@ -81,56 +81,23 @@ public class MotionPath implements Savable {
TempVars vars = TempVars . get ( ) ;
Vector3f temp = vars . vect1 ;
Vector3f tmpVector = vars . vect2 ;
switch ( spline . getType ( ) ) {
case CatmullRom :
//this iterative process is done to keep the spatial travel at a constant speed on the path even if
//waypoints are not equally spread over the path
// we compute the theorical distance that the spatial should travel on this frame
val = ( time * ( spline . getTotalLength ( ) / control . getDuration ( ) ) ) - control . getTraveledDistance ( ) ;
//adding and epsilon value to the control currents value
control . setCurrentValue ( control . getCurrentValue ( ) + eps ) ;
//computing the new position at current value
spline . interpolate ( control . getCurrentValue ( ) , control . getCurrentWayPoint ( ) , temp ) ;
//computing traveled distance at current value
float dist = getDist ( control , temp , tmpVector ) ;
//While the distance traveled this frame is below the theorical distance we iterate the obove computation
while ( dist < val ) {
//storing the distance traveled this frame
traveledDistance = dist ;
control . setCurrentValue ( control . getCurrentValue ( ) + eps ) ;
spline . interpolate ( control . getCurrentValue ( ) , control . getCurrentWayPoint ( ) , temp ) ;
dist = getDist ( control , temp , tmpVector ) ;
//compute the direction of the spline
if ( control . needsDirection ( ) ) {
tmpVector . set ( temp ) ;
control . setDirection ( tmpVector . subtractLocal ( control . getSpatial ( ) . getLocalTranslation ( ) ) . normalizeLocal ( ) ) ;
//updating traveled distance to the total distance traveled by the spatial since the start
traveledDistance + = control . getTraveledDistance ( ) ;
break ;
case Linear :
//distance traveled this frame
val = ( time * ( spline . getTotalLength ( ) / control . getDuration ( ) ) ) - control . getTraveledDistance ( ) ;
// computing total traveled distance
traveledDistance = control . getTraveledDistance ( ) + val ;
//computing interpolation ratio for this frame
val = val / spline . getSegmentsLength ( ) . get ( control . getCurrentWayPoint ( ) ) ;
control . setCurrentValue ( Math . min ( control . getCurrentValue ( ) + val , 1 . 0f ) ) ;
//interpolationg position
spline . interpolate ( control . getCurrentValue ( ) , control . getCurrentWayPoint ( ) , temp ) ;
//computing line direction
if ( control . needsDirection ( ) ) {
tmpVector . set ( spline . getControlPoints ( ) . get ( control . getCurrentWayPoint ( ) + 1 ) ) ;
control . setDirection ( tmpVector . subtractLocal ( spline . getControlPoints ( ) . get ( control . getCurrentWayPoint ( ) ) ) . normalizeLocal ( ) ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
//computing traveled distance according to new time
traveledDistance = time * ( getLength ( ) / control . getInitialDuration ( ) ) ;
//getting waypoint index and current value from new traveled distance
Vector2f v = getWayPointIndexForDistance ( traveledDistance ) ;
//setting values
control . setCurrentWayPoint ( ( int ) v . x ) ;
control . setCurrentValue ( v . y ) ;
//interpolating new position
getSpline ( ) . interpolate ( control . getCurrentValue ( ) , control . getCurrentWayPoint ( ) , temp ) ;
if ( control . needsDirection ( ) ) {
tmpVector . set ( temp ) ;
control . setDirection ( tmpVector . subtractLocal ( control . getSpatial ( ) . getLocalTranslation ( ) ) . normalizeLocal ( ) ) ;
control . getSpatial ( ) . setLocalTranslation ( temp ) ;
vars . release ( ) ;
return traveledDistance ;