984 B
984 B
Room Types
Room Types (in the roomtype
object layer) affect how the camera scrolls. This is used to create long or large rooms that span multiple minimap tiles in the game.
Room types:
0: unused room. will be automatically to set to -1 if above a positive-valued room
1: single room, no scroll
2: horizontal room
3: vertical room
4: free camera room (can be used for horizontal, vertical, or open room)
5: map transition room (draws an arrow in the minimap, connects with horizontal rooms)
-1: Prevents the camera from entering a room from above or below (it can still enter from the sides)
-2: Prevents the camera from entering a room from the left or right (it can still enter from above/below)
-3: Prevents the camera from entering a room from any direction.
Example Usage:
Having the room types laid out like this:
1 0 0 0 4 4 1 3
2 2 2 2 4 4 0 3
Makes the rooms like this in the minimap:
_ ___ _ _
|_|_____| |_| |
|_______|___| |_|