Class ControllerEnvironment

Direct Known Subclasses:
AWTEnvironmentPlugin, DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin, DirectInputEnvironmentPlugin, LinuxEnvironmentPlugin, OSXEnvironmentPlugin, RawInputEnvironmentPlugin, WinTabEnvironmentPlugin

public abstract class ControllerEnvironment extends Object
A ControllerEnvironment represents a collection of controllers that are physically or logically linked. By default, this corresponds to the environment for the local machine.

In this reference implementation, this class can also be used to register controllers with the default environment as "plug-ins". A plug-in is created by subclassing ControllerEnvironment with a class that has a public no-argument constructor, implements the interface and has a name ending in "Plugin". (See in the DXplugin part of the source tree for an example.) When the DefaultControllerEnvrionment is instanced it uses the plugin library to look for Plugins in both [java.home]/lib/controller and [user.dir]/controller. This allows controller plugins to be installed either globally for the entire Java environment or locally for just one particular Java app. For more information on the organization of plugins within the controller root directories, see (Note the plural -- "Plugins" not "Plugin" which is just a marker interface.)

  • Field Details

    • controllerListeners

      protected final ArrayList controllerListeners
      List of controller listeners
  • Constructor Details

    • ControllerEnvironment

      protected ControllerEnvironment()
      Protected constructor for subclassing.
  • Method Details

    • getControllers

      public abstract AbstractController[] getControllers()
      Returns a list of all controllers available to this environment, or an empty array if there are no controllers in this environment.
    • rescanControllers

      public abstract AbstractController[] rescanControllers()
      Rescans the devices and provides a list of new controllers.
      a list of all controllers available to this environment.
    • addControllerListener

      public void addControllerListener(ControllerListener l)
      Adds a listener for controller state change events.
    • isSupported

      public abstract boolean isSupported()
      Returns the isSupported status of this environment. What makes an environment supported or not is up to the particular plugin, but may include OS or available hardware.
    • removeControllerListener

      public void removeControllerListener(ControllerListener l)
      Removes a listener for controller state change events.
    • fireControllerAdded

      protected void fireControllerAdded(AbstractController c)
      Creates and sends an event to the controller listeners that a controller has been added.
    • fireControllerRemoved

      protected void fireControllerRemoved(AbstractController c)
      Creates and sends an event to the controller listeners that a controller has been lost.
    • getDefaultEnvironment

      public static ControllerEnvironment getDefaultEnvironment()
      Returns the default environment for input controllers. This usually corresponds to the environment for the local machine.