OneLoneCoder.com - Code-It-Yourself! Racing Game at the command prompt (quick and simple c++)
"Let's go, go, go!!!" - @Javidx9
Copyright (C) 2018 Javidx9
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; See license for details.
Original works located at:
From Javidx9 :)
Hello! Ultimately I don't care what you use this for. It's intended to be
educational, and perhaps to the oddly minded - a little bit of fun.
Please hack this, change it and use it in any way you see fit. You acknowledge
that I am not responsible for anything bad that happens as a result of
your actions. However this code is protected by GNU GPLv3, see the license in the
github repo. This means you must attribute me if you use it. You can view this
license here: https://github.com/OneLoneCoder/videos/blob/master/LICENSE
I'm a sim-racer when I'm not coding. Racing games are far more sophisticated than
they used to be. Frankly, retro racing games are a bit naff. But when done in the
command prompt they have a new level of craziness.
Left Arrow/Right Arrow Steer, Up Arrow accelerates. There are no brakes!
Set the fastest lap times you can!
Twitter: @javidx9
Blog: www.onelonecoder.com
Last Updated: 10/07/2017
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "olcConsoleGameEngine.h"
class OneLoneCoder_FormulaOLC : public olcConsoleGameEngine
m_sAppName = L"Formula OLC";
float fDistance = 0.0f; // Distance car has travelled around track
float fCurvature = 0.0f; // Current track curvature, lerped between track sections
float fTrackCurvature = 0.0f; // Accumulation of track curvature
float fTrackDistance = 0.0f; // Total distance of track
float fCarPos = 0.0f; // Current car position
float fPlayerCurvature = 0.0f; // Accumulation of player curvature
float fSpeed = 0.0f; // Current player speed
vector<pair<float, float>> vecTrack; // Track sections, sharpness of bend, length of section
list<float> listLapTimes; // List of previous lap times
float fCurrentLapTime; // Current lap time
// Called by olcConsoleGameEngine
virtual bool OnUserCreate()
// Define track
vecTrack.push_back(make_pair(0.0f, 10.0f)); // Short section for start/finish line
vecTrack.push_back(make_pair(0.0f, 200.0f));
vecTrack.push_back(make_pair(1.0f, 200.0f));
vecTrack.push_back(make_pair(0.0f, 400.0f));
vecTrack.push_back(make_pair(-1.0f, 100.0f));
vecTrack.push_back(make_pair(0.0f, 200.0f));
vecTrack.push_back(make_pair(-1.0f, 200.0f));
vecTrack.push_back(make_pair(1.0f, 200.0f));
vecTrack.push_back(make_pair(0.0f, 200.0f));
vecTrack.push_back(make_pair(0.2f, 500.0f));
vecTrack.push_back(make_pair(0.0f, 200.0f));
// Calculate total track distance, so we can set lap times
for (auto t : vecTrack)
fTrackDistance += t.second;
listLapTimes = { 0,0,0,0,0 };
fCurrentLapTime = 0.0f;
return true;
// Called by olcConsoleGameEngine
virtual bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime)
// Handle control input
int nCarDirection = 0;
if (m_keys[VK_UP].bHeld)
fSpeed += 2.0f * fElapsedTime;
fSpeed -= 1.0f * fElapsedTime;
// Car Curvature is accumulated left/right input, but inversely proportional to speed
// i.e. it is harder to turn at high speed
if (m_keys[VK_LEFT].bHeld)
fPlayerCurvature -= 0.7f * fElapsedTime * (1.0f - fSpeed / 2.0f);
nCarDirection = -1;
if (m_keys[VK_RIGHT].bHeld)
fPlayerCurvature += 0.7f * fElapsedTime * (1.0f - fSpeed / 2.0f);
nCarDirection = +1;
// If car curvature is too different to track curvature, slow down
// as car has gone off track
if (fabs(fPlayerCurvature - fTrackCurvature) >= 0.8f)
fSpeed -= 5.0f * fElapsedTime;
// Clamp Speed
if (fSpeed < 0.0f) fSpeed = 0.0f;
if (fSpeed > 1.0f) fSpeed = 1.0f;
// Move car along track according to car speed
fDistance += (70.0f * fSpeed) * fElapsedTime;
// Get Point on track
float fOffset = 0;
int nTrackSection = 0;
// Lap Timing and counting
fCurrentLapTime += fElapsedTime;
if (fDistance >= fTrackDistance)
fDistance -= fTrackDistance;
fCurrentLapTime = 0.0f;
// Find position on track (could optimise)
while (nTrackSection < vecTrack.size() && fOffset <= fDistance)
fOffset += vecTrack[nTrackSection].second;
// Interpolate towards target track curvature
float fTargetCurvature = vecTrack[nTrackSection - 1].first;
float fTrackCurveDiff = (fTargetCurvature - fCurvature) * fElapsedTime * fSpeed;
// Accumulate player curvature
fCurvature += fTrackCurveDiff;
// Accumulate track curvature
fTrackCurvature += (fCurvature) * fElapsedTime * fSpeed;
// Draw Sky - light blue and dark blue
for (int y = 0; y < ScreenHeight() / 2; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < ScreenWidth(); x++)
Draw(x, y, y< ScreenHeight() / 4 ? PIXEL_HALF : PIXEL_SOLID, FG_DARK_BLUE);
// Draw Scenery - our hills are a rectified sine wave, where the phase is adjusted by the
// accumulated track curvature
for (int x = 0; x < ScreenWidth(); x++)
int nHillHeight = (int)(fabs(sinf(x * 0.01f + fTrackCurvature) * 16.0f));
for (int y = (ScreenHeight() / 2) - nHillHeight; y < ScreenHeight() / 2; y++)
// Draw Track - Each row is split into grass, clip-board and track
for (int y = 0; y < ScreenHeight() / 2; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < ScreenWidth(); x++)
// Perspective is used to modify the width of the track row segments
float fPerspective = (float)y / (ScreenHeight()/2.0f);
float fRoadWidth = 0.1f + fPerspective * 0.8f; // Min 10% Max 90%
float fClipWidth = fRoadWidth * 0.15f;
fRoadWidth *= 0.5f; // Halve it as track is symmetrical around center of track, but offset...
// ...depending on where the middle point is, which is defined by the current
// track curvature.
float fMiddlePoint = 0.5f + fCurvature * powf((1.0f - fPerspective), 3);
// Work out segment boundaries
int nLeftGrass = (fMiddlePoint - fRoadWidth - fClipWidth) * ScreenWidth();
int nLeftClip = (fMiddlePoint - fRoadWidth) * ScreenWidth();
int nRightClip = (fMiddlePoint + fRoadWidth) * ScreenWidth();
int nRightGrass = (fMiddlePoint + fRoadWidth + fClipWidth) * ScreenWidth();
int nRow = ScreenHeight() / 2 + y;
// Using periodic oscillatory functions to give lines, where the phase is controlled
// by the distance around the track. These take some fine tuning to give the right "feel"
int nGrassColour = sinf(20.0f * powf(1.0f - fPerspective,3) + fDistance * 0.1f) > 0.0f ? FG_GREEN : FG_DARK_GREEN;
int nClipColour = sinf(80.0f * powf(1.0f - fPerspective, 2) + fDistance) > 0.0f ? FG_RED : FG_WHITE;
// Start finish straight changes the road colour to inform the player lap is reset
int nRoadColour = (nTrackSection-1) == 0 ? FG_WHITE : FG_GREY;
// Draw the row segments
if (x >= 0 && x < nLeftGrass)
Draw(x, nRow, PIXEL_SOLID, nGrassColour);
if (x >= nLeftGrass && x < nLeftClip)
Draw(x, nRow, PIXEL_SOLID, nClipColour);
if (x >= nLeftClip && x < nRightClip)
Draw(x, nRow, PIXEL_SOLID, nRoadColour);
if (x >= nRightClip && x < nRightGrass)
Draw(x, nRow, PIXEL_SOLID, nClipColour);
if (x >= nRightGrass && x < ScreenWidth())
Draw(x, nRow, PIXEL_SOLID, nGrassColour);
// Draw Car - car position on road is proportional to difference between
// current accumulated track curvature, and current accumulated player curvature
// i.e. if they are similar, the car will be in the middle of the track
fCarPos = fPlayerCurvature - fTrackCurvature;
int nCarPos = ScreenWidth() / 2 + ((int)(ScreenWidth() * fCarPos) / 2.0) - 7; // Offset for sprite
// Draw a car that represents what the player is doing. Apologies for the quality
// of the sprite... :-(
switch (nCarDirection)
case 0:
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 80, L" ||####|| ");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 81, L" ## ");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 82, L" #### ");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 83, L" #### ");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 84, L"||| #### |||");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 85, L"|||########|||");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 86, L"||| #### |||");
case +1:
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 80, L" //####//");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 81, L" ## ");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 82, L" #### ");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 83, L" #### ");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 84, L"/// ####//// ");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 85, L"//#######///O ");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 86, L"/// #### //// ");
case -1:
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 80, L"\\\\####\\\\ ");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 81, L" ## ");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 82, L" #### ");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 83, L" #### ");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 84, L" \\\\\\\\#### \\\\\\");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 85, L" O\\\\\\#######\\\\");
DrawStringAlpha(nCarPos, 86, L" \\\\\\\\ #### \\\\\\");
// Draw Stats
DrawString(0, 0, L"Distance: " + to_wstring(fDistance));
DrawString(0, 1, L"Target Curvature: " + to_wstring(fCurvature));
DrawString(0, 2, L"Player Curvature: " + to_wstring(fPlayerCurvature));
DrawString(0, 3, L"Player Speed : " + to_wstring(fSpeed));
DrawString(0, 4, L"Track Curvature : " + to_wstring(fTrackCurvature));
auto disp_time = [](float t) // Little lambda to turn floating point seconds into minutes:seconds:millis string
int nMinutes = t / 60.0f;
int nSeconds = t - (nMinutes * 60.0f);
int nMilliSeconds = (t - (float)nSeconds) * 1000.0f;
return to_wstring(nMinutes) + L"." + to_wstring(nSeconds) + L":" + to_wstring(nMilliSeconds);
// Display current laptime
DrawString(10, 8, disp_time(fCurrentLapTime));
// Display last 5 lap times
int j = 10;
for (auto l : listLapTimes)
DrawString(10, j, disp_time(l));
return true;
int main()
// Use olcConsoleGameEngine derived app
OneLoneCoder_FormulaOLC game;
game.ConstructConsole(160, 100, 8, 8);
return 0;