@ -24,10 +24,24 @@ describe( 'inspect', function() |
assert.equals(inspect("I have \"quotes\" and 'apostrophes'"), '"I have \\"quotes\\" and \'apostrophes\'"') |
assert.equals(inspect("I have \"quotes\" and 'apostrophes'"), '"I have \\"quotes\\" and \'apostrophes\'"') |
end) |
end) |
it('escapes escape control characters', function() |
it('escapes newlines properly', function() |
assert.equals(inspect('I have \n new \n lines'), '"I have \\\\n new \\\\n lines"') |
assert.equals(inspect('I have \n new \n lines'), '"I have \\n new \\n lines"') |
assert.equals(inspect('I have \b a back space'), '"I have \\\\b a back space"') |
end) |
end) |
it('escapes tabs properly', function() |
assert.equals(inspect('I have \t a tab character'), '"I have \\t a tab character"') |
end) |
it('escapes backspaces properly', function() |
assert.equals(inspect('I have \b a back space'), '"I have \\b a back space"') |
end) |
it('backslashes its backslashes', function() |
assert.equals(inspect('I have \\ a backslash'), '"I have \\\\ a backslash"') |
assert.equals(inspect('I have \\\\ two backslashes'), '"I have \\\\\\\\ two backslashes"') |
assert.equals(inspect('I have \\\n a backslash followed by a newline'), '"I have \\\\\\n a backslash followed by a newline"') |
end) |
end) |
end) |
it('works with nil', function() |
it('works with nil', function() |