Refactored how BatchNode transforms vertex buffers, and fixed issue #731 (NPE when no normal buffer)

Nehon 8 years ago
parent c1c67f58cf
commit ef5952bcad
  1. 172

@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ import com.jme3.util.clone.JmeCloneable;
* Sub geoms can be added after the batch() method has been called but won't be batched and will just be rendered as normal geometries.
* To integrate them in the batch you have to call the batch() method again on the batchNode.
* <p>
* TODO normal or tangents or both looks a bit weird
* TODO more automagic (batch when needed in the updateLogicalState)
* @author Nehon
@ -134,35 +133,44 @@ public class BatchNode extends GeometryGroupNode {
Mesh origMesh = bg.getMesh();
VertexBuffer pvb = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Position);
FloatBuffer posBuf = (FloatBuffer) pvb.getData();
VertexBuffer nvb = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Normal);
FloatBuffer normBuf = (FloatBuffer) nvb.getData();
VertexBuffer tvb = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Tangent);
VertexBuffer opvb = origMesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Position);
FloatBuffer oposBuf = (FloatBuffer) opvb.getData();
VertexBuffer onvb = origMesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Normal);
FloatBuffer onormBuf = (FloatBuffer) onvb.getData();
VertexBuffer otvb = origMesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Tangent);
FloatBuffer posBuf = getFloatBuffer(pvb);
FloatBuffer normBuf = getFloatBuffer(nvb);
FloatBuffer tanBuf = getFloatBuffer(tvb);
FloatBuffer oposBuf = getFloatBuffer(opvb);
FloatBuffer onormBuf = getFloatBuffer(onvb);
FloatBuffer otanBuf = getFloatBuffer(otvb);
Matrix4f transformMat = getTransformMatrix(bg);
doTransforms(oposBuf, onormBuf, otanBuf, posBuf, normBuf, tanBuf, bg.startIndex, bg.startIndex + bg.getVertexCount(), transformMat);
if (mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Tangent) != null) {
VertexBuffer tvb = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Tangent);
FloatBuffer tanBuf = (FloatBuffer) tvb.getData();
VertexBuffer otvb = origMesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Tangent);
FloatBuffer otanBuf = (FloatBuffer) otvb.getData();
doTransformsTangents(oposBuf, onormBuf, otanBuf, posBuf, normBuf, tanBuf, bg.startIndex, bg.startIndex + bg.getVertexCount(), transformMat);
if (nvb != null) {
if (tvb != null) {
} else {
doTransforms(oposBuf, onormBuf, posBuf, normBuf, bg.startIndex, bg.startIndex + bg.getVertexCount(), transformMat);
private FloatBuffer getFloatBuffer(VertexBuffer vb) {
if (vb == null) {
return null;
return (FloatBuffer) vb.getData();
* Batch this batchNode
* every geometry of the sub scene graph of this node will be batched into a single mesh that will be rendered in one call
@ -521,53 +529,7 @@ public class BatchNode extends GeometryGroupNode {
private void doTransforms(FloatBuffer bindBufPos, FloatBuffer bindBufNorm, FloatBuffer bufPos, FloatBuffer bufNorm, int start, int end, Matrix4f transform) {
TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
Vector3f pos = vars.vect1;
Vector3f norm = vars.vect2;
int length = (end - start) * 3;
// offset is given in element units
// convert to be in component units
int offset = start * 3;
bindBufPos.get(tmpFloat, 0, length);
bindBufNorm.get(tmpFloatN, 0, length);
int index = 0;
while (index < length) {
pos.x = tmpFloat[index];
norm.x = tmpFloatN[index++];
pos.y = tmpFloat[index];
norm.y = tmpFloatN[index++];
pos.z = tmpFloat[index];
norm.z = tmpFloatN[index];
transform.mult(pos, pos);
transform.multNormal(norm, norm);
index -= 2;
tmpFloat[index] = pos.x;
tmpFloatN[index++] = norm.x;
tmpFloat[index] = pos.y;
tmpFloatN[index++] = norm.y;
tmpFloat[index] = pos.z;
tmpFloatN[index++] = norm.z;
//using bulk put as it's faster
bufPos.put(tmpFloat, 0, length);
//using bulk put as it's faster
bufNorm.put(tmpFloatN, 0, length);
private void doTransformsTangents(FloatBuffer bindBufPos, FloatBuffer bindBufNorm, FloatBuffer bindBufTangents, FloatBuffer bufPos, FloatBuffer bufNorm, FloatBuffer bufTangents, int start, int end, Matrix4f transform) {
private void doTransforms(FloatBuffer bindBufPos, FloatBuffer bindBufNorm, FloatBuffer bindBufTangents, FloatBuffer bufPos, FloatBuffer bufNorm, FloatBuffer bufTangents, int start, int end, Matrix4f transform) {
TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
Vector3f pos = vars.vect1;
Vector3f norm = vars.vect2;
@ -581,61 +543,77 @@ public class BatchNode extends GeometryGroupNode {
int offset = start * 3;
int tanOffset = start * 4;
bindBufPos.get(tmpFloat, 0, length);
if (bindBufNorm != null) {
bindBufNorm.get(tmpFloatN, 0, length);
if (bindBufTangents != null) {
bindBufTangents.get(tmpFloatT, 0, tanLength);
int index = 0;
int tanIndex = 0;
while (index < length) {
pos.x = tmpFloat[index];
norm.x = tmpFloatN[index++];
pos.y = tmpFloat[index];
norm.y = tmpFloatN[index++];
pos.z = tmpFloat[index];
norm.z = tmpFloatN[index];
int index1, index2, tanIndex1, tanIndex2;
tan.x = tmpFloatT[tanIndex++];
tan.y = tmpFloatT[tanIndex++];
tan.z = tmpFloatT[tanIndex++];
while (index < length) {
index1 = index + 1;
index2 = index + 2;
pos.x = tmpFloat[index];
pos.y = tmpFloat[index1];
pos.z = tmpFloat[index2];
transform.mult(pos, pos);
transform.multNormal(norm, norm);
transform.multNormal(tan, tan);
index -= 2;
tanIndex -= 3;
tmpFloat[index] = pos.x;
tmpFloatN[index++] = norm.x;
tmpFloat[index] = pos.y;
tmpFloatN[index++] = norm.y;
tmpFloat[index] = pos.z;
tmpFloatN[index++] = norm.z;
tmpFloat[index1] = pos.y;
tmpFloat[index2] = pos.z;
tmpFloatT[tanIndex++] = tan.x;
tmpFloatT[tanIndex++] = tan.y;
tmpFloatT[tanIndex++] = tan.z;
if (bindBufNorm != null) {
norm.x = tmpFloatN[index];
norm.y = tmpFloatN[index1];
norm.z = tmpFloatN[index2];
transform.multNormal(norm, norm);
tmpFloatN[index] = norm.x;
tmpFloatN[index1] = norm.y;
tmpFloatN[index2] = norm.z;
//Skipping 4th element of tangent buffer (handedness)
index += 3;
if (bindBufTangents != null) {
tanIndex1 = tanIndex + 1;
tanIndex2 = tanIndex + 2;
tan.x = tmpFloatT[tanIndex];
tan.y = tmpFloatT[tanIndex1];
tan.z = tmpFloatT[tanIndex2];
transform.multNormal(tan, tan);
tmpFloatT[tanIndex] = tan.x;
tmpFloatT[tanIndex1] = tan.y;
tmpFloatT[tanIndex2] = tan.z;
tanIndex += 4;
//using bulk put as it's faster
bufPos.put(tmpFloat, 0, length);
if (bindBufNorm != null) {
//using bulk put as it's faster
bufNorm.put(tmpFloatN, 0, length);
if (bindBufTangents != null) {
//using bulk put as it's faster
bufTangents.put(tmpFloatT, 0, tanLength);
private void doCopyBuffer(FloatBuffer inBuf, int offset, FloatBuffer outBuf, int componentSize) {
TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
@ -646,11 +624,11 @@ public class BatchNode extends GeometryGroupNode {
offset *= componentSize;
for (int i = 0; i < inBuf.limit() / componentSize; i++) {
pos.x = inBuf.get(i * componentSize + 0);
pos.x = inBuf.get(i * componentSize);
pos.y = inBuf.get(i * componentSize + 1);
pos.z = inBuf.get(i * componentSize + 2);
outBuf.put(offset + i * componentSize + 0, pos.x);
outBuf.put(offset + i * componentSize, pos.x);
outBuf.put(offset + i * componentSize + 1, pos.y);
outBuf.put(offset + i * componentSize + 2, pos.z);
