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3.1.1 / 2019-12-21

  • [Fix] IE < 9 does not have index access on strings
  • [Deps] update es-abstract
  • [Dev Deps] update eslint, @ljharb/eslint-config, tape
  • [meta] remove unused Makefile and associated utilities
  • [Tests] add string tests

3.1.0 / 2019-12-11

  • [New] add auto entry point
  • [Refactor] use split-up es-abstract (68% bundle size decrease)
  • [readme] fix repo URLs, remove testling, fix readme parsing
  • [Deps] update es-abstract, define-properties
  • [Dev Deps] update eslint, @ljharb/eslint-config, evalmd, covert, functions-have-names, replace, semver, tape, @es-shims/api, function-bind
  • [meta] add funding field, FUNDING.yml
  • [meta] Only apps should have lockfiles
  • [Tests] add more fromIndex tests
  • [Tests] use shared travis-ci configs
  • [Tests] use npx aud instead of nsp or npm audit with hoops
  • [Tests] remove jscs
  • [Tests] use functions-have-names
  • [Tests] use npm audit instead of nsp
  • [Tests] remove jscs
  • [actions] add automatic rebasing / merge commit blocking

3.0.3 / 2017-04-18

  • [Fix] ensure that shim.js actually shims when the polyfill differs from native
  • [Tests] up to node v7.9, v6.10, v4.8; comment out OS X builds; improve test matrix
  • [Dev Deps] update nsp, eslint, @ljharb/eslint-config, tape, jscs, semver, function-bind, @es-shims/api
  • [Deps] update es-abstract
  • [Docs] update readme: add “getting started” and “usage” (#19)

3.0.2 / 2015-06-06

  • Use the polyfill, not the implementation, as the default export
  • [Deps] update es-abstract
  • [Dev Deps] update jscs, nsp, eslint, @ljharb/eslint-config, semver
  • [Tests] up to node v5.5
  • [Tests] keep tests passing in node v0.8
  • [Tests] Only run evalmd as part of the full test suite, since it's more like a linter
  • [Tests] fix npm upgrades for older nodes

3.0.1 / 2015-05-23

  • [Fix] in "shim", assign the polyfill, not the implementation

3.0.0 / 2015-05-23

  • [Breaking] Implement the es-shim API
  • [Deps] update define-properties, es-abstract
  • [Dev Deps] update eslint, semver, nsp, semver, jscs
  • [Docs] Switch from to for the npm version badge SVG
  • [Tests] use my personal shared eslint config
  • [Tests] up to io.js v3.0

2.0.0 / 2015-05-23

1.1.1 / 2015-05-23

  • Test up to io.js v2.0
  • Update es-abstract, tape, eslint, semver, jscs, semver

1.1.0 / 2015-03-19

  • Update es-abstract, editorconfig-tools, nsp, eslint, semver

1.0.6 / 2015-02-17

  • All grade A-supported node/iojs versions now ship with an npm that understands ^.
  • Run travis-ci tests on iojs and node v0.12; allow 0.8 failures.
  • Update tape, jscs, es-abstract, remove is.

1.0.5 / 2015-01-30

  • Update tape, jscs, nsp, eslint, es-abstract

1.0.4 / 2015-01-10

  • Use es-abstract for ECMAScript spec internal abstract operations

1.0.3 / 2015-01-06

  • Speed optimization: use Array#indexOf when available
  • Fix ES3, IE 6-8, Opera 10.6, Opera 11.1 support
  • Run testling on both sets of tests

1.0.2 / 2015-01-05

  • Ensure tests are includes in the module on npm

1.0.1 / 2015-01-04

  • Remove mistaken auto-shim.

1.0.0 / 2015-01-04

  • v1.0.0