@ -863,6 +863,12 @@ namespace olc |
}; |
enum class GFX3DTransform |
{ |
}; |
// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O
// | olc::Renderable - Convenience class to keep a sprite and decal together |
// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O
@ -899,6 +905,7 @@ namespace olc |
olc::DecalStructure structure = olc::DecalStructure::FAN; |
uint32_t points = 0; |
bool depth = false; |
GFX3DTransform transform{GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM}; |
}; |
struct LayerDesc |
@ -975,6 +982,7 @@ namespace olc |
public: // User Override Interfaces
// Called once on application startup, use to load your resources
virtual bool OnUserCreate(); |
virtual void Apply3DTransform(std::vector<DecalInstance>&decals); |
// Called every frame, and provides you with a time per frame value
virtual bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime); |
// Called once on application termination, so you can be one clean coder
@ -1113,42 +1121,42 @@ namespace olc |
void SetDecalMode(const olc::DecalMode& mode); |
void SetDecalStructure(const olc::DecalStructure& structure); |
// Draws a whole decal, with optional scale and tinting
void DrawDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f,1.0f }, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f,1.0f }, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
// Draws a region of a decal, with optional scale and tinting
void DrawPartialDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f,1.0f }, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawPartialDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawPartialDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f,1.0f }, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
void DrawPartialDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
// Draws fully user controlled 4 vertices, pos(pixels), uv(pixels), colours
void DrawExplicitDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::vf2d* uv, const olc::Pixel* col, uint32_t elements = 4); |
void DrawExplicitDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::vf2d* uv, const olc::Pixel* col, uint32_t elements = 4,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
// Draws a decal with 4 arbitrary points, warping the texture to look "correct"
void DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d(&pos)[4], const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::array<olc::vf2d, 4>& pos, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d(&pos)[4], const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
void DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
void DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::array<olc::vf2d, 4>& pos, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
// As above, but you can specify a region of a decal source sprite
void DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d(&pos)[4], const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::array<olc::vf2d, 4>& pos, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d(&pos)[4], const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
void DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
void DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::array<olc::vf2d, 4>& pos, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
// Draws a decal rotated to specified angle, wit point of rotation offset
void DrawRotatedDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center = { 0.0f, 0.0f }, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f,1.0f }, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawPartialRotatedDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f }, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawRotatedDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center = { 0.0f, 0.0f }, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f,1.0f }, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
void DrawPartialRotatedDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f }, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
// Draws a multiline string as a decal, with tiniting and scaling
void DrawStringDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const Pixel col = olc::WHITE, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f }); |
void DrawStringPropDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const Pixel col = olc::WHITE, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f }); |
void DrawStringDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const Pixel col = olc::WHITE, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f },const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
void DrawStringPropDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const Pixel col = olc::WHITE, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f },const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
// Draws a single shaded filled rectangle as a decal
void DrawRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE); |
void FillRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
void FillRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
// Draws a corner shaded rectangle as a decal
void GradientFillRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel colTL, const olc::Pixel colBL, const olc::Pixel colBR, const olc::Pixel colTR); |
void GradientFillRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel colTL, const olc::Pixel colBL, const olc::Pixel colBR, const olc::Pixel colTR,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
// Draws an arbitrary convex textured polygon using GPU
void DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const olc::Pixel tint = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<float>& depth, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const olc::Pixel tint = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const std::vector<olc::Pixel>& tint); |
void DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const std::vector<olc::Pixel>& colours, const olc::Pixel tint); |
void DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<float>& depth, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const std::vector<olc::Pixel>& colours, const olc::Pixel tint); |
void DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const olc::Pixel tint = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
void DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<float>& depth, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const olc::Pixel tint = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
void DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const std::vector<olc::Pixel>& tint,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
void DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const std::vector<olc::Pixel>& colours, const olc::Pixel tint,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
void DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<float>& depth, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const std::vector<olc::Pixel>& colours, const olc::Pixel tint,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
// Draws a line in Decal Space
void DrawLineDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos1, const olc::vf2d& pos2, Pixel p = olc::WHITE); |
void DrawRotatedStringDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center = { 0.0f, 0.0f }, const olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f }); |
void DrawRotatedStringPropDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center = { 0.0f, 0.0f }, const olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f }); |
void DrawLineDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos1, const olc::vf2d& pos2, Pixel p = olc::WHITE,const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
void DrawRotatedStringDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center = { 0.0f, 0.0f }, const olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f },const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
void DrawRotatedStringPropDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center = { 0.0f, 0.0f }, const olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f },const GFX3DTransform transform=GFX3DTransform::NO_TRANSFORM); |
// Clears entire draw target to Pixel
void Clear(Pixel p); |
// Clears the rendering back buffer
@ -2831,7 +2839,7 @@ namespace olc |
void PixelGameEngine::SetDecalStructure(const olc::DecalStructure& structure) |
{ nDecalStructure = structure; } |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel& tint) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel& tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
olc::vf2d vScreenSpacePos = |
{ |
@ -2861,10 +2869,11 @@ namespace olc |
di.w = { 1,1,1,1 }; |
di.mode = nDecalMode; |
di.structure = nDecalStructure; |
di.transform=transform; |
vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
olc::vf2d vScreenSpacePos = |
{ |
@ -2889,11 +2898,12 @@ namespace olc |
di.w = { 1,1,1,1 }; |
di.mode = nDecalMode; |
di.structure = nDecalStructure; |
di.transform=transform; |
vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel& tint) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel& tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
olc::vf2d vScreenSpacePos = |
{ |
@ -2916,10 +2926,11 @@ namespace olc |
di.w = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; |
di.mode = nDecalMode; |
di.structure = nDecalStructure; |
di.transform=transform; |
vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawExplicitDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::vf2d* uv, const olc::Pixel* col, uint32_t elements) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawExplicitDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::vf2d* uv, const olc::Pixel* col, uint32_t elements,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
DecalInstance di; |
di.decal = decal; |
@ -2937,10 +2948,11 @@ namespace olc |
} |
di.mode = nDecalMode; |
di.structure = nDecalStructure; |
di.transform=transform; |
vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const olc::Pixel tint) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const olc::Pixel tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
DecalInstance di; |
di.decal = decal; |
@ -2958,10 +2970,11 @@ namespace olc |
} |
di.mode = nDecalMode; |
di.structure = nDecalStructure; |
di.transform=transform; |
vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const std::vector<olc::Pixel> &tint) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const std::vector<olc::Pixel> &tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
DecalInstance di; |
di.decal = decal; |
@ -2979,10 +2992,11 @@ namespace olc |
} |
di.mode = nDecalMode; |
di.structure = nDecalStructure; |
di.transform=transform; |
vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const std::vector<olc::Pixel>& colours, const olc::Pixel tint) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const std::vector<olc::Pixel>& colours, const olc::Pixel tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
std::vector<olc::Pixel> newColours(colours.size(), olc::WHITE); |
std::transform(colours.begin(), colours.end(), newColours.begin(), |
@ -2991,7 +3005,7 @@ namespace olc |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<float>& depth, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const olc::Pixel tint) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<float>& depth, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const olc::Pixel tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
DecalInstance di; |
di.decal = decal; |
@ -3009,10 +3023,11 @@ namespace olc |
} |
di.mode = nDecalMode; |
di.structure = nDecalStructure; |
di.transform=transform; |
vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<float>& depth, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const std::vector<olc::Pixel>& colours, const olc::Pixel tint) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& pos, const std::vector<float>& depth, const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& uv, const std::vector<olc::Pixel>& colours, const olc::Pixel tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
DecalInstance di; |
di.decal = decal; |
@ -3030,6 +3045,7 @@ namespace olc |
} |
di.mode = nDecalMode; |
di.structure = nDecalStructure; |
di.transform=transform; |
vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); |
} |
@ -3103,11 +3119,11 @@ namespace olc |
} |
#endif |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawLineDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos1, const olc::vf2d& pos2, Pixel p) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawLineDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos1, const olc::vf2d& pos2, Pixel p,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
auto m = nDecalMode; |
nDecalMode = olc::DecalMode::WIREFRAME; |
DrawPolygonDecal(nullptr, { pos1, pos2 }, { {0, 0}, {0,0} }, p); |
DrawPolygonDecal(nullptr, { pos1, pos2 }, { {0, 0}, {0,0} }, p,transform); |
nDecalMode = m; |
/*DecalInstance di;
@ -3130,7 +3146,7 @@ namespace olc |
vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di);*/ |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel col) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel col,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
auto m = nDecalMode; |
SetDecalMode(olc::DecalMode::WIREFRAME); |
@ -3138,29 +3154,28 @@ namespace olc |
std::array<olc::vf2d, 4> points = { { {pos}, {pos.x, pos.y + vNewSize.y}, {pos + vNewSize}, {pos.x + vNewSize.x, pos.y} } }; |
std::array<olc::vf2d, 4> uvs = { {{0,0},{0,0},{0,0},{0,0}} }; |
std::array<olc::Pixel, 4> cols = { {col, col, col, col} }; |
DrawExplicitDecal(nullptr, points.data(), uvs.data(), cols.data(), 4); |
DrawExplicitDecal(nullptr, points.data(), uvs.data(), cols.data(), 4,transform); |
SetDecalMode(m); |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::FillRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel col) |
void PixelGameEngine::FillRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel col,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
olc::vf2d vNewSize = size;// (size - olc::vf2d(0.375f, 0.375f)).ceil();
std::array<olc::vf2d, 4> points = { { {pos}, {pos.x, pos.y + vNewSize.y}, {pos + vNewSize}, {pos.x + vNewSize.x, pos.y} } }; |
std::array<olc::vf2d, 4> uvs = { {{0,0},{0,0},{0,0},{0,0}} }; |
std::array<olc::Pixel, 4> cols = { {col, col, col, col} }; |
DrawExplicitDecal(nullptr, points.data(), uvs.data(), cols.data(), 4); |
DrawExplicitDecal(nullptr, points.data(), uvs.data(), cols.data(), 4,transform); |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::GradientFillRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel colTL, const olc::Pixel colBL, const olc::Pixel colBR, const olc::Pixel colTR) |
void PixelGameEngine::GradientFillRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel colTL, const olc::Pixel colBL, const olc::Pixel colBR, const olc::Pixel colTR,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
std::array<olc::vf2d, 4> points = { { {pos}, {pos.x, pos.y + size.y}, {pos + size}, {pos.x + size.x, pos.y} } }; |
std::array<olc::vf2d, 4> uvs = { {{0,0},{0,0},{0,0},{0,0}} }; |
std::array<olc::Pixel, 4> cols = { {colTL, colBL, colBR, colTR} }; |
DrawExplicitDecal(nullptr, points.data(), uvs.data(), cols.data(), 4); |
DrawExplicitDecal(nullptr, points.data(), uvs.data(), cols.data(), 4,transform); |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawRotatedDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel& tint) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawRotatedDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel& tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
DecalInstance di; |
di.decal = decal; |
@ -3183,11 +3198,12 @@ namespace olc |
} |
di.mode = nDecalMode; |
di.structure = nDecalStructure; |
di.transform=transform; |
vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialRotatedDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel& tint) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialRotatedDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel& tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
DecalInstance di; |
di.decal = decal; |
@ -3212,10 +3228,11 @@ namespace olc |
di.uv = { { uvtl.x, uvtl.y }, { uvtl.x, uvbr.y }, { uvbr.x, uvbr.y }, { uvbr.x, uvtl.y } }; |
di.mode = nDecalMode; |
di.structure = nDecalStructure; |
di.transform=transform; |
vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
DecalInstance di; |
di.points = 4; |
@ -3245,11 +3262,12 @@ namespace olc |
} |
di.mode = nDecalMode; |
di.structure = nDecalStructure; |
di.transform=transform; |
vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); |
} |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::Pixel& tint) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::Pixel& tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
// Thanks Nathan Reed, a brilliant article explaining whats going on here
// http://www.reedbeta.com/blog/quadrilateral-interpolation-part-1/
@ -3277,23 +3295,24 @@ namespace olc |
} |
di.mode = nDecalMode; |
di.structure = nDecalStructure; |
di.transform=transform; |
vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); |
} |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::array<olc::vf2d, 4>& pos, const olc::Pixel& tint) |
{ DrawWarpedDecal(decal, pos.data(), tint); } |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::array<olc::vf2d, 4>& pos, const olc::Pixel& tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ DrawWarpedDecal(decal, pos.data(), tint,transform); } |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d(&pos)[4], const olc::Pixel& tint) |
{ DrawWarpedDecal(decal, &pos[0], tint); } |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d(&pos)[4], const olc::Pixel& tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ DrawWarpedDecal(decal, &pos[0], tint,transform); } |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::array<olc::vf2d, 4>& pos, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint) |
{ DrawPartialWarpedDecal(decal, pos.data(), source_pos, source_size, tint); } |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::array<olc::vf2d, 4>& pos, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ DrawPartialWarpedDecal(decal, pos.data(), source_pos, source_size, tint,transform); } |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d(&pos)[4], const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint) |
{ DrawPartialWarpedDecal(decal, &pos[0], source_pos, source_size, tint); } |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d(&pos)[4], const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ DrawPartialWarpedDecal(decal, &pos[0], source_pos, source_size, tint,transform); } |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawStringDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const Pixel col, const olc::vf2d& scale) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawStringDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const Pixel col, const olc::vf2d& scale,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
olc::vf2d spos = { 0.0f, 0.0f }; |
for (auto c : sText) |
@ -3310,13 +3329,13 @@ namespace olc |
{ |
int32_t ox = (c - 32) % 16; |
int32_t oy = (c - 32) / 16; |
DrawPartialDecal(pos + spos, fontRenderable.Decal(), {float(ox) * 8.0f, float(oy) * 8.0f}, {8.0f, 8.0f}, scale, col); |
DrawPartialDecal(pos + spos, fontRenderable.Decal(), {float(ox) * 8.0f, float(oy) * 8.0f}, {8.0f, 8.0f}, scale, col,transform); |
spos.x += 8.0f * scale.x; |
} |
} |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawStringPropDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const Pixel col, const olc::vf2d& scale) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawStringPropDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const Pixel col, const olc::vf2d& scale,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
olc::vf2d spos = { 0.0f, 0.0f }; |
for (auto c : sText) |
@ -3333,13 +3352,13 @@ namespace olc |
{ |
int32_t ox = (c - 32) % 16; |
int32_t oy = (c - 32) / 16; |
DrawPartialDecal(pos + spos, fontRenderable.Decal(), { float(ox) * 8.0f + float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].x), float(oy) * 8.0f }, { float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].y), 8.0f }, scale, col); |
DrawPartialDecal(pos + spos, fontRenderable.Decal(), { float(ox) * 8.0f + float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].x), float(oy) * 8.0f }, { float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].y), 8.0f }, scale, col,transform); |
spos.x += float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].y) * scale.x; |
} |
} |
} |
// Thanks Oso-Grande/Sopadeoso For these awesom and stupidly clever Text Rotation routines... duh XD
void PixelGameEngine::DrawRotatedStringDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const Pixel col, const olc::vf2d& scale) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawRotatedStringDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const Pixel col, const olc::vf2d& scale,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
olc::vf2d spos = center; |
for (auto c : sText) |
@ -3356,13 +3375,13 @@ namespace olc |
{ |
int32_t ox = (c - 32) % 16; |
int32_t oy = (c - 32) / 16; |
DrawPartialRotatedDecal(pos, fontRenderable.Decal(), fAngle, spos, { float(ox) * 8.0f, float(oy) * 8.0f }, { 8.0f, 8.0f }, scale, col); |
DrawPartialRotatedDecal(pos, fontRenderable.Decal(), fAngle, spos, { float(ox) * 8.0f, float(oy) * 8.0f }, { 8.0f, 8.0f }, scale, col,transform); |
spos.x -= 8.0f; |
} |
} |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawRotatedStringPropDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const Pixel col, const olc::vf2d& scale) |
void PixelGameEngine::DrawRotatedStringPropDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const Pixel col, const olc::vf2d& scale,const GFX3DTransform transform) |
{ |
olc::vf2d spos = center; |
for (auto c : sText) |
@ -3379,7 +3398,7 @@ namespace olc |
{ |
int32_t ox = (c - 32) % 16; |
int32_t oy = (c - 32) / 16; |
DrawPartialRotatedDecal(pos, fontRenderable.Decal(), fAngle, spos, { float(ox) * 8.0f + float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].x), float(oy) * 8.0f }, { float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].y), 8.0f }, scale, col); |
DrawPartialRotatedDecal(pos, fontRenderable.Decal(), fAngle, spos, { float(ox) * 8.0f + float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].x), float(oy) * 8.0f }, { float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].y), 8.0f }, scale, col,transform); |
spos.x -= float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].y); |
} |
} |
@ -3892,7 +3911,8 @@ namespace olc |
m_tp1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); |
m_tp2 = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); |
} |
void PixelGameEngine::Apply3DTransform(std::vector<DecalInstance>&decals){} |
void PixelGameEngine::olc_CoreUpdate() |
{ |
@ -3995,9 +4015,12 @@ namespace olc |
renderer->DrawLayerQuad(layer->vOffset, layer->vScale, layer->tint); |
Apply3DTransform(layer->vecDecalInstance); |
// Display Decals in order for this layer
for (auto& decal : layer->vecDecalInstance) |
for (auto& decal : layer->vecDecalInstance){ |
renderer->DrawDecal(decal); |
} |
layer->vecDecalInstance.clear(); |
} |
else |
@ -6746,7 +6769,7 @@ namespace olc |
} |
#pragma endregion |
// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O