@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
/ * //Beginner Book.
/ * //Beginner Book.
ItemStack book = new ItemStack ( Material . WRITTEN_BOOK ) ;
ItemStack book = new ItemStack ( Material . WRITTEN_BOOK ) ;
BookMeta bookdata = ( BookMeta ) book . getItemMeta ( ) ;
BookMeta bookdata = ( BookMeta ) book . getItemMeta ( ) ;
bookdata . setAuthor ( "sigonasr2" ) ;
bookdata . setAuthor ( "sigonasr2" ) ; f
bookdata . setTitle ( "Guidebook to sig's Minecraft Server" ) ;
bookdata . setTitle ( "Guidebook to sig's Minecraft Server" ) ;
bookdata . addPage ( "Welcome to sig's Minecraft! This guide has all the essential commands you need to know to play in our world!" ,
bookdata . addPage ( "Welcome to sig's Minecraft! This guide has all the essential commands you need to know to play in our world!" ,
"Contents:\n\n1. Survival\n2. Cities\n3. Jobs\n4. Economy\n5. " ) ;
"Contents:\n\n1. Survival\n2. Cities\n3. Jobs\n4. Economy\n5. " ) ;
@ -2196,6 +2196,11 @@ public class PlayerListener
} else {
} else {
float groupmult = 1 . 0f ; //Change this to modify the global grouping multiplier.
int maxgroup = ( int ) ( 10 * groupmult ) ;
double chancer = 0 . 10d ;
double despawnchancer = 0 . 25d ;
if ( e . getEntity ( ) . getHealth ( ) > 65 & & e . getEntity ( ) . getCustomName ( ) = = null /*Meaning it's not a special mob.*/ ) {
if ( e . getEntity ( ) . getHealth ( ) > 65 & & e . getEntity ( ) . getCustomName ( ) = = null /*Meaning it's not a special mob.*/ ) {
e . getEntity ( ) . remove ( ) ; //Too much HP. Nothing should have this much.
e . getEntity ( ) . remove ( ) ; //Too much HP. Nothing should have this much.
return ;
return ;
@ -2215,143 +2220,12 @@ public class PlayerListener
if ( ! allow ) {
//Get the torches/glowstone/mob spawners around this e.getEntity().
//This is our chance to despawn it if we must.
final CreatureSpawnEvent e2 = e ;
final Entity entity = e . getEntity ( ) ;
final Main plugin = this . plugin ;
Bukkit . getScheduler ( ) . scheduleSyncDelayedTask ( this . plugin , new Runnable ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
if ( entity . getWorld ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( "world" ) = = 0 ) {
int maxgroup = 0 ; //The maximum number of mobs that may be near each other and together when spawning.
double chancer = 1 . 0d ; //The percent chance a duplicated mob will form.
double despawnchancer = 0 . 0d ; //The percent chance the mob will be forced to despawn. Decreasing natural spawning.
EntityType allowedtypes [ ] = { EntityType . BAT , EntityType . BLAZE , EntityType . CAVE_SPIDER , EntityType . ENDERMAN , EntityType . GHAST , EntityType . MAGMA_CUBE , EntityType . PIG_ZOMBIE , EntityType . SILVERFISH , EntityType . SLIME , EntityType . SPIDER , EntityType . ZOMBIE , EntityType . SKELETON , EntityType . CREEPER } ;
boolean contains = entity instanceof Monster ;
if ( contains ) {
Monster m = ( Monster ) entity ;
Warning ( m , 3 ) ;
if ( m ! = null & & m . isValid ( ) ) {
m . setMaxHealth ( m . getMaxHealth ( ) * 1 . 15d ) ; //Increase all mobs' HP by 15%.
Warning ( m , 4 ) ;
if ( m ! = null & & m . isValid ( ) ) {
m . setHealth ( m . getMaxHealth ( ) ) ;
//Mobs have more health when they are farther away, to make the mobs harder in general.
float groupmult = 0 . 25f ; //Change this to modify the global grouping multiplier.
maxgroup = ( int ) ( 10 * groupmult ) ;
chancer = 0 . 10d ;
despawnchancer = 0 . 25d ;
if ( plugin . getConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( "halloween-enabled" ) ) {
groupmult = 0 . 0625f ;
chancer = 0 . 025f ;
despawnchancer = 0 . 4375d ;
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE | | entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . PIG_ZOMBIE | | entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) entity ;
EntityEquipment inven = l . getEquipment ( ) ;
if ( l . getCustomName ( ) ! = null & & l . getCustomName ( ) . equals ( ChatColor . GOLD + "Charge Zombie II" ) ) {
despawnchancer / = 4 ;
//Destroy a huge amount around it when it spawns.
for ( int k = - 4 ; k < 5 ; k + + ) {
for ( int j = - 4 ; j < 5 ; j + + ) {
for ( int m = - 1 ; m < 5 ; m + + ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 1 . 00 - ( ( j + 4 ) * 0 . 05d ) ) {
Location checkloc = l . getLocation ( ) . add ( k , m , j ) ;
Block bl = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( checkloc ) ;
if ( bl . getType ( ) ! = Material . BEDROCK & & bl . getType ( ) ! = Material . ENDER_PORTAL_FRAME & & bl . getType ( ) ! = Material . ENDER_PORTAL & & bl . getType ( ) ! = Material . MOB_SPAWNER | | bl . getType ( ) ! = Material . COMMAND | | bl . getType ( ) ! = Material . MOSSY_COBBLESTONE ) {
bl . breakNaturally ( ) ;
if ( inven ! = null ) {
inven . setBootsDropChance ( 0 . 02f ) ;
inven . setChestplateDropChance ( 0 . 02f ) ;
inven . setLeggingsDropChance ( 0 . 02f ) ;
inven . setHelmetDropChance ( 0 . 02f ) ;
inven . setItemInHandDropChance ( 0 . 02f ) ;
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
inven . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ) ;
if ( distancefromcity < 2000 ) {
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
Zombie zomb = ( Zombie ) l ;
if ( zomb . isBaby ( ) ) {
zomb . setBaby ( false ) ;
if ( inven . getItemInHand ( ) ! = null & & inven . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SWORD | |
inven . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_SWORD | |
inven . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_SWORD ) {
inven . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . WOOD_SWORD ) ) ;
if ( inven . getChestplate ( ) ! = null & & inven . getChestplate ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE | |
inven . getChestplate ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_CHESTPLATE | |
inven . getChestplate ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_CHESTPLATE | |
inven . getChestplate ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE ) {
inven . setChestplate ( new ItemStack ( Material . LEATHER_CHESTPLATE ) ) ;
if ( inven . getLeggings ( ) ! = null & & inven . getLeggings ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_LEGGINGS | |
inven . getLeggings ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_LEGGINGS | |
inven . getLeggings ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_LEGGINGS | |
inven . getLeggings ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS ) {
inven . setLeggings ( new ItemStack ( Material . LEATHER_LEGGINGS ) ) ;
if ( inven . getBoots ( ) ! = null & & inven . getBoots ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BOOTS | |
inven . getBoots ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BOOTS | |
inven . getBoots ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BOOTS | |
inven . getBoots ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . CHAINMAIL_BOOTS ) {
inven . setBoots ( new ItemStack ( Material . LEATHER_BOOTS ) ) ;
if ( inven . getHelmet ( ) ! = null & & inven . getHelmet ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HELMET | |
inven . getHelmet ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_HELMET | |
inven . getHelmet ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_HELMET | |
inven . getHelmet ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . CHAINMAIL_HELMET ) {
inven . setHelmet ( new ItemStack ( Material . LEATHER_HELMET ) ) ;
else if ( distancefromcity < 8000 ) {
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
Zombie zomb = ( Zombie ) l ;
if ( zomb . isBaby ( ) ) {
zomb . setBaby ( false ) ;
if ( inven . getItemInHand ( ) ! = null & & inven . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SWORD | |
inven . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_SWORD ) {
inven . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_SWORD ) ) ;
if ( inven . getChestplate ( ) ! = null & & inven . getChestplate ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE ) {
inven . setChestplate ( new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_CHESTPLATE ) ) ;
if ( inven . getLeggings ( ) ! = null & & inven . getLeggings ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_LEGGINGS ) {
inven . setLeggings ( new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_LEGGINGS ) ) ;
if ( inven . getBoots ( ) ! = null & & inven . getBoots ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BOOTS ) {
inven . setBoots ( new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_BOOTS ) ) ;
if ( inven . getHelmet ( ) ! = null & & inven . getHelmet ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HELMET ) {
inven . setHelmet ( new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_HELMET ) ) ;
//Get the torches/glowstone/mob spawners around this entity.
int torches = 0 , glowstone = 0 , spawners = 0 ;
int torches = 0 , glowstone = 0 , spawners = 0 ;
for ( int x = - 5 ; x < 5 ; x + + ) {
for ( int x = - 5 ; x < 5 ; x + + ) {
for ( int y = - 5 ; y < 5 ; y + + ) {
for ( int y = - 5 ; y < 5 ; y + + ) {
for ( int z = - 5 ; z < 5 ; z + + ) {
for ( int z = - 5 ; z < 5 ; z + + ) {
Block test = entity . getWorld ( ) . getBlockAt ( entity . getLocation ( ) . add ( x , y , z ) ) ;
Block test = e . getEntity ( ) . getWorld ( ) . getBlockAt ( e . getEntity ( ) . getLocation ( ) . add ( x , y , z ) ) ;
if ( test ! = null ) {
if ( test ! = null ) {
if ( test . getType ( ) = = Material . TORCH ) {
if ( test . getType ( ) = = Material . TORCH ) {
torches + + ;
torches + + ;
@ -2366,44 +2240,72 @@ public class PlayerListener
if ( ! plugin . harrowing_night ) {
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getHighestBlockYAt ( entity . getLocation ( ) ) > = 96 ) {
//Decrease spawn rate the higher up we are in our world.
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getHighestBlockYAt ( e . getEntity ( ) . getLocation ( ) ) > = 96 ) {
//This is a tall world.
//This is a tall world.
if ( entity . getLocation ( ) . getBlockY ( ) > 104 ) {
if ( e . getEntity ( ) . getLocation ( ) . getBlockY ( ) < = 104 ) {
despawnchancer * = ( Math . random ( ) * 3 . 0d ) + 1 ;
for ( int i = 104 - e . getEntity ( ) . getLocation ( ) . getBlockY ( ) ; i > 0 ; i - - ) {
} else {
for ( int i = 104 - entity . getLocation ( ) . getBlockY ( ) ; i > 0 ; i - - ) {
despawnchancer / = 1 . 0175d ;
despawnchancer / = 1 . 0175d ;
} else {
} else {
//This is a short world.
//This is a short world.
if ( entity . getLocation ( ) . getBlockY ( ) > 52 ) {
if ( e . getEntity ( ) . getLocation ( ) . getBlockY ( ) < = 52 ) {
despawnchancer * = ( Math . random ( ) * 3 . 0d ) + 1 ;
for ( int i = 52 - e . getEntity ( ) . getLocation ( ) . getBlockY ( ) ; i > 0 ; i - - ) {
} else {
for ( int i = 52 - entity . getLocation ( ) . getBlockY ( ) ; i > 0 ; i - - ) {
despawnchancer / = 1 . 025d ;
despawnchancer / = 1 . 025d ;
if ( spawners = = 0 & & ( Math . random ( ) < = despawnchancer | | ( torches + glowstone > = 3 ) ) ) {
allow = false ;
if ( ! allow ) {
//This is our chance to despawn it if we must.
e . getEntity ( ) . remove ( ) ;
} else {
} else {
for ( int i = 52 ; i > 0 ; i - - ) {
//They will be allowed to spawn. Increase their base HP.
despawnchancer / = 1 . 025d ;
e . getEntity ( ) . setMaxHealth ( e . getEntity ( ) . getMaxHealth ( ) * 1 . 15d ) ;
e . getEntity ( ) . setHealth ( e . getEntity ( ) . getMaxHealth ( ) ) ;
if ( e . getEntity ( ) . getCustomName ( ) ! = null & & e . getEntity ( ) . getCustomName ( ) . equals ( ChatColor . GOLD + "Charge Zombie II" ) ) {
//Destroy an area around itself.
for ( int k = - 4 ; k < 5 ; k + + ) {
for ( int j = - 4 ; j < 5 ; j + + ) {
for ( int m = - 1 ; m < 5 ; m + + ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 1 . 00 - ( ( j + 4 ) * 0 . 05d ) ) {
Location checkloc = e . getEntity ( ) . getLocation ( ) . add ( k , m , j ) ;
Block bl = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( checkloc ) ;
if ( bl . getType ( ) ! = Material . BEDROCK & & bl . getType ( ) ! = Material . ENDER_PORTAL_FRAME & & bl . getType ( ) ! = Material . ENDER_PORTAL & & bl . getType ( ) ! = Material . MOB_SPAWNER | | bl . getType ( ) ! = Material . COMMAND | | bl . getType ( ) ! = Material . MOSSY_COBBLESTONE ) {
bl . breakNaturally ( ) ;
//if (e.getSpawnReason()!=SpawnReason.NATURAL) { //If it's a natural spawn, we gotta do it. Ignore our checking stuff.
if ( contains & & spawners = = 0 ) { //We only do this despawn/extra spawn chance stuff when we have an actual mob AND when there's not a spawner nearby.
if ( ( Math . random ( ) < = despawnchancer | | ( torches + glowstone > = 3 ) ) /* && entity.getNearbyEntities(5, 5, 5).size()>50*/ ) {
//if (e.getSpawnReason()!=SpawnReason.CUSTOM && e.getLocation().getBlockY()!=Bukkit.getPlayer("AaMay").getLocation().getBlockY()) {
entity . remove ( ) ;
e2 . setCancelled ( true ) ;
//Bukkit.getPlayer("AaMay").sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE+entity.getType().getName()+": Removed mob due to despawn chancer / special case.");
else {
if ( e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . PIG_ZOMBIE | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
//Modify the difficulty of the mobs based on who is around.
EntityEquipment inven = e . getEntity ( ) . getEquipment ( ) ;
if ( inven ! = null ) {
inven . setBootsDropChance ( 0 . 02f ) ;
inven . setChestplateDropChance ( 0 . 02f ) ;
inven . setLeggingsDropChance ( 0 . 02f ) ;
inven . setHelmetDropChance ( 0 . 02f ) ;
inven . setItemInHandDropChance ( 0 . 02f ) ;
if ( e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
inven . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ) ;
int totallvs = 0 ;
int totallvs = 0 ;
List < Entity > nearbylist = entity . getNearbyEntities ( 30 , 30 , 30 ) ;
List < Entity > nearbylist = e . getE ntity( ) . getNearbyEntities ( 30 , 30 , 30 ) ;
//Filter out all unrelated entity types.
//Filter out all unrelated e.getE ntity() types.
for ( int k = 0 ; k < nearbylist . size ( ) ; k + + ) {
for ( int k = 0 ; k < nearbylist . size ( ) ; k + + ) {
//See if human players are near. If so, factor that in for determining how many mobs may exist.
//See if human players are near. If so, factor that in for determining how many mobs may exist.
if ( nearbylist . get ( k ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . PLAYER ) {
if ( nearbylist . get ( k ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . PLAYER ) {
@ -2424,36 +2326,19 @@ public class PlayerListener
maxgroup / = groupmult ;
maxgroup / = groupmult ;
int currentnearby = nearbylist . size ( ) ;
int currentnearby = nearbylist . size ( ) ;
boolean keep = false ;
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE | | entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . PIG_ZOMBIE | | entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) entity ;
if ( l . getCustomName ( ) ! = null & & l . getCustomName ( ) . equals ( ChatColor . GOLD + "Charge Zombie II" ) ) {
keep = false ;
if ( currentnearby - maxgroup > 1 & & ! keep ) {
entity . remove ( ) ;
e2 . setCancelled ( true ) ;
//Bukkit.getPlayer("AaMay").sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN+entity.getType().getName()+": Removed mob due to too many mobs near it.");
} else {
//We then attempt to see if despawn chancer occurs.
if ( Math . random ( ) < = despawnchancer ) {
entity . remove ( ) ;
e2 . setCancelled ( true ) ;
//Bukkit.getPlayer("AaMay").sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW+entity.getType().getName()+": Removed mob due to despawner chance.");
} else {
//Now we attempt to spawn more things.
int k = currentnearby ;
int k = currentnearby ;
if ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME - plugin . last_mob_random_time > 10 ) {
while ( k < maxgroup - currentnearby + 1 ) {
while ( k < maxgroup - currentnearby + 1 ) {
if ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME - plugin . last_mob_random_time > 10 & & Math . random ( ) < = chancer ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = chancer ) {
Location testloc = entity . getLocation ( ) . add ( Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d - Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d , Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d , Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d - Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d ) ;
Location testloc = e . getEntity ( ) . getLocation ( ) . add ( Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d - Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d , Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d , Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d - Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d ) ;
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( testloc ) . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) {
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( testloc ) . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) {
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . spawnEntity ( testloc , entity . getType ( ) ) ;
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . spawnEntity ( testloc , e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) ) ;
plugin . last_mob_random_time = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ;
plugin . last_mob_random_time = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ;
//Bukkit.getPlayer("AaMay").sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+entity.getType().getName()+": Spawned extra mob.");
k + + ;
//Bukkit.getPlayer("AaMay").sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+e.getEntity().getType().getName()+": Spawned extra mob.");
/ * int j = 0 ;
/ * int j = 0 ;
while ( j < 10 ) {
while ( j < 10 ) {
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . spawnEntity ( testloc , entity . getType ( ) ) ;
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . spawnEntity ( testloc , e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) ) ;
j + + ;
j + + ;
} * /
} * /
@ -2461,13 +2346,12 @@ public class PlayerListener
k + + ;
k + + ;
double levelsmult = 1 . 5 ;
double levelsmult = 1 . 5 ;
if ( totallvs > 20 * levelsmult ) {
if ( totallvs > 20 * levelsmult ) {
if ( totallvs < 40 * levelsmult ) {
if ( totallvs < 40 * levelsmult ) {
//Sometimes wear leather armor. Only for Skeletons and Zombies.
//Sometimes wear leather armor. Only for Skeletons and Zombies.
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) entity ;
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) e . getE ntity( ) ;
if ( Math . random ( ) > = 0 . 15 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) > = 0 . 15 ) {
l . getEquipment ( ) . setChestplate ( new ItemStack ( Material . LEATHER_CHESTPLATE ) ) ;
l . getEquipment ( ) . setChestplate ( new ItemStack ( Material . LEATHER_CHESTPLATE ) ) ;
if ( Math . random ( ) > = 0 . 25 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) > = 0 . 25 ) {
@ -2484,14 +2368,14 @@ public class PlayerListener
} else
} else
if ( totallvs < 60 * levelsmult ) {
if ( totallvs < 60 * levelsmult ) {
//Wear leather armor a bit more often. Sometimes a chain piece here or there. Include a Wooden sword usually.
//Wear leather armor a bit more often. Sometimes a chain piece here or there. Include a Wooden sword usually.
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) entity ;
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) e . getE ntity( ) ;
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
l . getEquipment ( ) . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . WOOD_SWORD ) ) ;
l . getEquipment ( ) . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . WOOD_SWORD ) ) ;
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
ItemStack new_bow = new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ;
ItemStack new_bow = new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ;
new_bow . addUnsafeEnchantment ( Enchantment . ARROW_DAMAGE , 1 ) ;
new_bow . addUnsafeEnchantment ( Enchantment . ARROW_DAMAGE , 1 ) ;
@ -2530,9 +2414,9 @@ public class PlayerListener
} else
} else
if ( totallvs < 80 * levelsmult ) {
if ( totallvs < 80 * levelsmult ) {
//Wear chainmail armor a bit more often. Sometimes an iron piece here or there. Include an Iron sword sometimes, a wooden one usually.
//Wear chainmail armor a bit more often. Sometimes an iron piece here or there. Include an Iron sword sometimes, a wooden one usually.
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) entity ;
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) e . getE ntity( ) ;
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
l . getEquipment ( ) . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . WOOD_SWORD ) ) ;
l . getEquipment ( ) . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . WOOD_SWORD ) ) ;
@ -2541,7 +2425,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
} else
} else
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
ItemStack new_bow = new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ;
ItemStack new_bow = new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ;
@ -2589,9 +2473,9 @@ public class PlayerListener
} else
} else
if ( totallvs < 100 * levelsmult ) {
if ( totallvs < 100 * levelsmult ) {
//Wear iron armor a bit more often. Sometimes a diamond piece here or there. Include a Diamond sword sometimes, an iron one usually.
//Wear iron armor a bit more often. Sometimes a diamond piece here or there. Include a Diamond sword sometimes, an iron one usually.
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) entity ;
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) e . getE ntity( ) ;
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
l . getEquipment ( ) . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_SWORD ) ) ;
l . getEquipment ( ) . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_SWORD ) ) ;
@ -2600,7 +2484,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
} else
} else
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
ItemStack new_bow = new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ;
ItemStack new_bow = new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ;
@ -2656,9 +2540,9 @@ public class PlayerListener
} else
} else
if ( totallvs < 120 * levelsmult ) {
if ( totallvs < 120 * levelsmult ) {
//Wear diamond armor a bit more often. Sometimes an enchanted diamond piece here or there. Include a Golden sword sometimes, a diamond one usually.
//Wear diamond armor a bit more often. Sometimes an enchanted diamond piece here or there. Include a Golden sword sometimes, a diamond one usually.
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) entity ;
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) e . getE ntity( ) ;
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
l . getEquipment ( ) . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . DIAMOND_SWORD ) ) ;
l . getEquipment ( ) . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . DIAMOND_SWORD ) ) ;
@ -2667,7 +2551,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
} else
} else
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
ItemStack new_bow = new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ;
ItemStack new_bow = new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ;
@ -2733,9 +2617,9 @@ public class PlayerListener
if ( totallvs < 140 * levelsmult ) {
if ( totallvs < 140 * levelsmult ) {
//Well dang, your party's huge and OP.
//Well dang, your party's huge and OP.
//Wear diamond armor almost always. Enchanted diamond pieces here and there.
//Wear diamond armor almost always. Enchanted diamond pieces here and there.
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) entity ;
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) e . getE ntity( ) ;
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 80 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 80 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
ItemStack enchanted = new ItemStack ( Material . DIAMOND_SWORD ) ;
ItemStack enchanted = new ItemStack ( Material . DIAMOND_SWORD ) ;
@ -2758,7 +2642,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
} else
} else
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
ItemStack new_bow = new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ;
ItemStack new_bow = new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ;
@ -2839,9 +2723,9 @@ public class PlayerListener
if ( totallvs < 200 * levelsmult ) {
if ( totallvs < 200 * levelsmult ) {
//Well dang, your party's huge and OP.
//Well dang, your party's huge and OP.
//Wear diamond armor almost always. Enchanted diamond pieces here and there.
//Wear diamond armor almost always. Enchanted diamond pieces here and there.
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) entity ;
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) e . getE ntity( ) ;
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 80 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 80 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
ItemStack enchanted = new ItemStack ( Material . DIAMOND_SWORD ) ;
ItemStack enchanted = new ItemStack ( Material . DIAMOND_SWORD ) ;
@ -2864,7 +2748,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
} else
} else
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 65 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
ItemStack new_bow = new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ;
ItemStack new_bow = new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ;
@ -2959,15 +2843,15 @@ public class PlayerListener
//Time to give it our all.
//Time to give it our all.
//Well dang, your party's huge and OP.
//Well dang, your party's huge and OP.
//Wear diamond armor almost always. Enchanted diamond pieces here and there.
//Wear diamond armor almost always. Enchanted diamond pieces here and there.
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) entity ;
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) e . getE ntity( ) ;
//l.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.HEALTH_BOOST,999999,1));
//l.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.HEALTH_BOOST,999999,1));
l . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . SPEED , 999999 , 1 ) ) ;
l . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . SPEED , 999999 , 1 ) ) ;
l . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . DAMAGE_RESISTANCE , 999999 , 0 ) ) ;
l . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . DAMAGE_RESISTANCE , 999999 , 0 ) ) ;
l . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . FIRE_RESISTANCE , 999999 , 0 ) ) ;
l . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . FIRE_RESISTANCE , 999999 , 0 ) ) ;
//l.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.JUMP,999999,0));
//l.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.JUMP,999999,0));
//l.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.INCREASE_DAMAGE,999999,1));
//l.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.INCREASE_DAMAGE,999999,1));
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( e . getE ntity( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 80 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 80 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 75 ) {
ItemStack enchanted = new ItemStack ( Material . DIAMOND_SWORD ) ;
ItemStack enchanted = new ItemStack ( Material . DIAMOND_SWORD ) ;
@ -3055,218 +2939,9 @@ public class PlayerListener
/ *
double distancefromcity = Math . abs ( 1627 - entity . getLocation ( ) . getX ( ) ) + Math . abs ( ( 67 - entity . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) ) ) + Math . abs ( - 267 - entity . getLocation ( ) . getZ ( ) ) ;
double chancer = 1 . 0d , increasechancer = 0 . 5d , despawnchancer = 32 . 0d ;
if ( distancefromcity > 50000 ) {
chancer = 0 . 5d ;
increasechancer = 0 . 25d ;
despawnchancer = 16 . 0d ;
} else
if ( distancefromcity > 20000 ) {
chancer = 0 . 5d ;
increasechancer = 0 . 5d ;
despawnchancer = 16 . 0d ;
} else
if ( distancefromcity > 10000 ) {
chancer = 0 . 5d ;
increasechancer = 1 . 0d ;
despawnchancer = 4 . 0d ;
} else
if ( distancefromcity > 4000 ) {
chancer = 1 . 0d ;
increasechancer = 4 . 0d ;
despawnchancer = 2 . 0d ;
} else
if ( distancefromcity > 2000 ) {
chancer = 2 . 0d ;
increasechancer = 8 . 0d ;
despawnchancer = 1 . 25d ;
} else
if ( distancefromcity > 1000 ) {
chancer = 2 . 0d ;
increasechancer = 16 . 0d ;
despawnchancer = 1 . 25d ;
} else
if ( distancefromcity > 400 ) {
chancer = 16 . 0d ;
increasechancer = 32 . 0d ;
despawnchancer = 1 . 125d ;
} else {
chancer = 32 . 0d ;
increasechancer = 64 . 0d ;
despawnchancer = 1 . 025d ;
if ( entity . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) > 62 ) {
despawnchancer / = Math . random ( ) * 16 . 0d + 1 . 0d ;
if ( entity . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) < 50 ) {
chancer / = 1 . 5d ;
if ( chancer < 0 . 5d ) {
chancer = 0 . 5d ;
for ( int i = 50 ; i > entity . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) ; i - - ) {
increasechancer / = 1 . 03d ;
despawnchancer * = 1 . 03d ;
if ( increasechancer < 0 . 01d ) {
increasechancer = 0 . 01d ;
EntityType allowedtypes [ ] = { EntityType . BAT , EntityType . BLAZE , EntityType . CAVE_SPIDER , EntityType . ENDERMAN , EntityType . GHAST , EntityType . MAGMA_CUBE , EntityType . PIG_ZOMBIE , EntityType . SILVERFISH , EntityType . SLIME , EntityType . SPIDER , EntityType . ZOMBIE , EntityType . SKELETON , EntityType . CREEPER } ;
boolean contains = entity instanceof Monster
for ( int i = 0 ; i < allowedtypes . length ; i + + ) {
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = allowedtypes [ i ] ) {
contains = true ;
break ;
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE | | entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . PIG_ZOMBIE | | entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON ) {
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) entity ;
EntityEquipment inven = l . getEquipment ( ) ;
if ( inven ! = null ) {
if ( distancefromcity < 2000 ) {
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
Zombie zomb = ( Zombie ) l ;
if ( zomb . isBaby ( ) ) {
zomb . setBaby ( false ) ;
if ( inven . getItemInHand ( ) ! = null & & inven . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SWORD | |
inven . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_SWORD | |
inven . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_SWORD ) {
inven . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . WOOD_SWORD ) ) ;
if ( inven . getChestplate ( ) ! = null & & inven . getChestplate ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE | |
inven . getChestplate ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_CHESTPLATE | |
inven . getChestplate ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_CHESTPLATE | |
inven . getChestplate ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE ) {
inven . setChestplate ( new ItemStack ( Material . LEATHER_CHESTPLATE ) ) ;
if ( inven . getLeggings ( ) ! = null & & inven . getLeggings ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_LEGGINGS | |
inven . getLeggings ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_LEGGINGS | |
inven . getLeggings ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_LEGGINGS | |
inven . getLeggings ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS ) {
inven . setLeggings ( new ItemStack ( Material . LEATHER_LEGGINGS ) ) ;
if ( inven . getBoots ( ) ! = null & & inven . getBoots ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BOOTS | |
inven . getBoots ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BOOTS | |
inven . getBoots ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BOOTS | |
inven . getBoots ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . CHAINMAIL_BOOTS ) {
inven . setBoots ( new ItemStack ( Material . LEATHER_BOOTS ) ) ;
if ( inven . getHelmet ( ) ! = null & & inven . getHelmet ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HELMET | |
inven . getHelmet ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_HELMET | |
inven . getHelmet ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_HELMET | |
inven . getHelmet ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . CHAINMAIL_HELMET ) {
inven . setHelmet ( new ItemStack ( Material . LEATHER_HELMET ) ) ;
else if ( distancefromcity < 8000 ) {
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
Zombie zomb = ( Zombie ) l ;
if ( zomb . isBaby ( ) ) {
zomb . setBaby ( false ) ;
if ( inven . getItemInHand ( ) ! = null & & inven . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SWORD | |
inven . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_SWORD ) {
inven . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_SWORD ) ) ;
if ( inven . getChestplate ( ) ! = null & & inven . getChestplate ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE ) {
inven . setChestplate ( new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_CHESTPLATE ) ) ;
if ( inven . getLeggings ( ) ! = null & & inven . getLeggings ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_LEGGINGS ) {
inven . setLeggings ( new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_LEGGINGS ) ) ;
if ( inven . getBoots ( ) ! = null & & inven . getBoots ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BOOTS ) {
inven . setBoots ( new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_BOOTS ) ) ;
if ( inven . getHelmet ( ) ! = null & & inven . getHelmet ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HELMET ) {
inven . setHelmet ( new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_HELMET ) ) ;
//Get the torches/glowstone/mob spawners around this entity.
int torches = 0 , glowstone = 0 , spawners = 0 ;
for ( int x = - 5 ; x < 5 ; x + + ) {
for ( int y = - 5 ; y < 5 ; y + + ) {
for ( int z = - 5 ; z < 5 ; z + + ) {
Block test = entity . getWorld ( ) . getBlockAt ( entity . getLocation ( ) . add ( x , y , z ) ) ;
if ( test . getType ( ) = = Material . TORCH ) {
torches + + ;
} else
if ( test . getType ( ) = = Material . GLOWSTONE ) {
glowstone + + ;
} else
if ( test . getType ( ) = = Material . MOB_SPAWNER ) {
spawners + + ;
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage(entity.getType()+": Found "+torches+" torches, "+glowstone+" glowstone, "+spawners+" spawners around me.");
if ( contains & & ( Math . random ( ) * despawnchancer < 1 . 0d | | ( torches + glowstone > = 3 ) ) & & spawners = = 0 & & entity . getNearbyEntities ( 5 , 5 , 5 ) . size ( ) < 50 ) {
//if (e.getSpawnReason()!=SpawnReason.CUSTOM && e.getLocation().getBlockY()!=Bukkit.getPlayer("AaMay").getLocation().getBlockY()) {
entity . remove ( ) ;
e . setCancelled ( true ) ;
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage(entity.getType()+" prevented from spawning.");
if ( contains & & ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME - this . plugin . last_mob_random_time > 10 | | this . plugin . last_mob_random_time = = 0 ) & & Math . random ( ) * chancer < 1 . 0d ) {
this . plugin . last_mob_random_time = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ;
Location testloc = entity . getLocation ( ) . add ( Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d - Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d , Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d , Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d - Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d ) ;
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( testloc ) . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) {
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . spawnEntity ( testloc , entity . getType ( ) ) ;
/ * int j = 0 ;
while ( j < 10 ) {
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . spawnEntity ( testloc , entity . getType ( ) ) ;
j + + ;
} * /
/ *
while ( Math . random ( ) * chancer < 1 . 0d ) {
chancer + = increasechancer ;
testloc = entity . getLocation ( ) . add ( Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d - Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d , Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d , Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d - Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d ) ;
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( testloc ) . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & & Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( testloc . add ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) ) . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) {
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . spawnEntity ( testloc , entity . getType ( ) ) ;
/ * int j = 0 ;
while ( j < 10 ) {
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . spawnEntity ( entity . getLocation ( ) . add ( Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d - Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d , Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d - Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d , Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d - Math . random ( ) * 4 . 0d ) , entity . getType ( ) ) ;
j + + ;
} * /
/ * }
* /
} , 1 ) ;
if ( entity . getWorld ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( "world_nether" ) = = 0 ) {
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . PIG_ZOMBIE ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 005 ) {
//0.5% chance of a magma cube spawning.
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world_nether" ) . spawnEntity ( entity . getLocation ( ) , EntityType . MAGMA_CUBE ) ;
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 0003125 ) {
//0.03125% chance of a ghast spawning.
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world_nether" ) . spawnEntity ( entity . getLocation ( ) , EntityType . GHAST ) ;
if ( entity . getWorld ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( "world_the_end" ) = = 0 ) {
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ENDER_DRAGON ) {
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) entity ;
l . setMaxHealth ( Warning ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) * 4 , 5 ) ) ;
l . setHealth ( Warning ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) , 6 ) ) ;
if ( entity . getType ( ) = = EntityType . EXPERIENCE_ORB ) {
if ( e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . EXPERIENCE_ORB ) {
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . spawnEntity ( entity . getLocation ( ) , entity . getType ( ) ) ;
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . spawnEntity ( e . getEntity ( ) . getLocation ( ) , e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) ) ;
if ( e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . BREEDING ) {
if ( e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . BREEDING ) {
//Spawn reason for later spawning.
//Spawn reason for later spawning.