@ -15,10 +15,7 @@ import com.jme3.util.mikktspace.MikktspaceTangentGenerator;
import java.io.* ;
import java.io.* ;
import java.nio.Buffer ;
import java.nio.Buffer ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.* ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.logging.Level ;
import java.util.logging.Level ;
import java.util.logging.Logger ;
import java.util.logging.Logger ;
@ -56,8 +53,9 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
private Matrix4fArrayPopulator matrix4fArrayPopulator = new Matrix4fArrayPopulator ( ) ;
private Matrix4fArrayPopulator matrix4fArrayPopulator = new Matrix4fArrayPopulator ( ) ;
private static Map < String , MaterialAdapter > defaultMaterialAdapters = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
private static Map < String , MaterialAdapter > defaultMaterialAdapters = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
private boolean useNormalsFlag = false ;
private boolean useNormalsFlag = false ;
private Transform tmpTransforms = new Transform ( ) ;
Map < Skeleton , List < Spatial > > skinnedSpatials = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
Map < SkinData , List < Spatial > > skinnedSpatials = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
static {
static {
defaultMaterialAdapters . put ( "pbrMetallicRoughness" , new PBRMaterialAdapter ( ) ) ;
defaultMaterialAdapters . put ( "pbrMetallicRoughness" , new PBRMaterialAdapter ( ) ) ;
@ -146,6 +144,13 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
root . attachChild ( sceneNode ) ;
root . attachChild ( sceneNode ) ;
//update skeletons
for ( int i = 0 ; i < skins . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
SkinData sd = fetchFromCache ( "skins" , i , SkinData . class ) ;
sd . skeletonControl . getSkeleton ( ) . resetAndUpdate ( ) ;
sd . skeletonControl . getSkeleton ( ) . setBindingPose ( ) ;
//Loading animations
//Loading animations
if ( animations ! = null ) {
if ( animations ! = null ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < animations . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < animations . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
@ -165,7 +170,7 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
private Object readNode ( int nodeIndex ) throws IOException {
private Object readNode ( int nodeIndex ) throws IOException {
Object obj = fetchFromCache ( "nodes" , nodeIndex , Object . class ) ;
Object obj = fetchFromCache ( "nodes" , nodeIndex , Object . class ) ;
if ( obj ! = null ) {
if ( obj ! = null ) {
if ( obj instanceof Bone ) {
if ( obj instanceof BoneWrapper ) {
//the node can be a previously loaded bone let's return it
//the node can be a previously loaded bone let's return it
return obj ;
return obj ;
} else {
} else {
@ -207,11 +212,13 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
Integer skinIndex = getAsInteger ( nodeData , "skin" ) ;
Integer skinIndex = getAsInteger ( nodeData , "skin" ) ;
if ( skinIndex ! = null ) {
if ( skinIndex ! = null ) {
Skeleton skeleton = fetchFromCache ( "skins" , skinIndex , Skeleton . class ) ;
SkinData skinData = fetchFromCache ( "skins" , skinIndex , SkinData . class ) ;
List < Spatial > spatials = skinnedSpatials . get ( skeleton ) ;
List < Spatial > spatials = skinnedSpatials . get ( skinData ) ;
spatials . add ( spatial ) ;
spatials . add ( spatial ) ;
spatial . setLocalTransform ( readTransforms ( nodeData ) ) ;
if ( children ! = null ) {
if ( children ! = null ) {
for ( JsonElement child : children ) {
for ( JsonElement child : children ) {
readChild ( spatial , child ) ;
readChild ( spatial , child ) ;
@ -221,7 +228,6 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
if ( spatial . getName ( ) = = null ) {
if ( spatial . getName ( ) = = null ) {
spatial . setName ( getAsString ( nodeData . getAsJsonObject ( ) , "name" ) ) ;
spatial . setName ( getAsString ( nodeData . getAsJsonObject ( ) , "name" ) ) ;
spatial . setLocalTransform ( readTransforms ( nodeData ) ) ;
addToCache ( "nodes" , nodeIndex , spatial , nodes . size ( ) ) ;
addToCache ( "nodes" , nodeIndex , spatial , nodes . size ( ) ) ;
return spatial ;
return spatial ;
@ -232,14 +238,34 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
Object loaded = readNode ( child . getAsInt ( ) ) ;
Object loaded = readNode ( child . getAsInt ( ) ) ;
if ( loaded instanceof Spatial ) {
if ( loaded instanceof Spatial ) {
( ( Node ) parent ) . attachChild ( ( Spatial ) loaded ) ;
( ( Node ) parent ) . attachChild ( ( Spatial ) loaded ) ;
} else if ( loaded instanceof Bone ) {
} else if ( loaded instanceof BoneWrapper ) {
//fetch the skeleton and add a skeletonControl to the node.
//parent is the Armature Node, we have to apply its transforms to all the Bones' bind pose
// Skeleton skeleton = fetchFromCache("skeletons", index, Skeleton.class);
BoneWrapper bw = ( BoneWrapper ) loaded ;
// SkeletonControl control = new SkeletonControl(skeleton);
//TODO this part is still not woking properly.
// parent.addControl(control);
applyTransformsToArmature ( bw , parent . getLocalTransform ( ) ) ;
//now we can remove the parent node as it's not meant as a real node.
parent . removeFromParent ( ) ;
private void applyTransformsToArmature ( BoneWrapper boneWrapper , Transform transforms ) {
//Transforms are mean in model space, so we need some tricky transformation
//We have this inverseBindMatrix provided in the gltf for each bone that transforms a vector from mesh's model space to bone's local space.
//So it's inverse, transforms from bone's local space to mesh model space.
// we need to transform the bone's bind transforms in this mesh model space, transform them with the transform given in this method,
// then recompute their local space value according to parents model space
Bone bone = boneWrapper . bone ;
tmpTransforms . setTranslation ( bone . getBindPosition ( ) ) ;
tmpTransforms . setRotation ( bone . getBindRotation ( ) ) ;
tmpTransforms . setScale ( bone . getBindScale ( ) ) ;
tmpTransforms . combineWithParent ( transforms ) ;
bone . setBindTransforms ( tmpTransforms . getTranslation ( ) , tmpTransforms . getRotation ( ) , tmpTransforms . getScale ( ) ) ;
private Transform readTransforms ( JsonObject nodeData ) {
private Transform readTransforms ( JsonObject nodeData ) {
Transform transform = new Transform ( ) ;
Transform transform = new Transform ( ) ;
JsonArray matrix = nodeData . getAsJsonArray ( "matrix" ) ;
JsonArray matrix = nodeData . getAsJsonArray ( "matrix" ) ;
@ -592,7 +618,7 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
} else {
} else {
//check if we are loading the same time array
//check if we are loading the same time array
if ( animData . times ! = times ) {
if ( animData . times ! = times ) {
throw new AssetLoadException ( "Channel has different input accessors for samplers" ) ;
// throw new AssetLoadException( "Channel has different input accessors for samplers");
if ( animData . length = = null ) {
if ( animData . length = = null ) {
@ -619,6 +645,7 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
List < Spatial > spatials = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
List < Spatial > spatials = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
Animation anim = new Animation ( ) ;
Animation anim = new Animation ( ) ;
anim . setName ( name ) ;
anim . setName ( name ) ;
int skinIndex = - 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < animatedNodes . length ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < animatedNodes . length ; i + + ) {
AnimData animData = animatedNodes [ i ] ;
AnimData animData = animatedNodes [ i ] ;
@ -635,15 +662,44 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
SpatialTrack track = new SpatialTrack ( animData . times , animData . translations , animData . rotations , animData . scales ) ;
SpatialTrack track = new SpatialTrack ( animData . times , animData . translations , animData . rotations , animData . scales ) ;
track . setTrackSpatial ( s ) ;
track . setTrackSpatial ( s ) ;
anim . addTrack ( track ) ;
anim . addTrack ( track ) ;
} else if ( node instanceof BoneWrapper ) {
BoneWrapper b = ( BoneWrapper ) node ;
//apply the inverseBindMatrix to animation data.
b . update ( animData ) ;
BoneTrack track = new BoneTrack ( b . boneIndex , animData . times , animData . translations , animData . rotations , animData . scales ) ;
anim . addTrack ( track ) ;
if ( skinIndex = = - 1 ) {
skinIndex = b . skinIndex ;
} else {
} else {
//At some point we'll have bone animation
//Check if all bones affected by this animation are from the same skin, otherwise raise an error.
//TODO support for bone animation.
if ( skinIndex ! = b . skinIndex ) {
System . err . println ( "animated" ) ;
throw new AssetLoadException ( "Animation " + animationIndex + " (" + name + ") applies to bones that are not from the same skin: skin " + skinIndex + ", bone " + b . bone . getName ( ) + " from skin " + b . skinIndex ) ;
System . err . println ( node ) ;
//else everything is fine.
if ( skinIndex ! = - 1 ) {
//we have a bone animation.
SkinData skin = fetchFromCache ( "skins" , skinIndex , SkinData . class ) ;
if ( skin . animControl = = null ) {
skin . animControl = new AnimControl ( skin . skeletonControl . getSkeleton ( ) ) ;
skin . animControl . addAnim ( anim ) ;
//the controls will be added to the right spatial in setupControls()
if ( ! spatials . isEmpty ( ) ) {
if ( ! spatials . isEmpty ( ) ) {
//Note that it's pretty unlikely to have an animation that is both a spatial animation and a bone animation...But you never know. The specs doesn't forbids it
if ( skinIndex ! = - 1 ) {
//there are some spatial tracks in this bone animation... or the other way around. Let's add the spatials in the skinnedSpatials.
SkinData skin = fetchFromCache ( "skins" , skinIndex , SkinData . class ) ;
List < Spatial > spat = skinnedSpatials . get ( skin ) ;
spat . addAll ( spatials ) ;
//the animControl will be added in the setupControls();
} else {
Spatial spatial = null ;
Spatial spatial = null ;
if ( spatials . size ( ) = = 1 ) {
if ( spatials . size ( ) = = 1 ) {
spatial = spatials . get ( 0 ) ;
spatial = spatials . get ( 0 ) ;
@ -659,6 +715,7 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
control . addAnim ( anim ) ;
control . addAnim ( anim ) ;
private void readSampler ( int samplerIndex , Texture2D texture ) {
private void readSampler ( int samplerIndex , Texture2D texture ) {
if ( samplers = = null ) {
if ( samplers = = null ) {
@ -703,74 +760,113 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
System . err . println ( inverseBindMatrices ) ;
boolean addRootIndex = true ;
rootIndex = joints . get ( 0 ) . getAsInt ( ) ;
Bone [ ] bones = new Bone [ joints . size ( ) ] ;
Bone [ ] bones = new Bone [ joints . size ( ) ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < joints . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < joints . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
bones [ i ] = readNodeAsBone ( joints . get ( i ) . getAsInt ( ) , inverseBindMatrices [ i ] ) ;
int boneIndex = joints . get ( i ) . getAsInt ( ) ;
if ( boneIndex = = rootIndex ) {
addRootIndex = false ;
bones [ i ] = readNodeAsBone ( boneIndex , inverseBindMatrices [ i ] , i , index ) ;
if ( addRootIndex ) {
//sometimes the root bone is not part of the joint array. in that case we add it at the end of the bone list.
//The bone won't deform the mesh, but that's pretty common with the root bone.
Bone [ ] newBones = new Bone [ bones . length + 1 ] ;
System . arraycopy ( bones , 0 , newBones , 0 , bones . length ) ;
//TODO actually a regular node or a geometry can be attached to a bone, we have to handle this and attach it ti the AttachementNode.
newBones [ bones . length ] = readNodeAsBone ( rootIndex , new Matrix4f ( ) , bones . length , index ) ;
findChildren ( rootIndex ) ;
bones = newBones ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < joints . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < joints . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
findChildren ( joints . get ( i ) . getAsInt ( ) ) ;
findChildren ( joints . get ( i ) . getAsInt ( ) ) ;
Skeleton skeleton = new Skeleton ( bones ) ;
Skeleton skeleton = new Skeleton ( bones ) ;
addToCache ( "skins" , index , skeleton , nodes . size ( ) ) ;
skinnedSpatials . put ( skeleton , new ArrayList < Spatial > ( ) ) ;
System . err . println ( skeleton ) ;
SkinData skinData = new SkinData ( ) ;
skinData . skeletonControl = new SkeletonControl ( skeleton ) ;
addToCache ( "skins" , index , skinData , nodes . size ( ) ) ;
skinnedSpatials . put ( skinData , new ArrayList < Spatial > ( ) ) ;
private Bone readNodeAsBone ( int nodeIndex , Matrix4f inverseBindMatrix ) throws IOException {
private Bone readNodeAsBone ( int nodeIndex , Matrix4f inverseBindMatrix , int boneIndex , int skinIndex ) throws IOException {
Bone bone = fetchFromCache ( "nodes" , nodeIndex , Bone . class ) ;
BoneWrapper boneWrapper = fetchFromCache ( "nodes" , nodeIndex , BoneWrapper . class ) ;
if ( bone ! = null ) {
if ( boneWrapper ! = null ) {
return bone ;
return boneWrapper . bone ;
JsonObject nodeData = nodes . get ( nodeIndex ) . getAsJsonObject ( ) ;
JsonObject nodeData = nodes . get ( nodeIndex ) . getAsJsonObject ( ) ;
JsonArray children = nodeData . getAsJsonArray ( "children" ) ;
String name = getAsString ( nodeData , "name" ) ;
String name = getAsString ( nodeData , "name" ) ;
if ( name = = null ) {
if ( name = = null ) {
name = "Bone_" + nodeIndex ;
name = "Bone_" + nodeIndex ;
bone = new Bone ( name ) ;
Bone bone = new Bone ( name ) ;
Transform boneTransforms = readTransforms ( nodeData ) ;
Transform boneTransforms = readTransforms ( nodeData ) ;
Transform inverseBind = new Transform ( ) ;
inverseBind . fromTransformMatrix ( inverseBindMatrix ) ;
// boneTransforms.combineWithParent(inverseBind);
bone . setBindTransforms ( boneTransforms . getTranslation ( ) , boneTransforms . getRotation ( ) , boneTransforms . getScale ( ) ) ;
bone . setBindTransforms ( boneTransforms . getTranslation ( ) , boneTransforms . getRotation ( ) , boneTransforms . getScale ( ) ) ;
addToCache ( "nodes" , nodeIndex , new BoneWrapper ( bone , boneIndex , skinIndex , inverseBindMatrix ) , nodes . size ( ) ) ;
// System.err.println(bone.getName() + " " + inverseBindMatrix);
// tmpTransforms.fromTransformMatrix(inverseBindMatrix);
// System.err.println("t: " + tmpTransforms.getTranslation());
// System.err.println("r: " + tmpTransforms.getRotation());
// Quaternion q = tmpTransforms.getRotation();
// float[] axis = new float[3];
// q.toAngles(axis);
// for (int i = 0; i < axis.length; i++) {
// System.err.print(axis[i] + ", ");
// }
// System.err.println("");
// System.err.println("s: " + tmpTransforms.getScale());
addToCache ( "nodes" , nodeIndex , bone , nodes . size ( ) ) ;
return bone ;
return bone ;
private void findChildren ( int nodeIndex ) {
private void findChildren ( int nodeIndex ) {
Bone bone = fetchFromCache ( "nodes" , nodeIndex , Bone . class ) ;
BoneWrapper bw = fetchFromCache ( "nodes" , nodeIndex , BoneWrapper . class ) ;
JsonObject nodeData = nodes . get ( nodeIndex ) . getAsJsonObject ( ) ;
JsonObject nodeData = nodes . get ( nodeIndex ) . getAsJsonObject ( ) ;
JsonArray children = nodeData . getAsJsonArray ( "children" ) ;
JsonArray children = nodeData . getAsJsonArray ( "children" ) ;
if ( children ! = null ) {
if ( children ! = null ) {
for ( JsonElement child : children ) {
for ( JsonElement child : children ) {
bone . addChild ( fetchFromCache ( "nodes" , child . getAsInt ( ) , Bone . class ) ) ;
int childIndex = child . getAsInt ( ) ;
BoneWrapper cbw = fetchFromCache ( "nodes" , childIndex , BoneWrapper . class ) ;
if ( cbw ! = null ) {
bw . bone . addChild ( cbw . bone ) ;
bw . children . add ( childIndex ) ;
private void setupControls ( ) {
private void setupControls ( ) {
for ( Skeleton skeleton : skinnedSpatials . keySet ( ) ) {
for ( SkinData skinData : skinnedSpatials . keySet ( ) ) {
List < Spatial > spatials = skinnedSpatials . get ( skeleton ) ;
List < Spatial > spatials = skinnedSpatials . get ( skinData ) ;
Spatial spatial = null ;
Spatial spatial ;
if ( spatials . size ( ) > = 1 ) {
if ( spatials . size ( ) > = 1 ) {
spatial = findCommonAncestor ( spatials ) ;
spatial = findCommonAncestor ( spatials ) ;
} else {
} else {
spatial = spatials . get ( 0 ) ;
spatial = spatials . get ( 0 ) ;
SkeletonControl control = new SkeletonControl ( skeleton ) ;
spatial . addControl ( control ) ;
AnimControl animControl = spatial . getControl ( AnimControl . class ) ;
if ( animControl ! = null ) {
//The spatial already has an anim control, we need to merge it with the one in skinData. Then remove it.
for ( String name : animControl . getAnimationNames ( ) ) {
Animation anim = animControl . getAnim ( name ) ;
skinData . animControl . addAnim ( anim ) ;
spatial . removeControl ( animControl ) ;
spatial . addControl ( skinData . animControl ) ;
spatial . addControl ( skinData . skeletonControl ) ;
@ -805,6 +901,43 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
float [ ] weights ;
float [ ] weights ;
private class BoneWrapper {
Bone bone ;
int boneIndex ;
int skinIndex ;
Matrix4f bindMatrix = new Matrix4f ( ) ;
List < Integer > children = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
public BoneWrapper ( Bone bone , int boneIndex , int skinIndex , Matrix4f inverseBindMatrix ) {
this . bone = bone ;
this . boneIndex = boneIndex ;
this . skinIndex = skinIndex ;
this . bindMatrix . set ( inverseBindMatrix ) . invertLocal ( ) ;
/ * *
* Applies the inverseBindMatrix to anim data .
* /
public void update ( AnimData data ) {
Transform invBind = new Transform ( bone . getBindPosition ( ) , bone . getBindRotation ( ) , bone . getBindScale ( ) ) ;
invBind = invBind . invert ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < data . translations . length ; i + + ) {
Transform t = new Transform ( data . translations [ i ] , data . rotations [ i ] , data . scales [ i ] ) ;
t . combineWithParent ( invBind ) ;
data . translations [ i ] = t . getTranslation ( ) ;
data . rotations [ i ] = t . getRotation ( ) ;
data . scales [ i ] = t . getScale ( ) ;
private class SkinData {
SkeletonControl skeletonControl ;
AnimControl animControl ;
private interface Populator < T > {
private interface Populator < T > {
T populate ( Integer bufferViewIndex , int componentType , String type , int count , int byteOffset ) throws IOException ;
T populate ( Integer bufferViewIndex , int componentType , String type , int count , int byteOffset ) throws IOException ;
@ -837,7 +970,6 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
vb . setupData ( VertexBuffer . Usage . Dynamic , numComponents , format , buff ) ;
vb . setupData ( VertexBuffer . Usage . Dynamic , numComponents , format , buff ) ;
return vb ;
return vb ;