You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

14 KiB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

2.3.5 (2020-02-14)

Bug Fixes

  • do not break code with shebang (fac58cb)

2.3.4 (2020-01-30)

Bug Fixes

  • respect stdout and stderr of workers and do not create warnings (#215) (5708574)
  • use webpack hash options rather than hard-code MD4 (#213) (330c1f6)

2.3.3 (2020-01-28)

Bug Fixes

  • license files now have .txt suffix by default (#210) (de02f7b)
  • reduce memory usage (abfd950)

2.3.2 (2020-01-09)

Bug Fixes

2.3.1 (2019-12-17)

Bug Fixes

2.3.0 (2019-12-12)


  • support webpack@5 cache (3649b3d)

2.2.3 (2019-12-11)


  • update serialize-javascript to 2.1.2 version.

2.2.2 (2019-12-06)


  • update serialize-javascript to 2.1.1 version.

2.2.1 (2019-10-22)

Bug Fixes

  • get rid deprecation warnings for webpack@5 (#181) (0e9b780)

2.2.0 (2019-10-22)


  • map webpack@5 options to terser options (#177) (f4c47aa)
  • pass an asset path for the warningsFilter option (#176) (9a0a575)
  • propagate an error stacktrace from terser (#179) (a11e66b)
  • enable the sourceMap option when the SourceMapDevToolPlugin plugin used (non cheap) (#178) (d01c1b5)

Bug Fixes

  • get rid deprecation warnings for webpack@5 (#180) (504ea8b)

2.1.3 (2019-10-10)

Bug Fixes

  • invalidate cache when a file name was changed (#171) (7e1d370)

2.1.2 (2019-09-28)

Bug Fixes

2.1.1 (2019-09-27)

Bug Fixes

  • logic for extracting and preserving comments (#166) (6bdee64)

2.1.0 (2019-09-16)

Bug Fixes

  • correct interpretation url for extracted comment file (#157) (aba8ba7)


  • emit warning when comment file conlict with an existing asset (#156) (2b4d2a4)
  • improve naming of extracted file with comments (#154) (5fe3337)

2.0.1 (2019-09-06)

Bug Fixes

  • reduce memory usage (#145) (815e533)
  • revert do not run parallel mode when you have only one file (#146) (6613a97)

2.0.0 (2019-09-05)


  • minimum require Node.js version is 8.9.0
  • the extractComments option is true by default
  • the cache option is true by default
  • the parallel option is true by default
  • using the extractComments.condition option with true value extract only some comments
  • the sourceMap option now defaults to depending on the devtool Webpack option

Bug Fixes


  • enable the cache option by default (#132) (960d249)
  • enable the extractComments option by default (ad2471c)
  • enable the parallel option by default (#131) (7b342af)
  • respect devtool values for source map generation (#140) (dd37ca1)

1.4.1 (2019-07-31)

Bug Fixes

1.4.0 (2019-07-31)


1.3.0 (2019-05-24)


1.2.4 (2019-05-15)

Bug Fixes

1.2.3 (2019-02-25)

Bug Fixes

  • invalidate cache after changing node version (675edfd)

1.2.2 (2019-02-04)

Bug Fixes

  • cannot read property 'minify' of undefined (#69) (0593d7c)

1.2.1 (2018-12-27)

Bug Fixes

  • don't crash when no extracted comments (#49) (efad586)

1.2.0 (2018-12-22)

Bug Fixes


1.1.0 (2018-09-14)

Bug Fixes

  • extract comment conditions is case insensitivity (19e1e43)


  • full coverage schema options validation (#8) (68e531e)

1.0.2 (2018-08-16)


  • migrate from @webpack-contrib/schema-utils to schema-utils (a5432da)

1.0.1 (2018-08-15)

Bug Fixes

  • cpus length in a chroot environment (os.cpus()) (#4) (9375646)

1.0.0 (2018-08-02)

Initial publish release

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.