tmpList = new ArrayList<Geometry>();
populateList ( tmpList , this ) ;
Map < Material , List < Geometry > > matMap = new HashMap < Material , List < Geometry > > ( ) ;
mergeGeometries ( m , tmpList ) ;
gatherGeomerties ( matMap , this ) ;
if ( batch = = null ) {
batches . clear ( ) ;
batch = new Geometry ( name + "-batch" ) ;
int nbGeoms = 0 ;
batch . setMaterial ( material ) ;
for ( Material material : matMap . keySet ( ) ) {
this . attachChild ( batch ) ;
Mesh m = new Mesh ( ) ;
List < Geometry > list = matMap . get ( material ) ;
nbGeoms + = list . size ( ) ;
mergeGeometries ( m , list ) ;
Batch batch = new Batch ( ) ;
batch . geometry = new Geometry ( name + "-batch" + batches . size ( ) ) ;
batch . geometry . setMaterial ( material ) ;
this . attachChild ( batch . geometry ) ;
batch . geometry . setMesh ( m ) ;
batch . geometry . getMesh ( ) . updateCounts ( ) ;
batch . geometry . getMesh ( ) . updateBound ( ) ;
batches . put ( material , batch ) ;
batch . setMesh ( m ) ;
logger . log ( Level . INFO , "Batched {0} geometries in {1} batches." , new Object [ ] { nbGeoms , batches . size ( ) } ) ;
batch . getMesh ( ) . updateCounts ( ) ;
batch . getMesh ( ) . updateBound ( ) ;
private void populateList ( List < Geometry > list , Spatial n ) {
private void gatherGeomerties ( Map < Material , List < Geometry > > map , Spatial n ) {
if ( n instanceof Geometry ) {
if ( n . getClass ( ) = = Geometry . class ) {
if ( n ! = batch ) {
if ( ! isBatch ( n ) ) {
list . add ( ( Geometry ) n ) ;
Geometry g = ( Geometry ) n ;
if ( g . getMaterial ( ) = = null ) {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "No material is set for Geometry: " + g . getName ( ) + " please set a material before batching" ) ;
List < Geometry > list = map . get ( g . getMaterial ( ) ) ;
if ( list = = null ) {
list = new ArrayList < Geometry > ( ) ;
map . put ( g . getMaterial ( ) , list ) ;
list . add ( g ) ;
} else if ( n instanceof Node ) {
} else if ( n instanceof Node ) {
for ( Spatial child : ( ( Node ) n ) . getChildren ( ) ) {
for ( Spatial child : ( ( Node ) n ) . getChildren ( ) ) {
populateList ( list , child ) ;
if ( child instanceof BatchNode ) {
continue ;
gatherGeomerties ( map , child ) ;
private boolean isBatch ( Spatial s ) {
for ( Batch batch : batches . values ( ) ) {
if ( batch . geometry = = s ) {
return true ;
return false ;
/ * *
/ * *
* Sets the material to use for this geometry .
* Sets the material to the all the batches of this BatchNode
* use setMaterial ( Material material , int batchIndex ) to set a material to a specific batch
* @param material the material to use for this geometry
* @param material the material to use for this geometry
* /
* /
public void setMaterial ( Material material ) {
public void setMaterial ( Material material ) {
super . setMaterial ( material ) ;
// for (Batch batch : batches.values()) {
if ( batch ! = null ) {
// batch.geometry.setMaterial(material);
batch . setMaterial ( material ) ;
// }
throw new UnsupportedOperationException ( "Unsupported for now, please set the material on the geoms before batching" ) ;
this . material = material ;
/ * *
/ * *
* Returns the material that is used for this geometry .
* Returns the material that is used for the first batch of this BatchNode
* use getMaterial ( Material material , int batchIndex ) to get a material from a specific batch
* @return the material that is used for this geometry
* @return the material that is used for the first batch of this BatchNode
* @see # setMaterial ( com . jme3 . material . Material )
* @see # setMaterial ( com . jme3 . material . Material )
* /
* /
public Material getMaterial ( ) {
public Material getMaterial ( ) {
return material ;
if ( ! batches . isEmpty ( ) ) {
Batch b = batches . get ( batches . keySet ( ) . iterator ( ) . next ( ) ) ;
return b . geometry . getMaterial ( ) ;
/ * *
* @return The bounding volume of the mesh , in model space .
* /
public BoundingVolume getModelBound ( ) {
if ( batch ! = null ) {
return batch . getMesh ( ) . getBound ( ) ;
return super . getWorldBound ( ) ;
return null ; //material;
/ * *
* This version of clone is a shallow clone , in other words , the
* same mesh is referenced as the original geometry .
* Exception : if the mesh is marked as being a software
* animated mesh , ( bind pose is set ) then the positions
* and normals are deep copied .
* /
public BatchNode clone ( boolean cloneMaterial ) {
BatchNode clone = ( BatchNode ) super . clone ( cloneMaterial ) ;
clone . batch = batch . clone ( cloneMaterial ) ;
return clone ;
/ * *
* This version of clone is a shallow clone , in other words , the
* same mesh is referenced as the original geometry .
* Exception : if the mesh is marked as being a software
* animated mesh , ( bind pose is set ) then the positions
* and normals are deep copied .
* /
public BatchNode clone ( ) {
return clone ( true ) ;
/ * *
// /**
* Creates a deep clone of the geometry ,
// * Sets the material to the a specific batch of this BatchNode
* this creates an identical copy of the mesh
// *
* with the vertexbuffer data duplicated .
// *
* /
// * @param material the material to use for this geometry
// */
public Spatial deepClone ( ) {
// public void setMaterial(Material material,int batchIndex) {
BatchNode clone = clone ( true ) ;
// if (!batches.isEmpty()) {
clone . batch = ( Geometry ) batch . deepClone ( ) ;
return clone ;
// }
// }
// /**
// * Returns the material that is used for the first batch of this BatchNode
// *
// * use getMaterial(Material material,int batchIndex) to get a material from a specific batch
// *
// * @return the material that is used for the first batch of this BatchNode
// *
// * @see #setMaterial(com.jme3.material.Material)
// */
// public Material getMaterial(int batchIndex) {
// if (!batches.isEmpty()) {
// Batch b = batches.get(batches.keySet().iterator().next());
// return b.geometry.getMaterial();
// }
// return null;//material;
// }
public void write ( JmeExporter ex ) throws IOException {
public void write ( JmeExporter ex ) throws IOException {
super . write ( ex ) ;
super . write ( ex ) ;
OutputCapsule oc = ex . getCapsule ( this ) ;
OutputCapsule oc = ex . getCapsule ( this ) ;
if ( material ! = null ) {
// if (material != null) {
oc . write ( material . getAssetName ( ) , "materialName" , null ) ;
// oc.write(material.getAssetName(), "materialName", null);
// }
oc . write ( material , "material" , null ) ;
// oc.write(material, "material", null);
@ -309,23 +313,23 @@ public class BatchNode extends Node implements Savable {
InputCapsule ic = im . getCapsule ( this ) ;
InputCapsule ic = im . getCapsule ( this ) ;
material = null ;
// material = null;
String matName = ic . readString ( "materialName" , null ) ;
// String matName = ic.readString("materialName", null);
if ( matName ! = null ) {
// if (matName != null) {
// Material name is set,
// // Material name is set,
// Attempt to load material via J3M
// // Attempt to load material via J3M
try {
// try {
material = im . getAssetManager ( ) . loadMaterial ( matName ) ;
// material = im.getAssetManager().loadMaterial(matName);
} catch ( AssetNotFoundException ex ) {
// } catch (AssetNotFoundException ex) {
// Cannot find J3M file.
// // Cannot find J3M file.
logger . log ( Level . FINE , "Could not load J3M file {0} for Geometry." ,
// logger.log(Level.FINE, "Could not load J3M file {0} for Geometry.",
matName ) ;
// matName);
// }
// }
// If material is NULL, try to load it from the geometry
// // If material is NULL, try to load it from the geometry
if ( material = = null ) {
// if (material == null) {
material = ( Material ) ic . readSavable ( "material" , null ) ;
// material = (Material) ic.readSavable("material", null);
// }
@ -418,9 +422,6 @@ public class BatchNode extends Node implements Savable {
for ( Geometry geom : geometries ) {
for ( Geometry geom : geometries ) {
Mesh inMesh = geom . getMesh ( ) ;
Mesh inMesh = geom . getMesh ( ) ;
if ( geom . getMaterial ( ) ! = null & & material = = null ) {
material = geom . getMaterial ( ) ;
geom . batch ( this , globalVertIndex ) ;
geom . batch ( this , globalVertIndex ) ;
int geomVertCount = inMesh . getVertexCount ( ) ;
int geomVertCount = inMesh . getVertexCount ( ) ;
@ -532,4 +533,10 @@ public class BatchNode extends Node implements Savable {
vars . release ( ) ;
vars . release ( ) ;
protected class Batch {
Geometry geometry ;
boolean needMeshUpdate = false ;