The open source repository for the action RPG game in development by Sig Productions titled 'Adventures in Lestoria'!
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AdventuresInLestoria/Adventures in Lestoria/assets/config
sigonasr2 e43798fa9a Add cooldown charge system. Abilities can now only be used when they are holding charges. One charge gets restored for each full cooldown duration. The cooldown timer stops going down when maximum charges are reached. Fix item tests to use cooldown charges. Add in item checks for CDR test (Items should not be affected by CDR). Add GetPlayerAbilities function to collect and manipulate all player abilities at the same time (cleaner code structure + easier test functionality). Add helper functions util::vformat and util::wformat and to_wstring to make code using the std:: versions much more concise. Add unit test for cooldown charges system. Add helper functions to reset abilities to their original stats before enchant modifications tweak them. Added a helper function to retrieve which ability an enchant affects. Adapt ability HUD with new charge count features. Add Mountain theme to Chapter 2 maps. Multi-Multishot Enchant implemented. Release Build 10901. 7 months ago
audio Add cooldown charge system. Abilities can now only be used when they are holding charges. One charge gets restored for each full cooldown duration. The cooldown timer stops going down when maximum charges are reached. Fix item tests to use cooldown charges. Add in item checks for CDR test (Items should not be affected by CDR). Add GetPlayerAbilities function to collect and manipulate all player abilities at the same time (cleaner code structure + easier test functionality). Add helper functions util::vformat and util::wformat and to_wstring to make code using the std:: versions much more concise. Add unit test for cooldown charges system. Add helper functions to reset abilities to their original stats before enchant modifications tweak them. Added a helper function to retrieve which ability an enchant affects. Adapt ability HUD with new charge count features. Add Mountain theme to Chapter 2 maps. Multi-Multishot Enchant implemented. Release Build 10901. 7 months ago
classes Tidied up monster drawing functions with portable lambdas to get rid of some copy-pasted code, making draw manipulation simpler. Implement Curse of Death ability. Release Build 10391. 8 months ago
gfx Implemented Poisonous Arrow enchant. Include unit tests. Release Build 10813. 7 months ago
items Implement Mega Charged Shot. Release Build 10827. 7 months ago
settings Minimap follows camera instead of player. Minimap view setting is now saved in player configuration. Added controller option for minimap toggle input. Release Build 8875. 11 months ago
shops „Adventures in Lestoria/assets/config/shops/Chapter 2 Merchants.txt“ ändern 9 months ago
story Move Chapter 2 story to the correct story configuration file. Fix bug where closing a dialog didn't set the state to the previous state the game was in, but instead assumed it was Game Run. Which meant the player could attempt to leave the camp and be presented with the level complete window for no reason. Release Build 10415. 8 months ago
Achievements.txt Switch monster kill count tracking to use steam stats progress tracking. Release Build 8551. 12 months ago
Interface.txt Implemented Death Defiance enchant. Correct shadow render strings being square (not using proper Y sizes to create cached text). Move game configuration initialization out to global scope to allow config variables to be used when initializing the AiL class. Release Build 10670. 7 months ago
MonsterStrategies.txt Goblin Bow users stop aiming 1/3rd of a second before firing, to allow the player to dodge and not cause them to suddenly turn. Added configurable parameter for Goblin Bow lock-in time. Release Build 10188. 8 months ago
Monsters.txt Add 0.1s delay on Hidden Dagger's throw for Thief. Allows the player to potentially jump through a target and being able to hit them with it. Fix Stone Elementals facing the incorrect direction while casting stone pillars. Move 2-8 end ring to more sensible area (in front of Chapter 2 boss arena). Reduce Chapter 2 Boss' and Stone Elemental's collision radius to better match the sprite. Add iframe time when hit by a breaking stone pillar's bullet ring to prevent getting obliterated by standing in the center of the bullet ring. Release Build 10261. 8 months ago
NPCs.txt Adjusted audio events for earlier camp unlocks. Removed bass line for earlier versions of the camp song, reintroduce after chapter 2 is completed. Added placeholder Artificer sprite. Added Artificer dialog. Updated world map with a chapter 2 base location for convenience. Connect new connection points between map locations correctly. Adjust connection point unlock conditions and layer unlock conditions to their new chapter 2 levels. Release Build 10399. 8 months ago
Player.txt Adjusted audio events for earlier camp unlocks. Removed bass line for earlier versions of the camp song, reintroduce after chapter 2 is completed. Added placeholder Artificer sprite. Added Artificer dialog. Updated world map with a chapter 2 base location for convenience. Connect new connection points between map locations correctly. Adjust connection point unlock conditions and layer unlock conditions to their new chapter 2 levels. Release Build 10399. 8 months ago
configuration.txt Add automated script to apply all assets to the unit testing framework each run. Add new runtime warning for RowInventoryScrollableWindowComponent items that have item boxes larger than the actual component. Move testingMode flag for AiL class to be set before game configurations are read. Add branch for reading specific unit test game configuration files. Include unit test-specific images and configs committed to repository. Add Disassemble function to inventory class. Add Disassemble item test. Fix issues with extra stray shared pointers lingering everywhere when adding/removing items and grabbing their references. Make Stage Loot/Monster Loot have brand new shared pointers to items (copy instead of strong reference) so weak pointer references to existing items actually expire and behave as expected. Move Monster Loot and Stage Loot clear calls to the switch to Overworld Map trigger. Release Build 10476. 7 months ago
credits.txt Add cooldown charge system. Abilities can now only be used when they are holding charges. One charge gets restored for each full cooldown duration. The cooldown timer stops going down when maximum charges are reached. Fix item tests to use cooldown charges. Add in item checks for CDR test (Items should not be affected by CDR). Add GetPlayerAbilities function to collect and manipulate all player abilities at the same time (cleaner code structure + easier test functionality). Add helper functions util::vformat and util::wformat and to_wstring to make code using the std:: versions much more concise. Add unit test for cooldown charges system. Add helper functions to reset abilities to their original stats before enchant modifications tweak them. Added a helper function to retrieve which ability an enchant affects. Adapt ability HUD with new charge count features. Add Mountain theme to Chapter 2 maps. Multi-Multishot Enchant implemented. Release Build 10901. 7 months ago
levels.txt Adjusted audio events for earlier camp unlocks. Removed bass line for earlier versions of the camp song, reintroduce after chapter 2 is completed. Added placeholder Artificer sprite. Added Artificer dialog. Updated world map with a chapter 2 base location for convenience. Connect new connection points between map locations correctly. Adjust connection point unlock conditions and layer unlock conditions to their new chapter 2 levels. Release Build 10399. 8 months ago
minimap.txt Add in breadcrumb re-exploration for minimaps. Release Build 8921. 11 months ago
richpresence.txt Add in Steam Rich Presence. Fix Display names of stage plates to be consistent with original naming conventions. Release Build 8226. 12 months ago