@ -22,6 +22,15 @@ |
<target name="update-help-sets" description="Loads the wiki pages from the web and converts them to JavaHelp html for manual."> |
<target name="update-help-sets" description="Loads the wiki pages from the web and converts them to JavaHelp html for manual."> |
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="update-help-sets" inheritall="false" inheritrefs="false" dir="jme3-documentation/"/> |
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="update-help-sets" inheritall="false" inheritrefs="false" dir="jme3-documentation/"/> |
</target> |
</target> |
<target name="update-nb-dependencies" description="Updates the dependencies of all projects to the currently used platform module versions"> |
<property file="nbproject/project.properties"/> |
<foreach target="-update-nb-dep" list="${modules}" delimiter=":" param="module_dir" inheritall="true"/> |
</target> |
<target name="-update-nb-dep"> |
<updatenbdeps projectFile="${module_dir}/nbproject/project.xml" platformFolder="../netbeans"/> |
</target> |
<target name="-create-netbeans-config"> |
<target name="-create-netbeans-config"> |
<!--replaces default values in jmonkeyplatform.conf file with run.args.extra from project.properties--> |
<!--replaces default values in jmonkeyplatform.conf file with run.args.extra from project.properties--> |