Added Balls #2 Video
@ -0,0 +1,455 @@ |
|||| - Programming Balls! #2 Circle Vs Edge Collisions |
"...totally overkill for pong..." - @Javidx9 |
Disclaimer |
~~~~~~~~~~ |
I don't care what you use this for. It's intended to be educational, and perhaps |
to the oddly minded - a little bit of fun. Please hack this, change it and use it |
in any way you see fit. BUT, you acknowledge that I am not responsible for anything |
bad that happens as a result of your actions. However, if good stuff happens, I |
would appreciate a shout out, or at least give the blog some publicity for me. |
Cheers! |
Background |
~~~~~~~~~~ |
Collision detection engines can get quite complicated. This program shows the interactions |
between circular objects of different sizes and masses. Use Left mouse button to select |
and drag a ball to examin static collisions, and use Right mouse button to apply velocity |
to the balls as if using a pool/snooker/billiards cue. |
Author |
~~~~~~ |
Twitter: @javidx9 |
Blog: |
Video: |
~~~~~~ |
Part #1
Part #2
Last Updated: 18/02/2017 |
*/ |
#include <iostream> |
#include <string> |
using namespace std; |
#include "olcConsoleGameEngine.h" |
struct sBall |
{ |
float px, py; |
float vx, vy; |
float ax, ay; |
float ox, oy; |
float radius; |
float mass; |
float friction; |
int score; |
int id; |
float fSimTimeRemaining; |
}; |
struct sLineSegment |
{ |
float sx, sy; |
float ex, ey; |
float radius; |
}; |
class CirclePhysics : public olcConsoleGameEngine |
{ |
public: |
CirclePhysics() |
{ |
m_sAppName = L"Circles V Edges"; |
} |
private: |
vector<sBall> vecBalls; |
vector<sLineSegment> vecLines; |
vector<pair<float, float>> modelCircle; |
sBall* pSelectedBall = nullptr; |
olcSprite *spriteBalls = nullptr; |
sLineSegment* pSelectedLine = nullptr; |
bool bSelectedLineStart = false; |
void AddBall(float x, float y, float r = 5.0f, int s = 0) |
{ |
sBall b; |
b.px = x; = y; |
b.vx = 0; b.vy = 0; |
|||| = 0; b.ay = 0; |
b.ox = 0; b.oy = 0; |
b.radius = r; |
b.mass = r * 10.0f; |
b.friction = 0.0f; |
b.score = s; |
b.fSimTimeRemaining = 0.0f; |
|||| = vecBalls.size(); |
vecBalls.emplace_back(b); |
} |
public: |
bool OnUserCreate() |
{ |
float fBallRadius = 4.0f; |
for (int i = 0; i <100; i++) |
AddBall(((float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX) * ScreenWidth(), ((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX) * ScreenHeight(), fBallRadius); |
AddBall(28.0f, 33.0, fBallRadius * 3); |
AddBall(28.0f, 35.0, fBallRadius * 2);
float fLineRadius = 4.0f; |
vecLines.push_back({ 12.0f, 4.0f, 64.0f, 4.0f, fLineRadius }); |
vecLines.push_back({ 76.0f, 4.0f, 132.0f, 4.0f, fLineRadius }); |
vecLines.push_back({ 12.0f, 68.0f, 64.0f, 68.0f, fLineRadius }); |
vecLines.push_back({ 76.0f, 68.0f, 132.0f, 68.0f, fLineRadius }); |
vecLines.push_back({ 4.0f, 12.0f, 4.0f, 60.0f, fLineRadius }); |
vecLines.push_back({ 140.0f, 12.0f, 140.0f, 60.0f, fLineRadius }); |
return true; |
} |
bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) |
{ |
auto DoCirclesOverlap = [](float x1, float y1, float r1, float x2, float y2, float r2) |
{ |
return fabs((x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2)) <= ((r1 + r2) * (r1 + r2)); |
}; |
auto IsPointInCircle = [](float x1, float y1, float r1, float px, float py) |
{ |
return fabs((x1 - px)*(x1 - px) + (y1 - py)*(y1 - py)) < (r1 * r1); |
}; |
if (m_mouse[0].bPressed) |
{ |
// Check for selected ball
pSelectedBall = nullptr; |
for (auto &ball : vecBalls) |
{ |
if (IsPointInCircle(ball.px,, ball.radius, m_mousePosX, m_mousePosY)) |
{ |
pSelectedBall = &ball; |
break; |
} |
} |
// Check for selected line segment end
pSelectedLine = nullptr; |
for (auto &line : vecLines) |
{ |
if (IsPointInCircle(,, line.radius, m_mousePosX, m_mousePosY)) |
{ |
pSelectedLine = &line; |
bSelectedLineStart = true; |
break; |
} |
if (IsPointInCircle(line.ex, line.ey, line.radius, m_mousePosX, m_mousePosY)) |
{ |
pSelectedLine = &line; |
bSelectedLineStart = false; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if (m_mouse[0].bHeld) |
{ |
if (pSelectedLine != nullptr) |
if (bSelectedLineStart) |
pSelectedLine->sx = GetMouseX(); |
pSelectedLine->sy = GetMouseY(); |
} |
else |
{ |
pSelectedLine->ex = GetMouseX(); |
pSelectedLine->ey = GetMouseY(); |
} |
} |
} |
if (m_mouse[0].bReleased) |
{ |
if (pSelectedBall != nullptr) |
{ |
// Apply velocity
pSelectedBall->vx = 5.0f * ((pSelectedBall->px) - m_mousePosX); |
pSelectedBall->vy = 5.0f * ((pSelectedBall->py) - m_mousePosY); |
} |
pSelectedBall = nullptr; |
pSelectedLine = nullptr; |
} |
if (m_mouse[1].bHeld) |
{ |
for (auto &ball : vecBalls) |
{ |
ball.vx += (m_mousePosX - ball.px) * 0.01f; |
ball.vy += (m_mousePosY - * 0.01f; |
} |
} |
vector<pair<sBall*, sBall*>> vecCollidingPairs; |
vector<sBall*> vecFakeBalls; |
// Threshold indicating stability of object
float fStable = 0.05f; |
// Multiple simulation updates with small time steps permit more accurate physics
// and realistic results at the expense of CPU time of course
int nSimulationUpdates = 4; |
// Multiple collision trees require more steps to resolve. Normally we would
// continue simulation until the object has no simulation time left for this
// epoch, however this is risky as the system may never find stability, so we
// can clamp it here
int nMaxSimulationSteps = 15; |
// Break up the frame elapsed time into smaller deltas for each simulation update
float fSimElapsedTime = fElapsedTime / (float)nSimulationUpdates; |
// Main simulation loop
for (int i = 0; i < nSimulationUpdates; i++) |
{ |
// Set all balls time to maximum for this epoch
for (auto &ball : vecBalls) |
ball.fSimTimeRemaining = fSimElapsedTime; |
// Erode simulation time on a per objec tbasis, depending upon what happens
// to it during its journey through this epoch
for (int j = 0; j < nMaxSimulationSteps; j++) |
{ |
// Update Ball Positions
for (auto &ball : vecBalls) |
{ |
if (ball.fSimTimeRemaining > 0.0f) |
{ |
ball.ox = ball.px; // Store original position this epoch
ball.oy =; |
|||| = -ball.vx * 0.8f; // Apply drag and gravity
ball.ay = -ball.vy * 0.8f + 100.0f; |
ball.vx += * ball.fSimTimeRemaining; // Update Velocity
ball.vy += ball.ay * ball.fSimTimeRemaining; |
ball.px += ball.vx * ball.fSimTimeRemaining; // Update position
|||| += ball.vy * ball.fSimTimeRemaining; |
// Crudely wrap balls to screen - note this cause issues when collisions occur on screen boundaries
if (ball.px < 0) ball.px += (float)ScreenWidth(); |
if (ball.px >= ScreenWidth()) ball.px -= (float)ScreenWidth(); |
if ( < 0) += (float)ScreenHeight(); |
if ( >= ScreenHeight()) -= (float)ScreenHeight(); |
// Stop ball when velocity is neglible
if (fabs(ball.vx*ball.vx + ball.vy*ball.vy) < fStable) |
{ |
ball.vx = 0; |
ball.vy = 0; |
} |
} |
} |
// Work out static collisions with walls and displace balls so no overlaps
for (auto &ball : vecBalls) |
{ |
float fDeltaTime = ball.fSimTimeRemaining; |
// Against Edges
for (auto &edge : vecLines) |
{ |
// Check that line formed by velocity vector, intersects with line segment
float fLineX1 = edge.ex -; |
float fLineY1 = edge.ey -; |
float fLineX2 = ball.px -; |
float fLineY2 = -; |
float fEdgeLength = fLineX1 * fLineX1 + fLineY1 * fLineY1; |
// This is nifty - It uses the DP of the line segment vs the line to the object, to work out
// how much of the segment is in the "shadow" of the object vector. The min and max clamp
// this to lie between 0 and the line segment length, which is then normalised. We can
// use this to calculate the closest point on the line segment
float t = max(0, min(fEdgeLength, (fLineX1 * fLineX2 + fLineY1 * fLineY2))) / fEdgeLength; |
// Which we do here
float fClosestPointX = + t * fLineX1; |
float fClosestPointY = + t * fLineY1; |
// And once we know the closest point, we can check if the ball has collided with the segment in the
// same way we check if two balls have collided
float fDistance = sqrtf((ball.px - fClosestPointX)*(ball.px - fClosestPointX) + ( - fClosestPointY)*( - fClosestPointY)); |
if (fDistance <= (ball.radius + edge.radius)) |
{ |
// Collision has occurred - treat collision point as a ball that cannot move. To make this
// compatible with the dynamic resolution code below, we add a fake ball with an infinite mass
// so it behaves like a solid object when the momentum calculations are performed
sBall *fakeball = new sBall(); |
fakeball->radius = edge.radius; |
fakeball->mass = ball.mass * 0.8f; |
fakeball->px = fClosestPointX; |
fakeball->py = fClosestPointY; |
fakeball->vx = -ball.vx; // We will use these later to allow the lines to impart energy into ball
fakeball->vy = -ball.vy; // if the lines are moving, i.e. like pinball flippers
// Store Fake Ball
vecFakeBalls.push_back(fakeball); |
// Add collision to vector of collisions for dynamic resolution
vecCollidingPairs.push_back({ &ball, fakeball }); |
// Calculate displacement required
float fOverlap = 1.0f * (fDistance - ball.radius - fakeball->radius); |
// Displace Current Ball away from collision
ball.px -= fOverlap * (ball.px - fakeball->px) / fDistance; |
|||| -= fOverlap * ( - fakeball->py) / fDistance; |
} |
} |
// Against other balls
for (auto &target : vecBalls) |
{ |
if ( != // Do not check against self
{ |
if (DoCirclesOverlap(ball.px,, ball.radius, target.px,, target.radius)) |
{ |
// Collision has occured
vecCollidingPairs.push_back({ &ball, &target }); |
// Distance between ball centers
float fDistance = sqrtf((ball.px - target.px)*(ball.px - target.px) + ( -*( -; |
// Calculate displacement required
float fOverlap = 0.5f * (fDistance - ball.radius - target.radius); |
// Displace Current Ball away from collision
ball.px -= fOverlap * (ball.px - target.px) / fDistance; |
|||| -= fOverlap * ( - / fDistance; |
// Displace Target Ball away from collision - Note, this should affect the timing of the target ball
// and it does, but this is absorbed by the target ball calculating its own time delta later on
target.px += fOverlap * (ball.px - target.px) / fDistance; |
|||| += fOverlap * ( - / fDistance; |
} |
} |
} |
// Time displacement - we knew the velocity of the ball, so we can estimate the distance it should have covered
// however due to collisions it could not do the full distance, so we look at the actual distance to the collision
// point and calculate how much time that journey would have taken using the speed of the object. Therefore
// we can now work out how much time remains in that timestep.
float fIntendedSpeed = sqrtf(ball.vx * ball.vx + ball.vy * ball.vy); |
float fIntendedDistance = fIntendedSpeed * ball.fSimTimeRemaining; |
float fActualDistance = sqrtf((ball.px - ball.ox)*(ball.px - ball.ox) + ( - ball.oy)*( - ball.oy)); |
float fActualTime = fActualDistance / fIntendedSpeed; |
// After static resolution, there may be some time still left for this epoch, so allow simulation to continue
ball.fSimTimeRemaining = ball.fSimTimeRemaining - fActualTime; |
} |
// Now work out dynamic collisions
float fEfficiency = 1.00f; |
for (auto c : vecCollidingPairs) |
{ |
sBall *b1 = c.first, *b2 = c.second; |
// Distance between balls
float fDistance = sqrtf((b1->px - b2->px)*(b1->px - b2->px) + (b1->py - b2->py)*(b1->py - b2->py)); |
// Normal
float nx = (b2->px - b1->px) / fDistance; |
float ny = (b2->py - b1->py) / fDistance; |
// Tangent
float tx = -ny; |
float ty = nx; |
// Dot Product Tangent
float dpTan1 = b1->vx * tx + b1->vy * ty; |
float dpTan2 = b2->vx * tx + b2->vy * ty; |
// Dot Product Normal
float dpNorm1 = b1->vx * nx + b1->vy * ny; |
float dpNorm2 = b2->vx * nx + b2->vy * ny; |
// Conservation of momentum in 1D
float m1 = fEfficiency * (dpNorm1 * (b1->mass - b2->mass) + 2.0f * b2->mass * dpNorm2) / (b1->mass + b2->mass); |
float m2 = fEfficiency * (dpNorm2 * (b2->mass - b1->mass) + 2.0f * b1->mass * dpNorm1) / (b1->mass + b2->mass); |
// Update ball velocities
b1->vx = tx * dpTan1 + nx * m1; |
b1->vy = ty * dpTan1 + ny * m1; |
b2->vx = tx * dpTan2 + nx * m2; |
b2->vy = ty * dpTan2 + ny * m2; |
} |
// Remove collisions
vecCollidingPairs.clear(); |
// Remove fake balls
for (auto &b : vecFakeBalls) delete b; |
vecFakeBalls.clear(); |
} |
} |
// Clear Screen
Fill(0, 0, ScreenWidth(), ScreenHeight(), ' '); |
// Draw Lines
for (auto line : vecLines) |
{ |
FillCircle(,, line.radius, PIXEL_HALF, FG_WHITE); |
FillCircle(line.ex, line.ey, line.radius, PIXEL_HALF, FG_WHITE); |
float nx = -(line.ey -; |
float ny = (line.ex -; |
float d = sqrt(nx*nx + ny * ny); |
nx /= d; |
ny /= d; |
DrawLine(( + nx * line.radius), ( + ny * line.radius), (line.ex + nx * line.radius), (line.ey + ny * line.radius)); |
DrawLine(( - nx * line.radius), ( - ny * line.radius), (line.ex - nx * line.radius), (line.ey - ny * line.radius)); |
} |
// Draw Balls
for (auto ball : vecBalls) |
FillCircle(ball.px,, ball.radius, PIXEL_SOLID, FG_RED); |
// Draw Cue
if (pSelectedBall != nullptr) |
DrawLine(pSelectedBall->px, pSelectedBall->py, m_mousePosX, m_mousePosY, PIXEL_SOLID, FG_BLUE); |
return true; |
} |
}; |
int main() |
{ |
CirclePhysics game; |
if (game.ConstructConsole(320, 240, 4, 4)) |
game.Start(); |
else |
wcout << L"Could not construct console" << endl; |
return 0; |
}; |
Reference in new issue