Absolutely not, just a desire to hang out with software developers.
<h6>Do I have to know how to program?</h6>
Absolutely not, just a desire to hang out with software developers.
<h6>I want to learn a programming language but I have no experience. Where do I start?</h6>
Look at the "Getting Started" Learning Resources above for great starting points. Pick something you are passionate about making and work towards your goal by learning the requirements of that goal.
<h6>How do I fix errors when I run into them and don't know what do?</h6>
Google is your best friend. Usually asking your question through Google gives you a <b>Stack Overflow</b> article with similar issues that others have faced like you.
<h6>I want to teach something for the club that would be beneficial!</h6>
Awesome! As we explain in our meetings, anyone can come up and be the speaker for the week. If you have a topic that would benefit others then by all means we would love to hear from you! Let us know when you want to speak!
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