Guide to Rabi-Ribi Map Editing

830 B

Cutscene Text

This is the example story_text.rbrb from the example stage provided by GemaYue.

Ms. Rita?@Is this the end of the example?
You are right. Before the ending...@Let's try a scroll screen boss battle!@A cut feature during development!

Welcome to the example map!@Which contain many special trigger events!@You can even customize the character dialog!
Go to "custom" and@"custom\Erina and the example stage" folders@for more details! 
Also, by using -debugshowevents as launch options.@You can study more things in this map!

Format Explanation

The numbers before each cutscene represents the cutscene ID. Each event in the game triggers a different cutscene ID.

The @ symbol denotes line break within the dialog box.

Each new line creates a new dialog box in the cutscene.