@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ namespace olc |
void SetTexture(olc::Sprite *texture); |
void SetTexture(olc::Sprite *texture); |
//void SetMipMapTexture(olc::GFX3D::MipMap *texture);
//void SetMipMapTexture(olc::GFX3D::MipMap *texture);
void SetLightSource(uint32_t nSlot, uint32_t nType, olc::Pixel col, olc::GFX3D::vec3d pos, olc::GFX3D::vec3d dir = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, float fParam = 0.0f); |
void SetLightSource(uint32_t nSlot, uint32_t nType, olc::Pixel col, olc::GFX3D::vec3d pos, olc::GFX3D::vec3d dir = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, float fParam = 0.0f); |
uint32_t Render(std::vector<olc::GFX3D::triangle> &triangles, uint32_t flags = RENDER_CULL_CW | RENDER_TEXTURED | RENDER_DEPTH); |
uint32_t Render(std::vector<olc::GFX3D::triangle> &triangles, Decal*dec,uint32_t flags = RENDER_CULL_CW | RENDER_TEXTURED | RENDER_DEPTH); |
uint32_t Render(std::vector<olc::GFX3D::triangle> &triangles, uint32_t flags, int nOffset, int nCount); |
uint32_t Render(std::vector<olc::GFX3D::triangle> &triangles, Decal* dec, uint32_t flags, int nOffset, int nCount); |
uint32_t RenderLine(olc::GFX3D::vec3d &p1, olc::GFX3D::vec3d &p2, olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE); |
uint32_t RenderLine(olc::GFX3D::vec3d &p1, olc::GFX3D::vec3d &p2, olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE); |
uint32_t RenderCircleXZ(olc::GFX3D::vec3d &p1, float r, olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE); |
uint32_t RenderCircleXZ(olc::GFX3D::vec3d &p1, float r, olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE); |
@ -242,20 +242,17 @@ namespace olc |
static void ConfigureDisplay(); |
static void ConfigureDisplay(); |
static void ClearDepth(); |
static void ClearDepth(); |
static void AddTriangleToScene(olc::GFX3D::triangle &tri); |
static void RenderScene(); |
static void DrawTriangleFlat(olc::GFX3D::triangle &tri); |
static void DrawTriangleFlat(olc::GFX3D::triangle &tri); |
static void DrawTriangleWire(olc::GFX3D::triangle &tri, olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE); |
static void DrawTriangleWire(olc::GFX3D::triangle &tri, olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE); |
static void DrawTriangleTex(olc::GFX3D::triangle &tri, olc::Sprite* spr); |
static void TexturedTriangle(float x1, float y1,float z1, float u1, float v1, float w1, |
static void TexturedTriangle(int x1, int y1, float u1, float v1, float w1, |
float x2, float y2,float z2, float u2, float v2, float w2, |
int x2, int y2, float u2, float v2, float w2, |
float x3, float y3,float z3, float u3, float v3, float w3, olc::Decal* spr); |
int x3, int y3, float u3, float v3, float w3, olc::Sprite* spr); |
static void RasterTriangle(float x1, float y1,float z1, float u1, float v1, float w1, olc::Pixel c1, |
static void RasterTriangle(int x1, int y1, float u1, float v1, float w1, olc::Pixel c1, |
float x2, float y2,float z2, float u2, float v2, float w2, olc::Pixel c2, |
int x2, int y2, float u2, float v2, float w2, olc::Pixel c2, |
float x3, float y3,float z3, float u3, float v3, float w3, olc::Pixel c3, |
int x3, int y3, float u3, float v3, float w3, olc::Pixel c3, |
olc::Decal* dec, |
olc::Sprite* spr, |
uint32_t nFlags); |
uint32_t nFlags); |
// Draws a sprite with the transform applied
// Draws a sprite with the transform applied
@ -659,193 +656,22 @@ namespace olc |
void GFX3D::DrawTriangleFlat(olc::GFX3D::triangle &tri) |
void GFX3D::DrawTriangleFlat(olc::GFX3D::triangle &tri) |
{ |
{ |
pge->FillTriangle((int32_t)tri.p[0].x, (int32_t)tri.p[0].y, (int32_t)tri.p[1].x, (int32_t)tri.p[1].y, (int32_t)tri.p[2].x, (int32_t)tri.p[2].y, tri.col[0]); |
pge->FillTriangleDecal({tri.p[0].x, tri.p[0].y}, {tri.p[1].x, tri.p[1].y}, {tri.p[2].x, tri.p[2].y}, tri.col[0]); |
} |
} |
void GFX3D::DrawTriangleWire(olc::GFX3D::triangle &tri, olc::Pixel col) |
void GFX3D::DrawTriangleWire(olc::GFX3D::triangle &tri, olc::Pixel col) |
{ |
{ |
pge->DrawTriangle((int32_t)tri.p[0].x, (int32_t)tri.p[0].y, (int32_t)tri.p[1].x, (int32_t)tri.p[1].y, (int32_t)tri.p[2].x, (int32_t)tri.p[2].y, col); |
pge->SetDecalMode(DecalMode::WIREFRAME); |
pge->FillTriangleDecal({tri.p[0].x, tri.p[0].y}, {tri.p[1].x, tri.p[1].y}, {tri.p[2].x, tri.p[2].y}, col); |
pge->SetDecalMode(DecalMode::NORMAL); |
} |
} |
void GFX3D::TexturedTriangle(int x1, int y1, float u1, float v1, float w1, |
void GFX3D::TexturedTriangle(float x1, float y1,float z1, float u1, float v1, float w1, |
int x2, int y2, float u2, float v2, float w2, |
float x2, float y2,float z2, float u2, float v2, float w2, |
int x3, int y3, float u3, float v3, float w3, olc::Sprite* spr) |
float x3, float y3,float z3, float u3, float v3, float w3, olc::Decal* dec) |
{ |
{ |
if (y2 < y1) |
pge->FillTexturedTriangleDecal(dec,{x1,y1},{x2,y2},{x3,y3},z1,z2,z3,{u1,v1},{u2,v2},{u3,v3},w1,w2,w3,WHITE,WHITE,WHITE); |
{ |
std::swap(y1, y2); |
std::swap(x1, x2); |
std::swap(u1, u2); |
std::swap(v1, v2); |
std::swap(w1, w2); |
} |
if (y3 < y1) |
{ |
std::swap(y1, y3); |
std::swap(x1, x3); |
std::swap(u1, u3); |
std::swap(v1, v3); |
std::swap(w1, w3); |
} |
if (y3 < y2) |
{ |
std::swap(y2, y3); |
std::swap(x2, x3); |
std::swap(u2, u3); |
std::swap(v2, v3); |
std::swap(w2, w3); |
} |
int dy1 = y2 - y1; |
int dx1 = x2 - x1; |
float dv1 = v2 - v1; |
float du1 = u2 - u1; |
float dw1 = w2 - w1; |
int dy2 = y3 - y1; |
int dx2 = x3 - x1; |
float dv2 = v3 - v1; |
float du2 = u3 - u1; |
float dw2 = w3 - w1; |
float tex_u, tex_v, tex_w; |
float dax_step = 0, dbx_step = 0, |
du1_step = 0, dv1_step = 0, |
du2_step = 0, dv2_step = 0, |
dw1_step = 0, dw2_step = 0; |
if (dy1) dax_step = dx1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy2) dbx_step = dx2 / (float)abs(dy2); |
if (dy1) du1_step = du1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) dv1_step = dv1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) dw1_step = dw1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy2) du2_step = du2 / (float)abs(dy2); |
if (dy2) dv2_step = dv2 / (float)abs(dy2); |
if (dy2) dw2_step = dw2 / (float)abs(dy2); |
if (dy1) |
{ |
for (int i = y1; i <= y2; i++) |
{ |
int ax = int(x1 + (float)(i - y1) * dax_step); |
int bx = int(x1 + (float)(i - y1) * dbx_step); |
float tex_su = u1 + (float)(i - y1) * du1_step; |
float tex_sv = v1 + (float)(i - y1) * dv1_step; |
float tex_sw = w1 + (float)(i - y1) * dw1_step; |
float tex_eu = u1 + (float)(i - y1) * du2_step; |
float tex_ev = v1 + (float)(i - y1) * dv2_step; |
float tex_ew = w1 + (float)(i - y1) * dw2_step; |
if (ax > bx) |
{ |
std::swap(ax, bx); |
std::swap(tex_su, tex_eu); |
std::swap(tex_sv, tex_ev); |
std::swap(tex_sw, tex_ew); |
} |
tex_u = tex_su; |
tex_v = tex_sv; |
tex_w = tex_sw; |
float tstep = 1.0f / ((float)(bx - ax)); |
float t = 0.0f; |
for (int j = ax; j < bx; j++) |
{ |
tex_u = (1.0f - t) * tex_su + t * tex_eu; |
tex_v = (1.0f - t) * tex_sv + t * tex_ev; |
tex_w = (1.0f - t) * tex_sw + t * tex_ew; |
if (tex_w > m_DepthBuffer[i*pge->ScreenWidth() + j]) |
{ |
/*if (bMipMap)
pge->Draw(j, i, ((olc::GFX3D::MipMap*)spr)->Sample(tex_u / tex_w, tex_v / tex_w, tex_w)); |
else*/ |
if(pge->Draw(j, i, spr != nullptr ? spr->Sample(tex_u / tex_w, tex_v / tex_w) : olc::GREY)) |
m_DepthBuffer[i*pge->ScreenWidth() + j] = tex_w; |
} |
t += tstep; |
} |
} |
} |
dy1 = y3 - y2; |
dx1 = x3 - x2; |
dv1 = v3 - v2; |
du1 = u3 - u2; |
dw1 = w3 - w2; |
if (dy1) dax_step = dx1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy2) dbx_step = dx2 / (float)abs(dy2); |
du1_step = 0, dv1_step = 0; |
if (dy1) du1_step = du1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) dv1_step = dv1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) dw1_step = dw1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) |
{ |
for (int i = y2; i <= y3; i++) |
{ |
int ax = int(x2 + (float)(i - y2) * dax_step); |
int bx = int(x1 + (float)(i - y1) * dbx_step); |
float tex_su = u2 + (float)(i - y2) * du1_step; |
float tex_sv = v2 + (float)(i - y2) * dv1_step; |
float tex_sw = w2 + (float)(i - y2) * dw1_step; |
float tex_eu = u1 + (float)(i - y1) * du2_step; |
float tex_ev = v1 + (float)(i - y1) * dv2_step; |
float tex_ew = w1 + (float)(i - y1) * dw2_step; |
if (ax > bx) |
{ |
std::swap(ax, bx); |
std::swap(tex_su, tex_eu); |
std::swap(tex_sv, tex_ev); |
std::swap(tex_sw, tex_ew); |
} |
tex_u = tex_su; |
tex_v = tex_sv; |
tex_w = tex_sw; |
float tstep = 1.0f / ((float)(bx - ax)); |
float t = 0.0f; |
for (int j = ax; j < bx; j++) |
{ |
tex_u = (1.0f - t) * tex_su + t * tex_eu; |
tex_v = (1.0f - t) * tex_sv + t * tex_ev; |
tex_w = (1.0f - t) * tex_sw + t * tex_ew; |
if (tex_w > m_DepthBuffer[i*pge->ScreenWidth() + j]) |
pge->Draw(j, i, ((olc::GFX3D::MipMap*)spr)->Sample(tex_u / tex_w, tex_v / tex_w, tex_w)); |
else*/ |
if(pge->Draw(j, i, spr != nullptr ? spr->Sample(tex_u / tex_w, tex_v / tex_w) : olc::GREY)) |
m_DepthBuffer[i*pge->ScreenWidth() + j] = tex_w; |
} |
t += tstep; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
void GFX3D::DrawTriangleTex(olc::GFX3D::triangle &tri, olc::Sprite* spr) |
{ |
} |
} |
float* GFX3D::m_DepthBuffer = nullptr; |
float* GFX3D::m_DepthBuffer = nullptr; |
@ -1022,9 +848,9 @@ namespace olc |
} |
} |
} |
} |
uint32_t GFX3D::PipeLine::Render(std::vector<olc::GFX3D::triangle> &triangles, uint32_t flags) |
uint32_t GFX3D::PipeLine::Render(std::vector<olc::GFX3D::triangle> &triangles, Decal*dec,uint32_t flags) |
{ |
{ |
return Render(triangles, flags, 0, triangles.size()); |
return Render(triangles, dec,flags, 0, triangles.size()); |
} |
} |
uint32_t GFX3D::PipeLine::RenderLine(olc::GFX3D::vec3d &p1, olc::GFX3D::vec3d &p2, olc::Pixel col) |
uint32_t GFX3D::PipeLine::RenderLine(olc::GFX3D::vec3d &p1, olc::GFX3D::vec3d &p2, olc::Pixel col) |
@ -1108,7 +934,7 @@ namespace olc |
return 0; |
return 0; |
} |
} |
uint32_t GFX3D::PipeLine::Render(std::vector<olc::GFX3D::triangle> &triangles, uint32_t flags, int nOffset, int nCount) |
uint32_t GFX3D::PipeLine::Render(std::vector<olc::GFX3D::triangle> &triangles, Decal* dec, uint32_t flags, int nOffset, int nCount) |
{ |
{ |
// Calculate Transformation Matrix
// Calculate Transformation Matrix
mat4x4 matWorldView = Math::Mat_MultiplyMatrix(matWorld, matView); |
mat4x4 matWorldView = Math::Mat_MultiplyMatrix(matWorld, matView); |
@ -1353,10 +1179,10 @@ namespace olc |
else |
else |
{ |
{ |
RasterTriangle( |
RasterTriangle( |
(int)triRaster.p[0].x,(int)triRaster.p[0].y, triRaster.t[0].x, triRaster.t[0].y, triRaster.t[0].z, triRaster.col[0], |
triRaster.p[0].x,triRaster.p[0].y,triRaster.p[0].z, triRaster.t[0].x, triRaster.t[0].y, triRaster.t[0].z, triRaster.col[0], |
(int)triRaster.p[1].x,(int)triRaster.p[1].y, triRaster.t[1].x, triRaster.t[1].y, triRaster.t[1].z, triRaster.col[1], |
triRaster.p[1].x,triRaster.p[1].y,triRaster.p[1].z, triRaster.t[1].x, triRaster.t[1].y, triRaster.t[1].z, triRaster.col[1], |
(int)triRaster.p[2].x,(int)triRaster.p[2].y, triRaster.t[2].x, triRaster.t[2].y, triRaster.t[2].z, triRaster.col[2], |
triRaster.p[2].x,triRaster.p[2].y,triRaster.p[2].z, triRaster.t[2].x, triRaster.t[2].y, triRaster.t[2].z, triRaster.col[2], |
sprTexture, flags); |
dec, flags); |
} |
} |
@ -1371,291 +1197,13 @@ namespace olc |
return nTriangleDrawnCount; |
return nTriangleDrawnCount; |
} |
} |
void GFX3D::RasterTriangle(int x1, int y1, float u1, float v1, float w1, olc::Pixel c1, |
void GFX3D::RasterTriangle(float x1, float y1,float z1, float u1, float v1, float w1, olc::Pixel c1, |
int x2, int y2, float u2, float v2, float w2, olc::Pixel c2, |
float x2, float y2,float z2, float u2, float v2, float w2, olc::Pixel c2, |
int x3, int y3, float u3, float v3, float w3, olc::Pixel c3, |
float x3, float y3,float z3, float u3, float v3, float w3, olc::Pixel c3, |
olc::Sprite* spr, |
olc::Decal* dec, |
uint32_t nFlags) |
uint32_t nFlags) |
{ |
if (y2 < y1) |
{ |
{ |
std::swap(y1, y2); std::swap(x1, x2); std::swap(u1, u2); std::swap(v1, v2); std::swap(w1, w2); std::swap(c1, c2); |
pge->FillTexturedTriangleDecal(dec,{x1,y1},{x2,y2},{x3,y3},z1,z2,z3,{u1,v1},{u2,v2},{u3,v3},w1,w2,w3,c1,c2,c3); |
} |
if (y3 < y1) |
{ |
std::swap(y1, y3); std::swap(x1, x3); std::swap(u1, u3); std::swap(v1, v3); std::swap(w1, w3); std::swap(c1, c3); |
} |
if (y3 < y2) |
{ |
std::swap(y2, y3); std::swap(x2, x3); std::swap(u2, u3); std::swap(v2, v3); std::swap(w2, w3); std::swap(c2, c3); |
} |
int dy1 = y2 - y1; |
int dx1 = x2 - x1; |
float dv1 = v2 - v1; |
float du1 = u2 - u1; |
float dw1 = w2 - w1; |
int dcr1 = c2.r - c1.r; |
int dcg1 = c2.g - c1.g; |
int dcb1 = c2.b - c1.b; |
int dca1 = c2.a - c1.a; |
int dy2 = y3 - y1; |
int dx2 = x3 - x1; |
float dv2 = v3 - v1; |
float du2 = u3 - u1; |
float dw2 = w3 - w1; |
int dcr2 = c3.r - c1.r; |
int dcg2 = c3.g - c1.g; |
int dcb2 = c3.b - c1.b; |
int dca2 = c3.a - c1.a; |
float tex_u, tex_v, tex_w; |
float col_r, col_g, col_b, col_a; |
float dax_step = 0, dbx_step = 0, |
du1_step = 0, dv1_step = 0, |
du2_step = 0, dv2_step = 0, |
dw1_step = 0, dw2_step = 0, |
dcr1_step = 0, dcr2_step = 0, |
dcg1_step = 0, dcg2_step = 0, |
dcb1_step = 0, dcb2_step = 0, |
dca1_step = 0, dca2_step = 0; |
if (dy1) dax_step = dx1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy2) dbx_step = dx2 / (float)abs(dy2); |
if (dy1) du1_step = du1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) dv1_step = dv1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) dw1_step = dw1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy2) du2_step = du2 / (float)abs(dy2); |
if (dy2) dv2_step = dv2 / (float)abs(dy2); |
if (dy2) dw2_step = dw2 / (float)abs(dy2); |
if (dy1) dcr1_step = dcr1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) dcg1_step = dcg1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) dcb1_step = dcb1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) dca1_step = dca1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy2) dcr2_step = dcr2 / (float)abs(dy2); |
if (dy2) dcg2_step = dcg2 / (float)abs(dy2); |
if (dy2) dcb2_step = dcb2 / (float)abs(dy2); |
if (dy2) dca2_step = dca2 / (float)abs(dy2); |
float pixel_r = 0.0f; |
float pixel_g = 0.0f; |
float pixel_b = 0.0f; |
float pixel_a = 1.0f; |
if (dy1) |
{ |
for (int i = y1; i <= y2; i++) |
{ |
int ax = int(x1 + (float)(i - y1) * dax_step); |
int bx = int(x1 + (float)(i - y1) * dbx_step); |
float tex_su = u1 + (float)(i - y1) * du1_step; |
float tex_sv = v1 + (float)(i - y1) * dv1_step; |
float tex_sw = w1 + (float)(i - y1) * dw1_step; |
float tex_eu = u1 + (float)(i - y1) * du2_step; |
float tex_ev = v1 + (float)(i - y1) * dv2_step; |
float tex_ew = w1 + (float)(i - y1) * dw2_step; |
float col_sr = c1.r + (float)(i - y1) * dcr1_step; |
float col_sg = c1.g + (float)(i - y1) * dcg1_step; |
float col_sb = c1.b + (float)(i - y1) * dcb1_step; |
float col_sa = c1.a + (float)(i - y1) * dca1_step; |
float col_er = c1.r + (float)(i - y1) * dcr2_step; |
float col_eg = c1.g + (float)(i - y1) * dcg2_step; |
float col_eb = c1.b + (float)(i - y1) * dcb2_step; |
float col_ea = c1.a + (float)(i - y1) * dca2_step; |
if (ax > bx) |
{ |
std::swap(ax, bx); |
std::swap(tex_su, tex_eu); |
std::swap(tex_sv, tex_ev); |
std::swap(tex_sw, tex_ew); |
std::swap(col_sr, col_er); |
std::swap(col_sg, col_eg); |
std::swap(col_sb, col_eb); |
std::swap(col_sa, col_ea); |
} |
tex_u = tex_su; |
tex_v = tex_sv; |
tex_w = tex_sw; |
col_r = col_sr; |
col_g = col_sg; |
col_b = col_sb; |
col_a = col_sa; |
float tstep = 1.0f / ((float)(bx - ax)); |
float t = 0.0f; |
for (int j = ax; j < bx; j++) |
{ |
tex_u = (1.0f - t) * tex_su + t * tex_eu; |
tex_v = (1.0f - t) * tex_sv + t * tex_ev; |
tex_w = (1.0f - t) * tex_sw + t * tex_ew; |
col_r = (1.0f - t) * col_sr + t * col_er; |
col_g = (1.0f - t) * col_sg + t * col_eg; |
col_b = (1.0f - t) * col_sb + t * col_eb; |
col_a = (1.0f - t) * col_sa + t * col_ea; |
pixel_r = col_r; |
pixel_g = col_g; |
pixel_b = col_b; |
pixel_a = col_a; |
if (nFlags & GFX3D::RENDER_TEXTURED) |
{ |
if (spr != nullptr) |
{ |
olc::Pixel sample = spr->Sample(tex_u / tex_w, tex_v / tex_w); |
pixel_r *= sample.r / 255.0f; |
pixel_g *= sample.g / 255.0f; |
pixel_b *= sample.b / 255.0f; |
pixel_a *= sample.a / 255.0f; |
} |
} |
if (nFlags & GFX3D::RENDER_DEPTH) |
{ |
if (tex_w > m_DepthBuffer[i*pge->ScreenWidth() + j]) |
if (pge->Draw(j, i, olc::Pixel(uint8_t(pixel_r * 1.0f), uint8_t(pixel_g * 1.0f), uint8_t(pixel_b * 1.0f), uint8_t(pixel_a * 1.0f)))) |
m_DepthBuffer[i*pge->ScreenWidth() + j] = tex_w; |
} |
else |
{ |
pge->Draw(j, i, olc::Pixel(uint8_t(pixel_r * 1.0f), uint8_t(pixel_g * 1.0f), uint8_t(pixel_b * 1.0f), uint8_t(pixel_a * 1.0f))); |
} |
t += tstep; |
} |
} |
} |
dy1 = y3 - y2; |
dx1 = x3 - x2; |
dv1 = v3 - v2; |
du1 = u3 - u2; |
dw1 = w3 - w2; |
dcr1 = c3.r - c2.r; |
dcg1 = c3.g - c2.g; |
dcb1 = c3.b - c2.b; |
dca1 = c3.a - c2.a; |
if (dy1) dax_step = dx1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy2) dbx_step = dx2 / (float)abs(dy2); |
du1_step = 0; dv1_step = 0; |
if (dy1) du1_step = du1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) dv1_step = dv1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) dw1_step = dw1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
dcr1_step = 0; dcg1_step = 0; dcb1_step = 0; dca1_step = 0; |
if (dy1) dcr1_step = dcr1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) dcg1_step = dcg1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) dcb1_step = dcb1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) dca1_step = dca1 / (float)abs(dy1); |
if (dy1) |
{ |
for (int i = y2; i <= y3; i++) |
{ |
int ax = int(x2 + (float)(i - y2) * dax_step); |
int bx = int(x1 + (float)(i - y1) * dbx_step); |
float tex_su = u2 + (float)(i - y2) * du1_step; |
float tex_sv = v2 + (float)(i - y2) * dv1_step; |
float tex_sw = w2 + (float)(i - y2) * dw1_step; |
float tex_eu = u1 + (float)(i - y1) * du2_step; |
float tex_ev = v1 + (float)(i - y1) * dv2_step; |
float tex_ew = w1 + (float)(i - y1) * dw2_step; |
float col_sr = c2.r + (float)(i - y2) * dcr1_step; |
float col_sg = c2.g + (float)(i - y2) * dcg1_step; |
float col_sb = c2.b + (float)(i - y2) * dcb1_step; |
float col_sa = c2.a + (float)(i - y2) * dca1_step; |
float col_er = c1.r + (float)(i - y1) * dcr2_step; |
float col_eg = c1.g + (float)(i - y1) * dcg2_step; |
float col_eb = c1.b + (float)(i - y1) * dcb2_step; |
float col_ea = c1.a + (float)(i - y1) * dca2_step; |
if (ax > bx) |
{ |
std::swap(ax, bx); |
std::swap(tex_su, tex_eu); |
std::swap(tex_sv, tex_ev); |
std::swap(tex_sw, tex_ew); |
std::swap(col_sr, col_er); |
std::swap(col_sg, col_eg); |
std::swap(col_sb, col_eb); |
std::swap(col_sa, col_ea); |
} |
tex_u = tex_su; |
tex_v = tex_sv; |
tex_w = tex_sw; |
col_r = col_sr; |
col_g = col_sg; |
col_b = col_sb; |
col_a = col_sa; |
float tstep = 1.0f / ((float)(bx - ax)); |
float t = 0.0f; |
for (int j = ax; j < bx; j++) |
{ |
tex_u = (1.0f - t) * tex_su + t * tex_eu; |
tex_v = (1.0f - t) * tex_sv + t * tex_ev; |
tex_w = (1.0f - t) * tex_sw + t * tex_ew; |
col_r = (1.0f - t) * col_sr + t * col_er; |
col_g = (1.0f - t) * col_sg + t * col_eg; |
col_b = (1.0f - t) * col_sb + t * col_eb; |
col_a = (1.0f - t) * col_sa + t * col_ea; |
pixel_r = col_r; |
pixel_g = col_g; |
pixel_b = col_b; |
pixel_a = col_a; |
if (nFlags & GFX3D::RENDER_TEXTURED) |
{ |
if (spr != nullptr) |
{ |
olc::Pixel sample = spr->Sample(tex_u / tex_w, tex_v / tex_w); |
pixel_r *= sample.r / 255.0f; |
pixel_g *= sample.g / 255.0f; |
pixel_b *= sample.b / 255.0f; |
pixel_a *= sample.a / 255.0f; |
} |
} |
if (nFlags & GFX3D::RENDER_DEPTH) |
{ |
if (tex_w > m_DepthBuffer[i*pge->ScreenWidth() + j]) |
if (pge->Draw(j, i, olc::Pixel(uint8_t(pixel_r * 1.0f), uint8_t(pixel_g * 1.0f), uint8_t(pixel_b * 1.0f), uint8_t(pixel_a * 1.0f)))) |
m_DepthBuffer[i*pge->ScreenWidth() + j] = tex_w; |
} |
else |
{ |
pge->Draw(j, i, olc::Pixel(uint8_t(pixel_r * 1.0f), uint8_t(pixel_g * 1.0f), uint8_t(pixel_b * 1.0f), uint8_t(pixel_a * 1.0f))); |
} |
t += tstep; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |