Commit Graph

6046 Commits (7fd022d06faf33bb417dca3e72407fa8f3cc8c31)

Author SHA1 Message Date
nor..67 0759c74764 - change app version of nightly to 3.1-pre-alpha-svn 12 years ago
nor..67 222bea7346 - up plugins version of nightly to 3.1.0 12 years ago 1ae900023e Refactoring: making bone constraints to be applied from the root bone to the children and refreshing bone world vector after baking bone's constraint. 12 years ago f6ca843f03 Fixed how Hardware BoneIndex and BoneWeight buffers are handled in extractVertexData when used for a shared mesh. 12 years ago 27a7fde24d Feature: added support for influence factor in IK constraint. 12 years ago 821d6b6aa3 Bugfix: locations of bones not connected to their parents are now properly applied if their constraints force them to 12 years ago e148d0e01a Bugfix: fixed a bug that caused NPE to be raised when object had armature but bones were not attached to vertices (now every skeleton that is defined in the blender file is loaded). 12 years ago 2ccadb7a7a Bugfix: fixed a bug (that occured during work on IK) that caused NPE to be raised when constraint other than IK was applied to bone. 12 years ago
sha..RD 1df0a0a17b * Forgot to commit the actual .so 12 years ago
sha..RD 7e578e696b * Fix Android build by not referencing every single CPP file which may get added or removed at will ... 12 years ago
sha..RD 3fbad71595 * Update to Bullet 2.82 12 years ago d89f4caa94 Added the non-wireless X Box controller mappings 12 years ago
sha..RD 27a4d4d268 * On Windows, forcefully load our version of OpenAL to prevent any currently installed versions in System32 from overriding it 12 years ago 0921540124 Bugfixes: 12 years ago
SHA..rd 0ab43e0649 * Fix Linux MinGW build for latest CMake 12 years ago 509f4eae35 Removed remaining debug system out in SpotLight 12 years ago ee03907418 Changed the Mesh.isanimated to check for BindPose,BoneWeight, BoneIndex instead of just BindPose to avoid crashes in the skeleton control on old models. 12 years ago a6004618ce Bugfix: changed method visibility from private to public to prevent compilation time errors. 12 years ago 32b79324a9 Bugfix: fixed an issue with proper bone orientation in 3D space (as in blender bones have different local coordinates system than other features); this fix caused more models to be loaded properly and made the code more simple 12 years ago c0f0f0ca9e Bugfix: BlenderModelLoader attached root objects to the scene node before applying the constraints; this sometimes caused NPE to occur while applying the constraints 12 years ago d61ac1afe5 Added alphamap rename tool to the terrain editor. Removing a texture layer now clears all alpha for that layer 12 years ago a2a39bd0d5 Added a connected check to DefaultClient's channel-based 12 years ago db8dc8d4fa Added a toString() method to DisconnectInfo. 12 years ago
sha..RD 2abf8218be * Fix 64 bit native bullet compile on windows. 64 bit build requires using mingw-w64 instead of mingw32. Also if mingw-w64 is used, both 32 bit and 64 bit are supported. 12 years ago cc2d4cd83f Future-proofing JmeVersion now in case we want to 12 years ago 16428d82aa Marking as non-version specific. 12 years ago ade8d30d8c Shadows : post pass is no longer rendered when there is no geometry that cast shadows, avoiding rendering what ever there is in the graphic memory in that particular case. 12 years ago 6f6b123936 Changed the javadoc of AudioNode to clarify its behaviour when it's positional or not and regarding mono and stereo format audio sources 12 years ago 596b5a0060 Modifying an exception to log warning to actual do 12 years ago 11d77cfdc2 Refactoring: removed unused methods. 12 years ago
sha..RD 8538706254 * Add capability to serialize BVH data structure for MeshCollisionShape when native bullet is used (see 12 years ago
sha..RD c9c4bdeb54 * Javadoc clarification in Spatial.setCullHint and setBatchHint ( 12 years ago
iwg..ic 6a39a6b5ba Add isEnabled to PhysicsControl interface 12 years ago ebef55aecf Refactoring: removing AbstractBlenderLoader class, it turned out to be unneded and made some unnecessary mess in the code. 12 years ago cde9e514f0 Nifty GUI: improve mouse click interoperability between Nifty and Jme 12 years ago 74f2b0a4c7 Fix TestMusicStreaming crash due to sound being positional and stereo 12 years ago eda3e8d725 Feature: sky generated textures can be generated agains a cube or a sphere of a selected size. By default a sphere is now used. This makes the sky look entirely seamless. 12 years ago 535a6dd8ce Bugfix: fixed an issue when UV coordinates were not applied even though the mesh had them defined (the bug occured when the mesh had materials, UV's and no textures). 12 years ago 04ed5d1467 Bugfix: several minor bugfixes and improvements. 12 years ago e2cc42e6f3 Bugfix: making blender importer NOT to crash when coming accross Depth24Stencil8 image type. 12 years ago 23cc867e38 Bugfix: making the importer NOT to crash when coming accross OCEAN type of generated texture (this is a new texture type). 12 years ago 517dece348 Refactoring: optimisations to generated textures loading (will affect some of them). 12 years ago 4ecc911b69 Feature: added bottom texture for the sky during sky loading. 12 years ago 66f1a0302f Refactoring: removing unnecesary System.out's. ;) 12 years ago eb7e7bbaad Feature: added sky loading. 12 years ago
iwg..ic 592303181e Android: Rewrite of EGL config chooser. ConfigType is also now deprecated so that egl* protected parameters in AndroidHarness can be used. These new parameters are copied into AppSettings and then used in AndroidConfigChooser to define the minimum requirements for selecting an appropriate egl config. If a different config is choosen, the AppSettings are updated so users can detect the currently used values. 12 years ago
iwg..ic c1c9fc871a Add alpha bits to AppSettings. Currently only to be used for Android EGL config choosing. 12 years ago f94ad2b37a Bugfix: fixed an issue with improper normals direction in merged vertices in mirror modifier. 12 years ago f0aff05d41 ShaderNodes : UnshadedNodes now supports hardware skinning, and discard threshold 12 years ago 915638a370 Refactoring: vertices and normals bind poses are now generated instead of read from the file (as suggested in ArmatureModifier ;). 12 years ago