@ -4,20 +4,20 @@ In this exercise, you'll create your own pixel art maker which allows a user cho

A user should be able to:
More specifically, your pixel art maker should allow a user should to do the following.
1. Start with a blank canvas of "pixels"
1. Start with a blank canvas of "pixels".
1. Select a color from a palette
1. Select a color from a palette.
1. Paint the pixels on the canvas using the selected color
1. Paint the pixels on the canvas using the selected color.
Here's a development workflow that we recommend you use.
Here's a development workflow that we recommend you use.
1. Create a small, 2x2 grid canvas made up of white, square `div` tags with a border.
1. Create a small, 2x2 grid canvas made up of white, square `div` tags with a border.
1. Add an event listener to each `div` so when clicked the background turns red.
1. Add an event listener to each `div` so when clicked the background turns red.
1. Create a small palette of two colors (e.g. red and blue) below the canvas using more `div` tags.
1. Create a small palette of two colors (e.g. red and blue) below the canvas using more `div` tags.
1. Add an event listener to these `div` tags so when clicked the current "brush" color is stored in memory.
1. Add an event listener to these `div` tags so when clicked the current "brush" color is remembered.
1. Expand the dimensions of the pixel canvas.
1. Expand the dimensions of the pixel canvas.
1. Expand the palette with the rest of the standard colors as well as an eraser. (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, Brown, White, etc.)
1. Expand the palette with the rest of the standard colors as well as an eraser. (i.e. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, brown, white, etc.)