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2 years ago
Left Shifter
Right Shifter
Bit Repair
Memory Swapper
Corrupter (Randomly destroys bits)
"Memory Collection Point" Attach collectors to them (Unit attaches to pipe)
2 years ago
Memory Structure (Allocators)
RAM Bank (Creates new Memory Structures) has its own rate of creation based on Procedure amount.
Range: 2 Points = 1 Tile (24 pixels) 1 Point = 12 Pixels
Attack Speed: 1/(AtkSpd/2) attacks per second
2 years ago
Range/Attack indicators
System has limited resources, both sides fight for resources.
Add Bar
Quantify Resource Limits
Start off w/5 of each resource.
Player build Memory Allocators using Resources.
Memory Allocator costs 1/1/1/1/1.
Day 4 Visuals/Clarity
Line Follow Indicators
Attacking Lines
Buff/Debuff Indicators
Day 5 Enemy AI / Resource Management + Collectors
Memory Allocator Platforms
Enemy AI
Day 6 Multiple Levels
Day 7 Scenario Writing
Day 8 Scenario Writing
Fake allies the narrator forgot to switch over
(Customized Units...?)
Day 9 Sounds/Music/Menus - Timer (Speedrun) Difficulty Selection
Ending...Shows Four Seasons of Loneliness boss zoom out...
2 years ago
Easy Difficulty: AI generate no new resources.
Normal Difficulty: AI generates resources at normal rate.
Hard Difficulty: AI generates resources at x4 rate.
Stage 1:
(All unit meters start greyed out)
(Disable left/right click and screen movement)
Hello Hacker, thank you for taking on this request for me.
It appears we have no time to waste, most sectors are already infected and it will just keep getting worse over time.
[Pan over to target enemy RAM bank]
Your mission is to take out all the RAM banks from the system, this will stop any further creation and spread of viruses.
[Pan over to left shifter unit]
(Yellow unit meters color in)
The yellow bar represent a unit's Health memory allocation. Make sure there's always at least 1 bit of it.
(Simulate dragging over unit and selection)
Highlight over your target unit and then select a target location via right-click.
That should be all you need for now. I'll be back after my coffee break.
(New Scenario Objective:
-Defeat the RAM bank)
Stage 2:
(Hide other Platform unit selections)
You took care of that sector flawlessly Hacker, this next one needs a bit more hand-holding.
We have analyzed the data from the RAM bank to reconstruct our own. Go ahead and select the Platform here and construct one.
(After constructing RAM bank)
Excellent, each RAM bank has the capability to allocate memory into the system. See that indicator down below?
(Highlight the memory allocator bar)
This sector lets us allocate 30 bytes of RAM. That's 240 bits for the savvy folks out there.
Some of it has already been used up by our RAM bank and other system resources...
To allocate 5 bits select the RAM bank and click the Memory Allocator button.
(Upon creating a memory allocator...)
Now select the memory allocator and let's make a Shifter unit.
The memory shifters will be your way to delete memory from units.
I have detected viruses in the system again. Please eradicate them and free system resources.
(New Scenario Objective:
-Defeat all enemy units)
Stage 3:
I haven't touched on what the other meters on your units are, but they are important.
The Blue bits indicates movement capabilities of a unit.
The Green bits indicates the range of a unit.
The Red bits are the attack speed bits.
And Purple are the Procedure bits. Without these, your unit will fail to recall how to function.
As units attack each other, their bits are going to get shuffled around, impeding their ability to perform.
Your immediate goal is to always take out the Yellow bits but sometimes taking out other bits is important too.
I'll leave a guide by the map in case your memory betrays you.
(Guide Enabled)
(New Scenario Objective:
-Defeat all enemy units)
Stage 4:
(Start with 3 of the yellow resource)
Hacker, I have unfortunate news. I can't supply you with any more bits to construct things with.
You've only got 3 health bits to start with this time. To allocate memory you always need at least 5 bits of memory.
[Pan over to a collection point]
But we can collect bits from the system using these collection points.
Simply bring over any unit to these and attach them to it. They will start providing you with system resources to make what you need.
(After attaching a unit to a collection point...)
2 Left shifters wander into the area.
[Pan over to the RAM bank]
An ambush...? I, WHAT? -- THIS IS NOT-
Screen glitches out and fades away
Stage 5:
(New Scenario Objective:
-Defeat all enemy units)
(Grey out non-important bars)
Level 1: Basic Unit and Controls, move units towards enemy unit
Level 2: Introduce another Unit
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:
Level 6:
(Introduce one unit at a time)
Memory Limits
Pause / Slow down time (Hotkeys to speed up/slow down time)
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5 - Hacking a Network
Potential Songs:
1 Pixel
Space - Cosmos (Tutorials?)
Space - Gravity (Ambient 1)
1 Epic Boss Battles (Cut for loop) (Ambient 2)
3 Epic Boss Battles (Cut end for loop) (Ambient 3)
1 Glorious Venture (Ending theme?)