@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Click on the `Fork` button at the top right of the page. This will create a copy

## Clone down your new copy of the repository to your computer
Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory you want to store the code. This is just like navigating the folders on your computer, just that you're doing it from the terminal - none of that fancy graphical user interface (gui) anymore! You can view a list of files and folders by typing `ls` (mac) or `dir` (windows) and hitting Enter. You can go into another folder by using the change directory command `cd folderName` and hitting Enter. You can navigate up a folder by typing `cd ..` and hitting Enter. Once you are in the folder you want to create the project folder in, click the `clone or download` button (It's green, top right) and copy the URL that it shows. Once you do that, go back to your terminal and type `git clone https://github.com/userName/repoName` Make sure to swap out the URL for the one you copied!
Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory you want to store the code. This is just like navigating the folders on your computer, just that you're doing it from the terminal - none of that fancy graphical user interface (gui) anymore! You can view a list of files and folders by typing `ls` (mac) or `dir` (windows) and hitting Enter. You can go into another folder by using the change directory command `cd folderName` and hitting Enter. You can navigate up a folder by typing `cd ..` and hitting Enter. Once you are in the folder you want to create the project folder in, click the `clone or download` button (It's green, top right) and copy the URL that it shows. Once you do that, go back to your terminal and type `git clone https://github.com/userName/repoName` Make sure to swap out the URL for the one you copied! After it downloads, type `cd dev-osan.github.io` and hit enter to navigate into the newly created folder. This is where everything was downloaded to.