The open source repository for the action RPG game in development by Sig Productions titled 'Adventures in Lestoria'!
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AdventuresInLestoria/Adventures in Lestoria/assets/config/audio
sigonasr2 e43798fa9a Add cooldown charge system. Abilities can now only be used when they are holding charges. One charge gets restored for each full cooldown duration. The cooldown timer stops going down when maximum charges are reached. Fix item tests to use cooldown charges. Add in item checks for CDR test (Items should not be affected by CDR). Add GetPlayerAbilities function to collect and manipulate all player abilities at the same time (cleaner code structure + easier test functionality). Add helper functions util::vformat and util::wformat and to_wstring to make code using the std:: versions much more concise. Add unit test for cooldown charges system. Add helper functions to reset abilities to their original stats before enchant modifications tweak them. Added a helper function to retrieve which ability an enchant affects. Adapt ability HUD with new charge count features. Add Mountain theme to Chapter 2 maps. Multi-Multishot Enchant implemented. Release Build 10901. 8 months ago
audio.txt Audio casting sound volume did not respect SFX option setting. 1 year ago
bgm.txt Add cooldown charge system. Abilities can now only be used when they are holding charges. One charge gets restored for each full cooldown duration. The cooldown timer stops going down when maximum charges are reached. Fix item tests to use cooldown charges. Add in item checks for CDR test (Items should not be affected by CDR). Add GetPlayerAbilities function to collect and manipulate all player abilities at the same time (cleaner code structure + easier test functionality). Add helper functions util::vformat and util::wformat and to_wstring to make code using the std:: versions much more concise. Add unit test for cooldown charges system. Add helper functions to reset abilities to their original stats before enchant modifications tweak them. Added a helper function to retrieve which ability an enchant affects. Adapt ability HUD with new charge count features. Add Mountain theme to Chapter 2 maps. Multi-Multishot Enchant implemented. Release Build 10901. 8 months ago
environmentalaudio.txt Button clicks for offline/online character buttons. Added campfire sound effect. Added tile collisions to hub. Added NPC spawn points, setup NPC objects, added NPC sprites, setup event flags on map. 1 year ago
events.txt Implement Reaper of Souls Enchant. Fix text rendering bug with really small pixel values getting clamped by integer scaling causing the cached text to be cut off. Release Build 10683. 8 months ago