@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ |
|||| - Code-It-Yourself! Asteroids at the command prompt (quick and simple c++) |
"This one just kept growing..." - @Javidx9 |
Disclaimer |
~~~~~~~~~~ |
I don't care what you use this for. It's intended to be educational, and perhaps |
to the oddly minded - a little bit of fun. Please hack this, change it and use it |
in any way you see fit. BUT, you acknowledge that I am not responsible for anything |
bad that happens as a result of your actions. However, if good stuff happens, I |
would appreciate a shout out, or at least give the blog some publicity for me. |
Cheers! |
Background |
~~~~~~~~~~ |
I needed a quick video to keep up with my upload schedule, and thought "oh asteroids |
must be simple", and indeed it was, but it was a bit rubbish, and didn't really |
offer anything educational, until I made the decision to ditch sprites and use |
vector models like the original game. This made the game considerably more sophisticated, |
has opened up new possibilities for the game engine, and just goes to show, jus 'cos |
it's old, doesn't mean it's irrelevant. |
I ended up with a demonstration of physics, wireframe graphics, 2D matrix transformations, |
toroidal space mapping and vector manipulation. |
Controls |
~~~~~~~~ |
Left and Right arrow keys steer the ship. Up arrow is thrust. There is no reverse thrust. |
Space bar fires bullets. Get the highest score by surviving waves of asteroids. |
Author |
~~~~~~ |
Twitter: @javidx9 |
Blog: |
YouTube: |
Video: |
~~~~~~ |
Last Updated: 30/08/2017 |
*/ |
#include <iostream> |
#include <string> |
#include <algorithm> |
using namespace std; |
#include "olcConsoleGameEngine.h" |
class OneLoneCoder_Asteroids : public olcConsoleGameEngine |
{ |
public: |
OneLoneCoder_Asteroids() |
{ |
m_sAppName = L"Asteroids"; |
} |
private: |
struct sSpaceObject |
{ |
int nSize; |
float x; |
float y; |
float dx; |
float dy; |
float angle; |
}; |
vector<sSpaceObject> vecAsteroids; |
vector<sSpaceObject> vecBullets; |
sSpaceObject player; |
bool bDead = false; |
int nScore = 0; |
vector<pair<float, float>> vecModelShip; |
vector<pair<float, float>> vecModelAsteroid; |
protected: |
// Called by olcConsoleGameEngine
virtual bool OnUserCreate() |
{ |
vecModelShip =
{ |
{ 0.0f, -5.0f}, |
{-2.5f, +2.5f}, |
{+2.5f, +2.5f} |
}; // A simple Isoceles Triangle
// Create a "jagged" circle for the asteroid. It's important it remains
// mostly circular, as we do a simple collision check against a perfect
// circle.
int verts = 20; |
for (int i = 0; i < verts; i++) |
{ |
float noise = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX * 0.4f + 0.8f; |
vecModelAsteroid.push_back(make_pair(noise * sinf(((float)i / (float)verts) * 6.28318f),
noise * cosf(((float)i / (float)verts) * 6.28318f))); |
} |
ResetGame(); |
return true; |
} |
void ResetGame() |
{ |
// Initialise Player Position
player.x = ScreenWidth() / 2.0f; |
player.y = ScreenHeight() / 2.0f; |
player.dx = 0.0f; |
player.dy = 0.0f; |
player.angle = 0.0f; |
vecBullets.clear(); |
vecAsteroids.clear(); |
// Put in two asteroids
vecAsteroids.push_back({ (int)16, 20.0f, 20.0f, 8.0f, -6.0f, 0.0f }); |
vecAsteroids.push_back({ (int)16, 100.0f, 20.0f, -5.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f }); |
// Reset game
bDead = false; |
nScore = false; |
} |
// Implements "wrap around" for various in-game sytems
void WrapCoordinates(float ix, float iy, float &ox, float &oy) |
{ |
ox = ix; |
oy = iy; |
if (ix < 0.0f) ox = ix + (float)ScreenWidth(); |
if (ix >= (float)ScreenWidth()) ox = ix - (float)ScreenWidth(); |
if (iy < 0.0f) oy = iy + (float)ScreenHeight(); |
if (iy >= (float)ScreenHeight()) oy = iy - (float)ScreenHeight(); |
} |
// Overriden to handle toroidal drawing routines
virtual void Draw(int x, int y, wchar_t c = 0x2588, short col = 0x000F) |
{ |
float fx, fy; |
WrapCoordinates(x, y, fx, fy);
olcConsoleGameEngine::Draw(fx, fy, c, col); |
} |
bool IsPointInsideCircle(float cx, float cy, float radius, float x, float y) |
{ |
return sqrt((x-cx)*(x-cx) + (y-cy)*(y-cy)) < radius; |
} |
// Called by olcConsoleGameEngine
virtual bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) |
{ |
if (bDead) |
ResetGame(); |
// Clear Screen
Fill(0, 0, ScreenWidth(), ScreenHeight(), PIXEL_SOLID, 0); |
// Steer Ship
if (m_keys[VK_LEFT].bHeld) |
player.angle -= 5.0f * fElapsedTime; |
if (m_keys[VK_RIGHT].bHeld) |
player.angle += 5.0f * fElapsedTime; |
// Thrust? Apply ACCELERATION
if (m_keys[VK_UP].bHeld) |
{ |
// ACCELERATION changes VELOCITY (with respect to time)
player.dx += sin(player.angle) * 20.0f * fElapsedTime; |
player.dy += -cos(player.angle) * 20.0f * fElapsedTime; |
} |
// VELOCITY changes POSITION (with respect to time)
player.x += player.dx * fElapsedTime; |
player.y += player.dy * fElapsedTime; |
// Keep ship in gamespace
WrapCoordinates(player.x, player.y, player.x, player.y); |
// Check ship collision with asteroids
for (auto &a : vecAsteroids) |
if (IsPointInsideCircle(a.x, a.y, a.nSize, player.x, player.y)) |
bDead = true; // Uh oh...
// Fire Bullet in direction of player
if (m_keys[VK_SPACE].bReleased) |
vecBullets.push_back({ 0, player.x, player.y, 50.0f * sinf(player.angle), -50.0f * cosf(player.angle), 100.0f }); |
// Update and draw asteroids
for (auto &a : vecAsteroids) |
{ |
// VELOCITY changes POSITION (with respect to time)
a.x += a.dx * fElapsedTime; |
a.y += a.dy * fElapsedTime; |
a.angle += 0.5f * fElapsedTime; // Add swanky rotation :)
// Asteroid coordinates are kept in game space (toroidal mapping)
WrapCoordinates(a.x, a.y, a.x, a.y); |
// Draw Asteroids
DrawWireFrameModel(vecModelAsteroid, a.x, a.y, a.angle, (float)a.nSize, FG_YELLOW);
} |
// Any new asteroids created after collision detection are stored
// in a temporary vector, so we don't interfere with the asteroids
// vector iterator in the for(auto)
vector<sSpaceObject> newAsteroids; |
// Update Bullets
for (auto &b : vecBullets) |
{ |
b.x += b.dx * fElapsedTime; |
b.y += b.dy * fElapsedTime; |
WrapCoordinates(b.x, b.y, b.x, b.y); |
b.angle -= 1.0f * fElapsedTime; |
// Check collision with asteroids
for (auto &a : vecAsteroids) |
{ |
//if (IsPointInsideRectangle(a.x, a.y, a.x + a.nSize, a.y + a.nSize, b.x, b.y))
if(IsPointInsideCircle(a.x, a.y, a.nSize, b.x, b.y)) |
{ |
// Asteroid Hit - Remove bullet
// We've already updated the bullets, so force bullet to be offscreen
// so it is cleaned up by the removal algorithm.
b.x = -100; |
// Create child asteroids
if (a.nSize > 4) |
{ |
float angle1 = ((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX) * 6.283185f; |
float angle2 = ((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX) * 6.283185f; |
newAsteroids.push_back({ (int)a.nSize >> 1 ,a.x, a.y, 10.0f * sinf(angle1), 10.0f * cosf(angle1), 0.0f }); |
newAsteroids.push_back({ (int)a.nSize >> 1 ,a.x, a.y, 10.0f * sinf(angle2), 10.0f * cosf(angle2), 0.0f }); |
} |
// Remove asteroid - Same approach as bullets
a.x = -100; |
nScore += 100; // Small score increase for hitting asteroid
} |
} |
} |
// Append new asteroids to existing vector
for(auto a:newAsteroids) |
vecAsteroids.push_back(a); |
// Clear up dead objects - They are out of game space
// Remove asteroids that have been blown up
if (vecAsteroids.size() > 0) |
{ |
auto i = remove_if(vecAsteroids.begin(), vecAsteroids.end(), [&](sSpaceObject o) { return (o.x < 0); }); |
if (i != vecAsteroids.end()) |
vecAsteroids.erase(i); |
} |
if (vecAsteroids.empty()) // If no asteroids, level complete! :) - you win MORE asteroids!
{ |
// Level Clear
nScore += 1000; // Large score for level progression
vecAsteroids.clear(); |
vecBullets.clear(); |
// Add two new asteroids, but in a place where the player is not, we'll simply
// add them 90 degrees left and right to the player, their coordinates will
// be wrapped by th enext asteroid update
vecAsteroids.push_back({ (int)16, 30.0f * sinf(player.angle - 3.14159f/2.0f) + player.x, |
30.0f * cosf(player.angle - 3.14159f/2.0f) + player.y, |
10.0f * sinf(player.angle), 10.0f*cosf(player.angle), 0.0f }); |
vecAsteroids.push_back({ (int)16, 30.0f * sinf(player.angle + 3.14159f/2.0f) + player.x, |
30.0f * cosf(player.angle + 3.14159f/2.0f) + player.y, |
10.0f * sinf(-player.angle), 10.0f*cosf(-player.angle), 0.0f }); |
} |
// Remove bullets that have gone off screen
if (vecBullets.size() > 0) |
{ |
auto i = remove_if(vecBullets.begin(), vecBullets.end(), [&](sSpaceObject o) { return (o.x < 1 || o.y < 1 || o.x >= ScreenWidth() - 1 || o.y >= ScreenHeight() - 1); }); |
if (i != vecBullets.end()) |
vecBullets.erase(i); |
} |
// Draw Bullets
for (auto b : vecBullets) |
Draw(b.x, b.y); |
// Draw Ship
DrawWireFrameModel(vecModelShip, player.x, player.y, player.angle); |
// Draw Score
DrawString(2, 2, L"SCORE: " + to_wstring(nScore)); |
return true; |
} |
void DrawWireFrameModel(const vector<pair<float, float>> &vecModelCoordinates, float x, float y, float r = 0.0f, float s = 1.0f, short col = FG_WHITE) |
{ |
// pair.first = x coordinate
// pair.second = y coordinate
// Create translated model vector of coordinate pairs
vector<pair<float, float>> vecTransformedCoordinates; |
int verts = vecModelCoordinates.size(); |
vecTransformedCoordinates.resize(verts); |
// Rotate
for (int i = 0; i < verts; i++) |
{ |
vecTransformedCoordinates[i].first = vecModelCoordinates[i].first * cosf(r) - vecModelCoordinates[i].second * sinf(r); |
vecTransformedCoordinates[i].second = vecModelCoordinates[i].first * sinf(r) + vecModelCoordinates[i].second * cosf(r); |
} |
// Scale
for (int i = 0; i < verts; i++) |
{ |
vecTransformedCoordinates[i].first = vecTransformedCoordinates[i].first * s; |
vecTransformedCoordinates[i].second = vecTransformedCoordinates[i].second * s; |
} |
// Translate
for (int i = 0; i < verts; i++) |
{ |
vecTransformedCoordinates[i].first = vecTransformedCoordinates[i].first + x; |
vecTransformedCoordinates[i].second = vecTransformedCoordinates[i].second + y; |
} |
// Draw Closed Polygon
for (int i = 0; i < verts + 1; i++) |
{ |
int j = (i + 1); |
DrawLine(vecTransformedCoordinates[i % verts].first, vecTransformedCoordinates[i % verts].second,
vecTransformedCoordinates[j % verts].first, vecTransformedCoordinates[j % verts].second, PIXEL_SOLID, col); |
} |
} |
}; |
int main() |
{ |
// Use olcConsoleGameEngine derived app
OneLoneCoder_Asteroids game; |
game.ConstructConsole(160, 100, 8, 8); |
game.Start(); |
return 0; |
} |
Reference in new issue