@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.shader.Shader ;
import com.jme3.shader.VarType ;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture ;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture.WrapMode ;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture2D ;
import com.jme3.texture.image.ColorSpace ;
import com.jme3.util.PlaceholderAssets ;
@ -52,10 +51,13 @@ import com.jme3.util.blockparser.Statement;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.InputStream ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.EnumMap ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.logging.Level ;
import java.util.logging.Logger ;
import java.util.regex.Matcher ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
public class J3MLoader implements AssetLoader {
@ -126,59 +128,153 @@ public class J3MLoader implements AssetLoader {
technique . setShadowMode ( sm ) ;
private Object readValue ( VarType type , String value ) throws IOException {
if ( type . isTextureType ( ) ) {
// String texturePath = readString("[\n;(//)(\\})]");
private List < String > tokenizeTextureValue ( final String value ) {
final List < String > matchList = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
final Pattern regex = Pattern . compile ( "[^\\s\"']+|\"([^\"]*)\"|'([^']*)'" ) ;
final Matcher regexMatcher = regex . matcher ( value . trim ( ) ) ;
while ( regexMatcher . find ( ) ) {
if ( regexMatcher . group ( 1 ) ! = null ) {
matchList . add ( regexMatcher . group ( 1 ) ) ;
} else if ( regexMatcher . group ( 2 ) ! = null ) {
matchList . add ( regexMatcher . group ( 2 ) ) ;
} else {
matchList . add ( regexMatcher . group ( ) ) ;
return matchList ;
private List < TextureOptionValue > parseTextureOptions ( final List < String > values ) {
final List < TextureOptionValue > matchList = new ArrayList < TextureOptionValue > ( ) ;
if ( values . isEmpty ( ) | | values . size ( ) = = 1 ) {
return matchList ;
// Loop through all but the last value, the last one is going to be the path.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < values . size ( ) - 1 ; i + + ) {
final String value = values . get ( i ) ;
final TextureOption textureOption = TextureOption . getTextureOption ( value ) ;
if ( textureOption = = null & & ! value . contains ( "\\" ) & & ! value . contains ( "/" ) ) {
logger . log ( Level . WARNING , "Unknown texture option \"{0}\" encountered for \"{1}\" in material \"{2}\"" , new Object [ ] { value , key , material . getKey ( ) . getName ( ) } ) ;
} else if ( textureOption ! = null ) {
final String option = textureOption . getOptionValue ( value ) ;
matchList . add ( new TextureOptionValue ( textureOption , option ) ) ;
return matchList ;
private boolean isTexturePathDeclaredTheTraditionalWay ( final int numberOfValues , final int numberOfTextureOptions , final String texturePath ) {
return ( numberOfValues > 1 & & ( texturePath . startsWith ( "Flip Repeat " ) | | texturePath . startsWith ( "Flip " ) | |
texturePath . startsWith ( "Repeat " ) | | texturePath . startsWith ( "Repeat Flip " ) ) ) | | numberOfTextureOptions = = 0 ;
private Texture parseTextureType ( final VarType type , final String value ) {
final List < String > textureValues = tokenizeTextureValue ( value ) ;
final List < TextureOptionValue > textureOptionValues = parseTextureOptions ( textureValues ) ;
TextureKey textureKey = null ;
boolean repeat = false ;
// If there is only one token on the value, it must be the path to the texture.
if ( textureValues . size ( ) = = 1 ) {
textureKey = new TextureKey ( textureValues . get ( 0 ) ) ;
} else {
String texturePath = value . trim ( ) ;
boolean flipY = false ;
boolean repeat = false ;
if ( texturePath . startsWith ( "Flip Repeat " ) ) {
// If there are no valid "new" texture options specified but the path is split into several parts, lets parse the old way.
if ( isTexturePathDeclaredTheTraditionalWay ( textureValues . size ( ) , textureOptionValues . size ( ) , texturePath ) ) {
if ( texturePath . startsWith ( "Flip Repeat " ) | | texturePath . startsWith ( "Repeat Flip " ) ) {
texturePath = texturePath . substring ( 12 ) . trim ( ) ;
flipY = true ;
repeat = true ;
} else if ( texturePath . startsWith ( "Flip " ) ) {
} else if ( texturePath . startsWith ( "Flip " ) ) {
texturePath = texturePath . substring ( 5 ) . trim ( ) ;
flipY = true ;
} else if ( texturePath . startsWith ( "Repeat " ) ) {
} else if ( texturePath . startsWith ( "Repeat " ) ) {
texturePath = texturePath . substring ( 7 ) . trim ( ) ;
repeat = true ;
TextureKey texKey = new TextureKey ( texturePath , flipY ) ;
// Support path starting with quotes (double and single)
if ( texturePath . startsWith ( "\"" ) | | texturePath . startsWith ( "'" ) ) {
texturePath = texturePath . substring ( 1 ) ;
// Support path ending with quotes (double and single)
if ( texturePath . endsWith ( "\"" ) | | texturePath . endsWith ( "'" ) ) {
texturePath = texturePath . substring ( 0 , texturePath . length ( ) - 1 ) ;
textureKey = new TextureKey ( texturePath , flipY ) ;
if ( textureKey = = null ) {
textureKey = new TextureKey ( textureValues . get ( textureValues . size ( ) - 1 ) ) ;
// Apply texture options to the texture key
if ( ! textureOptionValues . isEmpty ( ) ) {
for ( final TextureOptionValue textureOptionValue : textureOptionValues ) {
textureOptionValue . applyToTextureKey ( textureKey ) ;
switch ( type ) {
case Texture3D :
texKey . setTextureTypeHint ( Texture . Type . ThreeDimensional ) ;
texture Key . setTextureTypeHint ( Texture . Type . ThreeDimensional ) ;
break ;
case TextureArray :
texKey . setTextureTypeHint ( Texture . Type . TwoDimensionalArray ) ;
texture Key . setTextureTypeHint ( Texture . Type . TwoDimensionalArray ) ;
break ;
case TextureCubeMap :
texKey . setTextureTypeHint ( Texture . Type . CubeMap ) ;
texture Key . setTextureTypeHint ( Texture . Type . CubeMap ) ;
break ;
texKey . setGenerateMips ( true ) ;
Texture tex ;
textureKey . setGenerateMips ( true ) ;
Texture texture ;
try {
tex = assetManager . loadTexture ( texKey ) ;
texture = assetManager . loadTexture ( texture Key ) ;
} catch ( AssetNotFoundException ex ) {
logger . log ( Level . WARNING , "Cannot locate {0} for material {1}" , new Object [ ] { texKey , key } ) ;
tex = null ;
logger . log ( Level . WARNING , "Cannot locate {0} for material {1}" , new Object [ ] { texture Key , key } ) ;
texture = null ;
if ( tex ! = null ) {
if ( repeat ) {
tex . setWrap ( WrapMode . Repeat ) ;
if ( texture = = null ) {
texture = new Texture2D ( PlaceholderAssets . getPlaceholderImage ( assetManager ) ) ;
texture . setKey ( textureKey ) ;
texture . setName ( textureKey . getName ( ) ) ;
} else {
tex = new Texture2D ( PlaceholderAssets . getPlaceholderImage ( assetManager ) ) ;
if ( repeat ) {
tex . setWrap ( WrapMode . Repeat ) ;
// This is here for backwards compatibility, we need to do this after the texture has been instantiated.
if ( repeat ) {
texture . setWrap ( Texture . WrapMode . Repeat ) ;
tex . setKey ( texKey ) ;
tex . setName ( texKey . getName ( ) ) ;
// Apply texture options to the texture
if ( ! textureOptionValues . isEmpty ( ) ) {
for ( final TextureOptionValue textureOptionValue : textureOptionValues ) {
textureOptionValue . applyToTexture ( texture ) ;
return tex ;
} else {
return texture ;
private Object readValue ( final VarType type , final String value ) throws IOException {
if ( type . isTextureType ( ) ) {
return parseTextureType ( type , value ) ;
} else {
String [ ] split = value . trim ( ) . split ( whitespacePattern ) ;
switch ( type ) {
case Float :
@ -619,4 +715,125 @@ public class J3MLoader implements AssetLoader {
/ * *
* Texture options allow you to specify how a texture should be initialized by including an option before
* the path to the texture in the . j3m file .
* < p >
* < b > Example : < / b >
* < pre >
* DiffuseMap : MinTrilinear MagBilinear WrapRepeat_S "some/path/to a/texture.png"
* < / pre >
* This would apply a minification filter of "Trilinear" , a magnification filter of "Bilinear" and set the wrap mode to "Repeat" .
* < / p >
* < p >
* < b > Note : < / b > If several filters of the same type are added , eg . MinTrilinear MinNearestLinearMipMap , the last one will win .
* < / p >
* /
private enum TextureOption {
/ * *
* Applies a { @link com . jme3 . texture . Texture . MinFilter } to the texture .
* /
Min {
public void applyToTexture ( final String option , final Texture texture ) {
texture . setMinFilter ( Texture . MinFilter . valueOf ( option ) ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Applies a { @link com . jme3 . texture . Texture . MagFilter } to the texture .
* /
Mag {
public void applyToTexture ( final String option , final Texture texture ) {
texture . setMagFilter ( Texture . MagFilter . valueOf ( option ) ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Applies a { @link com . jme3 . texture . Texture . WrapMode } to the texture . This also supports { @link com . jme3 . texture . Texture . WrapAxis }
* by adding "_AXIS" to the texture option . For instance if you wanted to repeat on the S ( horizontal ) axis , you
* would use < pre > WrapRepeat_S < / pre > as a texture option .
* /
Wrap {
public void applyToTexture ( final String option , final Texture texture ) {
final int separatorPosition = option . indexOf ( "_" ) ;
if ( separatorPosition > = option . length ( ) - 2 ) {
final String axis = option . substring ( separatorPosition + 1 ) ;
final String mode = option . substring ( 0 , separatorPosition ) ;
final Texture . WrapAxis wrapAxis = Texture . WrapAxis . valueOf ( axis ) ;
texture . setWrap ( wrapAxis , Texture . WrapMode . valueOf ( mode ) ) ;
} else {
texture . setWrap ( Texture . WrapMode . valueOf ( option ) ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Applies a { @link com . jme3 . texture . Texture . WrapMode # Repeat } to the texture . This is simply an alias for
* WrapRepeat , please use WrapRepeat instead if possible as this may become deprecated later on .
* /
Repeat {
public void applyToTexture ( final String option , final Texture texture ) {
Wrap . applyToTexture ( "Repeat" , texture ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Applies flipping on the Y axis to the { @link TextureKey # setFlipY ( boolean ) } .
* /
Flip {
public void applyToTextureKey ( final String option , final TextureKey textureKey ) {
textureKey . setFlipY ( true ) ;
} ;
public String getOptionValue ( final String option ) {
return option . substring ( name ( ) . length ( ) ) ;
public void applyToTexture ( final String option , final Texture texture ) {
public void applyToTextureKey ( final String option , final TextureKey textureKey ) {
public static TextureOption getTextureOption ( final String option ) {
for ( final TextureOption textureOption : TextureOption . values ( ) ) {
if ( option . startsWith ( textureOption . name ( ) ) ) {
return textureOption ;
return null ;
/ * *
* Internal object used for holding a { @link com . jme3 . material . plugins . J3MLoader . TextureOption } and it ' s value . Also
* contains a couple of convenience methods for applying the TextureOption to either a TextureKey or a Texture .
* /
private static class TextureOptionValue {
private final TextureOption textureOption ;
private final String value ;
public TextureOptionValue ( TextureOption textureOption , String value ) {
this . textureOption = textureOption ;
this . value = value ;
public void applyToTextureKey ( final TextureKey textureKey ) {
textureOption . applyToTextureKey ( value , textureKey ) ;
public void applyToTexture ( final Texture texture ) {
textureOption . applyToTexture ( value , texture ) ;