GLRenderer: remaining portion of VAO support

Kirill Vainer 10 years ago
parent d2f38f8adb
commit 7b64e91681
  1. 5
  2. 6
  3. 129
  4. 15
  5. 10
  6. 3
  7. 3

@ -138,6 +138,11 @@ class BitmapTextPage extends Geometry {
int vertCount = pageQuads.size() * 4;
int triCount = pageQuads.size() * 2;
if (vertCount > m.getVertexCount() ||
triCount > m.getTriangleCount()) {
VertexBuffer pb = m.getBuffer(Type.Position);
VertexBuffer tb = m.getBuffer(Type.TexCoord);
VertexBuffer ib = m.getBuffer(Type.Index);

@ -284,6 +284,12 @@ public interface Renderer {
public void renderMesh(Mesh mesh, int lod, int count, VertexBuffer[] instanceData);
* Delete a Mesh (or Vertex Array Object in GL terms) from the GPU.
* @param mesh The mesh to delete.
public void deleteMesh(Mesh mesh);
* Resets all previously used {@link NativeObject Native Objects} on this Renderer.
* The state of the native objects is reset in such way, that using

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import com.jme3.math.Matrix4f;
import com.jme3.math.Triangle;
import com.jme3.math.Vector2f;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.renderer.Renderer;
import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer.Format;
import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer.Type;
import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer.Usage;
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ import com.jme3.scene.mesh.*;
import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
import com.jme3.util.IntMap;
import com.jme3.util.IntMap.Entry;
import com.jme3.util.NativeObject;
import com.jme3.util.SafeArrayList;
import java.nio.*;
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
* @author Kirill Vainer
public class Mesh implements Savable, Cloneable {
public class Mesh extends NativeObject implements Savable {
* The mode of the Mesh specifies both the type of primitive represented
@ -127,19 +129,14 @@ public class Mesh implements Savable, Cloneable {
* A combination of various triangle modes. It is best to avoid
* using this mode as it may not be supported by all renderers.
* The {@link Mesh#setModeStart(int[]) mode start points} and
* {@link Mesh#setElementLengths(int[]) element lengths} must
* be specified for this mode.
* Used for Tesselation only. Requires to set the number of vertices
* for each patch (default is 3 for triangle tesselation)
private boolean listMode = false;
private Mode(boolean listMode){
@ -182,9 +179,6 @@ public class Mesh implements Savable, Cloneable {
private int patchVertexCount=3; //only used for tesselation
private int maxNumWeights = -1; // only if using skeletal animation
private int[] elementLengths;
private int[] modeStart;
private Mode mode = Mode.Triangles;
@ -193,6 +187,10 @@ public class Mesh implements Savable, Cloneable {
public Mesh(){
protected Mesh(int id) {
* Create a shallow clone of this Mesh. The {@link VertexBuffer vertex
* buffers} are shared between this and the clone mesh, the rest
@ -202,23 +200,12 @@ public class Mesh implements Savable, Cloneable {
public Mesh clone() {
try {
Mesh clone = (Mesh) super.clone();
clone.meshBound = meshBound.clone();
clone.collisionTree = collisionTree != null ? collisionTree : null;
clone.buffers = buffers.clone();
clone.buffersList = new SafeArrayList<VertexBuffer>(VertexBuffer.class,buffersList);
clone.vertexArrayID = -1;
if (elementLengths != null) {
clone.elementLengths = elementLengths.clone();
if (modeStart != null) {
clone.modeStart = modeStart.clone();
return clone;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) {
throw new AssertionError();
@ -229,7 +216,6 @@ public class Mesh implements Savable, Cloneable {
* @return a deep clone of this mesh.
public Mesh deepClone(){
Mesh clone = (Mesh) super.clone();
clone.meshBound = meshBound != null ? meshBound.clone() : null;
@ -245,7 +231,6 @@ public class Mesh implements Savable, Cloneable {
clone.vertexArrayID = -1;
clone.vertCount = vertCount;
clone.elementCount = elementCount;
clone.instanceCount = instanceCount;
@ -254,12 +239,7 @@ public class Mesh implements Savable, Cloneable {
// if the bone weight/index buffers are modified
clone.maxNumWeights = maxNumWeights;
clone.elementLengths = elementLengths != null ? elementLengths.clone() : null;
clone.modeStart = modeStart != null ? modeStart.clone() : null;
return clone;
}catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex){
throw new AssertionError();
@ -475,40 +455,6 @@ public class Mesh implements Savable, Cloneable {
return lodLevels[lod];
* Get the element lengths for {@link Mode#Hybrid} mesh mode.
* @return element lengths
public int[] getElementLengths() {
return elementLengths;
* Set the element lengths for {@link Mode#Hybrid} mesh mode.
* @param elementLengths The element lengths to set
public void setElementLengths(int[] elementLengths) {
this.elementLengths = elementLengths;
* Set the mode start indices for {@link Mode#Hybrid} mesh mode.
* @return mode start indices
public int[] getModeStart() {
return modeStart;
* Get the mode start indices for {@link Mode#Hybrid} mesh mode.
public void setModeStart(int[] modeStart) {
this.modeStart = modeStart;
* Returns the mesh mode
@ -899,23 +845,6 @@ public class Mesh implements Savable, Cloneable {
indices[2] = ib.get(vertIndex+2);
* Returns the mesh's VAO ID. Internal use only.
public int getId(){
return vertexArrayID;
* Sets the mesh's VAO ID. Internal use only.
public void setId(int id){
if (vertexArrayID != -1)
throw new IllegalStateException("ID has already been set.");
vertexArrayID = id;
* Generates a collision tree for the mesh.
* Called automatically by {@link #collideWith(com.jme3.collision.Collidable,
@ -1109,9 +1038,6 @@ public class Mesh implements Savable, Cloneable {
* @return A virtual or wrapped index buffer to read the data as a list
public IndexBuffer getIndicesAsList(){
if (mode == Mode.Hybrid)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Hybrid mode not supported");
IndexBuffer ib = getIndexBuffer();
if (ib != null) {
if (mode.isListMode()) {
@ -1385,16 +1311,30 @@ public class Mesh implements Savable, Cloneable {
return patchVertexCount;
public void resetObject() {
id = -1;
public void deleteObject(Object rendererObject) {
public NativeObject createDestructableClone() {
return new Mesh(id);
public long getUniqueId() {
return ((long)OBJTYPE_MESH << 32) | ((long)id);
public void write(JmeExporter ex) throws IOException {
OutputCapsule out = ex.getCapsule(this);
// HashMap<String, VertexBuffer> map = new HashMap<String, VertexBuffer>();
// for (Entry<VertexBuffer> buf : buffers){
// if (buf.getValue() != null)
// map.put(buf.getKey()+"a", buf.getValue());
// }
// out.writeStringSavableMap(map, "buffers", null);
out.write(meshBound, "modelBound", null);
out.write(vertCount, "vertCount", -1);
out.write(elementCount, "elementCount", -1);
@ -1402,8 +1342,6 @@ public class Mesh implements Savable, Cloneable {
out.write(maxNumWeights, "max_num_weights", -1);
out.write(mode, "mode", Mode.Triangles);
out.write(collisionTree, "collisionTree", null);
out.write(elementLengths, "elementLengths", null);
out.write(modeStart, "modeStart", null);
out.write(pointSize, "pointSize", 1f);
//Removing HW skinning buffers to not save them
@ -1439,14 +1377,9 @@ public class Mesh implements Savable, Cloneable {
instanceCount = in.readInt("instanceCount", -1);
maxNumWeights = in.readInt("max_num_weights", -1);
mode = in.readEnum("mode", Mode.class, Mode.Triangles);
elementLengths = in.readIntArray("elementLengths", null);
modeStart = in.readIntArray("modeStart", null);
collisionTree = (BIHTree) in.readSavable("collisionTree", null);
elementLengths = in.readIntArray("elementLengths", null);
modeStart = in.readIntArray("modeStart", null);
pointSize = in.readFloat("pointSize", 1f);
// in.readStringSavableMap("buffers", null);
buffers = (IntMap<VertexBuffer>) in.readIntSavableMap("buffers", null);
for (Entry<VertexBuffer> entry : buffers){

@ -524,6 +524,17 @@ public class VertexBuffer extends NativeObject implements Savable, Cloneable {
this.usage = usage;
* The size of an element in bytes.
* The number of components multiplied by the size of a component.
* @return size of an element in bytes.
public int getElementSize() {
return componentsLength;
* @param normalized Set to true if integer components should be converted
* from their maximal range into the range 0.0 - 1.0 when converted to
@ -976,6 +987,10 @@ public class VertexBuffer extends NativeObject implements Savable, Cloneable {
* of the parameters. The buffer will be of the type specified by
* {@link Format format} and would be able to contain the given number
* of elements with the given number of components in each element.
* @param format The format of the buffer to create
* @param components The number of components (aka dimensions)
* @param numElements Capacity of the buffer in number of elements.
* @return A buffer satisfying the given requirements.
public static Buffer createBuffer(Format format, int components, int numElements){
if (components < 1 || components > 4)

@ -274,6 +274,16 @@ public final class Shader extends NativeObject {
return attrib;
public boolean isAttributeDefined(VertexBuffer.Type attribType) {
int ordinal = attribType.ordinal();
Attribute attrib = attribs.get(ordinal);
if (attrib == null){
return false;
} else {
return attrib.location != -1 && attrib.location != 2;
public ListMap<String, Uniform> getUniformMap(){
return uniforms;

@ -164,4 +164,7 @@ public class NullRenderer implements Renderer {
public void readFrameBufferWithFormat(FrameBuffer fb, ByteBuffer byteBuf, Image.Format format) {
public void deleteMesh(Mesh mesh) {

@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ public abstract class NativeObject implements Cloneable {
* The object manager to which this NativeObject is registered to.
