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# How to contribute to jMonkeyEngine
First and foremost, you have to familiarize yourself with Git & GitHub. Dig through
[help.github.com](https://help.github.com/) and [try.github.io](http://try.github.io/) if these are new topics for you.
If you'd like to contribute with something other than code, read this (WIP).
## Getting Started
Communication always comes first. All code changes should start with the [forum](http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/forum/). Make a thread to explain your change and show us your code. If the code is too long to be posted within the forum’s code tags, please paste your code in a Gist or pastebin and link to the submission in your thread. You are required to register on our website in order to create threads.
When you're ready to submit your code, just make a [pull request](https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests).
## Core Contributors
Developers in the Contributors team can push directly to Main instead of submitting pull requests. However:
- Do not commit your code until you have received proper feedback. In the case of jME3, explicit permission from a core developer is mandatory.
- In your commit log message, please refer back to the originating forum thread (example) for a ‘full circle’ reference.
- When committing, always be sure to run an update before you commit. If there is a conflict between the latest revision and your patch after the update, then it is your responsibility to track down the update that caused the conflict and determine the issue (and fix it). In the case where the breaking commit has no thread linked (and one cannot be found in the forum), then the contributor should contact an administrator and wait for feedback before committing.
- If your code is committed and it introduces new functionality, please edit the wiki accordingly. We can easily roll back to previous revisions, so just do your best; point us to it and we’ll see if it sticks!
### Git essentials
### Code style
### Reporting bugs
### Testing
## Documentation