Human-readable representation of Lua tables
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

24 lines
613 B

13 years ago
package = "inspect"
13 years ago
version = "1.2-2"
13 years ago
source = {
13 years ago
url = "",
dir = "inspect.lua-1.2.0"
13 years ago
description = {
summary = "Lua table visualizer, ideal for debugging",
detailed = [[
inspect will print out your lua tables nicely so you can debug your programs quickly. It sorts keys by type and name, handles data recursion
homepage = "",
license = "MIT <>"
dependencies = {
"lua >= 5.1"
build = {
type = "builtin",
modules = {
inspect = "inspect.lua"