@ -112,11 +112,16 @@ app.post('/upload', function(req, res) {
var userId = - 1 ;
var fileLoc = "" ;
var count = 0 ;
db . query ( "select uploads,id from users where username=$1" , [ req . body . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { uploads = data . rows [ 0 ] . uploads ;
userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ;
fileLoc = "files/plays/" + userId + "/" + uploads ;
return file . mv ( fileLoc ) ;
db . query ( "select uploads,id from users where username=$1 and authentication_token=$2" , [ req . body . username , req . body . authentication _token ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
uploads = data . rows [ 0 ] . uploads ;
userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ;
fileLoc = "files/plays/" + userId + "/" + uploads ;
return file . mv ( fileLoc ) ;
} else {
throw new Error ( "Could not find / authenticate user with name " + req . body . username + "!" )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( file . mimetype !== "application/x-zip-compressed" ) {
@ -143,15 +148,17 @@ app.post('/upload', function(req, res) {
const size = entry . vars . uncompressedSize ; // There is also compressedSize;
if ( type == "File"
&& ( fileName . includes ( ".jpg" ) || fileName . includes ( ".jpeg" ) || fileName . includes ( ".png" ) ) ) {
promises . push ( new Promise ( ( resolve ) => { entry . pipe ( fs . createWriteStream ( "files/plays/" + userId + "/" + uploads ++ )
. on ( 'finish' , ( ) => { /*console.log("Promise finished!");*/ resolve ( count ++ ) } ) )
} ) )
promises . push ( new Promise ( ( resolve ) => { var file = "files/plays/" + userId + "/" + uploads ++ ; entry . pipe ( fs . createWriteStream ( file ) )
. on ( 'finish' , ( ) => { /*console.log("Promise finished!");*/ count ++ ; resolve ( { file : "http://projectdivar.com/" + file } ) } )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => { return db . query ( "insert into uploadedplays values($1,$2,$3)" , [ data . file , userId , new Date ( ) ] ) ; } ) )
} else {
entry . autodrain ( ) ;
} )
. on ( 'finish' , ( ) => { /*console.log("Read finished");*/ resolve ( ) } )
} ) )
setTimeout ( ( ) => ( console . dir ( promises ) ) , 5000 )
return Promise . all ( promises )
} } )
. then ( ( data ) => {
@ -273,7 +280,7 @@ CalculateRating=(username)=>{
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( 'select * from songs order by id asc' ) } else { return 0 } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { songs = data . rows ; return Promise . all ( data . rows . map ( ( song ) => { return db . query ( 'select * from plays where userId=$1 and songId=$2 and score!=$3 order by score desc limit 100' , [ userId , song . id , "NaN" ] ) . then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { debugScoreList += song . name + "\n" ; songs [ song . id - 1 ] . score = data . rows . reduce ( ( sum , play , i ) => { debugScoreList += " " + ( play . score ) + " -> " + ( play . score * Math . pow ( 0.2 , i ) ) + "" ; if ( i === 0 && play . fine + play . safe + play . sad + play . worst === 0 ) { songs [ play . songid - 1 ] . pfc = true ; debugScoreList += "+" } else if ( i === 0 && play . safe + play . sad + play . worst === 0 ) { songs [ play . songid - 1 ] . fc = true ; debugScoreList += "*" } debugScoreList += "\n" ; /*console.log("Play score:"+play.score+". Sum:"+sum);*/ return sum + play . score * Math . pow ( 0.2 , i ) ; } , 0 ) ; debugScoreList += " " + songs [ song . id - 1 ] . score + "\n" ; } } ) } ) ) } } )
. then ( ( ) => { return songs . sort ( ( a , b ) => { var scorea = ( a . score ) ? a . score : 0 ; var scoreb = ( b . score ) ? b . score : 0 ; return ( scorea > scoreb ) ? - 1 : 1 ; } ) . reduce ( ( sum , song , i ) => { if ( song . score && ! isNaN ( song . score ) ) { debugScoreList += song . name + ": " + song . score + " -> " + ( song . score * Math . pow ( 0.9 , i ) ) + ( ( song . pfc ) ? ( "+" + 2 ) : ( song . fc ) ? ( "+" + 1 ) : 0 ) + "\n" ; return sum + song . score * Math . pow ( 0.9 , i ) + ( ( song . pfc ) ? 2 : ( song . fc ) ? + 1 : 0 ) } else { return sum } } , 0 ) ; } )
. then ( ( data ) => { console . log ( debugScoreList ) ; return data } )
. then ( ( data ) => { /*console.log(debugScoreList);*/ return data } )
app . get ( '/songdiffs' , ( req , res ) => {
@ -403,6 +410,9 @@ const pixels = require("get-pixels");
var process _images = [ ]
var processPromises = [ ]
var largestId = 0
var filterId = 0
function Process ( data ) {
for ( var i in data . data . statuses ) {
@ -412,7 +422,7 @@ function Process(data){
for ( var j = 0 ; j < tweet . extended _entities . media . length ; j ++ ) {
var media = tweet . extended _entities . media [ j ]
process _images . push ( media . media _url )
process _images . push ( { image : media . media _url , user : tweet . user . id , id : tweet . id } )
@ -442,3 +452,78 @@ axios.get('https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?q=@divarbot', {
return Process ( data ) ;
} )
. then ( ( data ) => { process _images . forEach ( ( image ) => { console . log ( image ) } ) } ) * /
setInterval (
( ) => {
var uploadData = undefined ;
db . query ( "select * from uploadedplays order by submissiondate asc limit 1;" )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
uploadData = data . rows [ 0 ] ;
return db . query ( "select username,authentication_token from users where id=$1" , [ uploadData . userid ] )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( uploadData && data . rows . length > 0 ) {
return axios . post ( "http://projectdivar.com/image" ,
{ url : uploadData . filename , user : data . rows [ 0 ] . username , auth : data . rows [ 0 ] . authentication _token } )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( uploadData ) {
if ( data . data === "Invalid parameters!" ) {
throw new Error ( "Invalid parameters while trying to submit play!" )
} else {
return db . query ( "delete from uploadedplays where id=$1" , [ uploadData . id ] )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => { console . log ( err ) } )
, 5000 )
setInterval ( ( ) => { db . query ( "select * from twitter_bot limit 1" )
. then ( ( data ) => {
largestId = filterId = data . rows [ 0 ] . lastpost ;
//console.log("Filter Id: "+filterId);
return axios . get ( 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?q=@divarbot' , {
headers : {
Authorization : 'Bearer ' + process . env . TWITTER _BEARER //the token is a variable which holds the token
} )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
return Process ( data ) ;
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
var promisesDone = 0 ;
process _images . forEach ( ( obj ) => {
if ( filterId < obj . id ) {
if ( largestId < obj . id ) { largestId = obj . id }
processPromises . push ( new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
//console.log("Process Twitter Post: "+obj.id);
return db . query ( "select id from users where twitter=$1" , [ obj . user ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
return db . query ( "insert into uploadedplays values($1,$2,$3)" , [ obj . image , data . rows [ 0 ] . id , new Date ( ) ] )
. then ( ( ) => { resolve ( "Done!" ) } )
} else {
reject ( "Not associated with an Id!" )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => { console . log ( err . message ) ; reject ( "Failed!" ) } ) } ) )
} )
//setTimeout(()=>{console.dir(processPromises, {'maxArrayLength': null})},2000)
return Promise . allSettled ( processPromises )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
return db . query ( "update twitter_bot set lastpost=$1 returning *" , [ largestId ] )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => { console . log ( err . message ) } )
} , 60000 )