@ -558,23 +558,23 @@ public class PlayerListener
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( owner , "Cook" ) ) {
boolean crafteditem = false ;
if ( e . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . COOKED_FISH ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( owner , "Cook" , 0 . 03 , 12 ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( owner , "Cook" , 0 . 06 , 24 ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( e . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . getMaterial ( 393 ) ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( owner , "Cook" , 0 . 04 , 16 ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( owner , "Cook" , 0 . 08 , 32 ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( e . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . COOKED_CHICKEN ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( owner , "Cook" , 0 . 045 , 18 ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( owner , "Cook" , 0 . 09 , 36 ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( e . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GRILLED_PORK ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( owner , "Cook" , 0 . 06 , 24 ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( owner , "Cook" , 0 . 12 , 48 ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( e . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . COOKED_BEEF ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( owner , "Cook" , 0 . 10 , 4 0) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( owner , "Cook" , 0 . 20 , 8 0) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Cook" , owner ) > = 20 & & crafteditem ) {
@ -2923,7 +2923,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
Player support = this . plugin . getClosestSupport ( p . getLocation ( ) ) ;
if ( support ! = null ) {
if ( ! alreadyhas ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( support , "Support" , 0 . 175 , 15 ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( support , "Support" , 1 . 05 , 90 ) ;
} else {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( support , "Support" , 0 . 01 , 1 ) ;
@ -3005,7 +3005,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
for ( PotionEffect nextpotioneffect : effects ) {
//shooter.sendMessage(nextpotioneffect.getType().getName()+" is the potion effect.");
if ( nextpotioneffect . getType ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( "NIGHT_VISION" ) = = 0 ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( shooter , "Support" , 0 . 10 , 5 ) ;
if ( nextpotioneffect . getType ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( "SPEED" ) = = 0 ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( shooter , "Support" , 0 . 15 , 6 ) ;
@ -3018,22 +3018,22 @@ public class PlayerListener
if ( nextpotioneffect . getType ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( "INCREASE_DAMAGE" ) = = 0 ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( shooter , "Support" , 0 . 20 , 9 ) ;
if ( nextpotioneffect . getType ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( "FIRE_RESISTANCE" ) = = 0 ) {
if ( p . getFireTicks ( ) > 0 ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( shooter , "Support" , 0 . 60 , 3 0) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( shooter , "Support" , 4 . 80 , 24 0) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( shooter , "Support" , 0 . 25 , 12 ) ;
if ( nextpotioneffect . getType ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( "HEAL" ) = = 0 ) {
if ( ! p . isDead ( ) ) {
if ( p . getHealth ( ) / p . getMaxHealth ( ) < = 0 . 30 ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( shooter , "Support" , 0 . 60 , 3 0) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( shooter , "Support" , 2 . 40 , 12 0) ;
//shooter.sendMessage("This is a big heal.");
p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) ) . setSuffix ( healthbar ( p . getHealth ( ) , p . getMaxHealth ( ) ) ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( shooter , "Support" , 0 . 30 , 14 ) ;
if ( p . getHealth ( ) + 12 > p . getMaxHealth ( ) ) {
p . setHealth ( p . getMaxHealth ( ) ) ;
} else {
@ -3044,9 +3044,9 @@ public class PlayerListener
if ( nextpotioneffect . getType ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( "REGENERATION" ) = = 0 ) {
if ( p . getHealth ( ) / p . getMaxHealth ( ) < = 0 . 30 ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( shooter , "Support" , 0 . 60 , 30 ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( shooter , "Support" , 0 . 30 , 14 ) ;
//shooter.sendMessage("This is a heal.");
@ -3571,6 +3571,83 @@ public class PlayerListener
if ( result . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SWORD ) {
crafteditem = true ;
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Weaponsmith" , p ) > = 20 ) {
ItemStack [ ] crafteditems = result . getMatrix ( ) ;
if ( e . getClick ( ) = = ClickType . SHIFT_RIGHT | | e . getClick ( ) = = ClickType . SHIFT_LEFT ) {
int lowestamt = 9999 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] . getAmount ( ) < lowestamt ) {
lowestamt = crafteditems [ i ] . getAmount ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < lowestamt ; j + + ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 25 ) {
//p.sendMessage("Restored an item.");
ItemStack replenishitem = crafteditems [ i ] . clone ( ) ;
replenishitem . setAmount ( 1 ) ;
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( replenishitem ) ;
} else {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 25 ) {
//p.sendMessage("Restored an item.");
ItemStack replenishitem = crafteditems [ i ] . clone ( ) ;
replenishitem . setAmount ( 1 ) ;
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( replenishitem ) ;
} else
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Weaponsmith" , p ) > = 5 ) {
ItemStack [ ] crafteditems = result . getMatrix ( ) ;
if ( e . getClick ( ) = = ClickType . SHIFT_RIGHT | | e . getClick ( ) = = ClickType . SHIFT_LEFT ) {
int lowestamt = 9999 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] . getAmount ( ) < lowestamt ) {
lowestamt = crafteditems [ i ] . getAmount ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < lowestamt ; j + + ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 10 ) {
//p.sendMessage("Restored an item.");
ItemStack replenishitem = crafteditems [ i ] . clone ( ) ;
replenishitem . setAmount ( 1 ) ;
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( replenishitem ) ;
} else {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 10 ) {
//p.sendMessage("Restored an item.");
ItemStack replenishitem = crafteditems [ i ] . clone ( ) ;
replenishitem . setAmount ( 1 ) ;
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( replenishitem ) ;
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Weaponsmith" , p ) > = 10 & & crafteditem ) {
Bukkit . getPlayer ( "sigonasr2" ) . sendMessage ( "Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant." ) ;
ItemStack resulting = this . plugin . EnchantItem ( result . getResult ( ) , 5 , p ) ;
result . setResult ( resulting ) ;
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Blacksmith" ) ) {
boolean crafteditem = false ;
@ -3730,21 +3807,41 @@ public class PlayerListener
crafteditem = true ;
/ *
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , p ) > = 5 & & crafteditem ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
ItemStack resulting = this . plugin . EnchantItem ( result . getResult ( ) , 5 ) ;
ItemStack resulting = this . plugin . EnchantItem ( result . getResult ( ) , 5 , p ) ;
result . setResult ( resulting ) ;
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , p ) > = 10 & & crafteditem ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
ItemStack resulting = this . plugin . EnchantItem ( result . getResult ( ) , 10 ) ;
ItemStack resulting = this . plugin . EnchantItem ( result . getResult ( ) , 10 , p ) ;
result . setResult ( resulting ) ;
} * /
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , p ) > = 20 ) {
ItemStack [ ] crafteditems = result . getMatrix ( ) ;
if ( e . getClick ( ) = = ClickType . SHIFT_RIGHT | | e . getClick ( ) = = ClickType . SHIFT_LEFT ) {
int lowestamt = 9999 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] . getAmount ( ) < lowestamt ) {
lowestamt = crafteditems [ i ] . getAmount ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < lowestamt ; j + + ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 30 ) {
ItemStack replenishitem = crafteditems [ i ] . clone ( ) ;
replenishitem . setAmount ( 1 ) ;
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( replenishitem ) ;
} else {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 30 ) {
ItemStack replenishitem = crafteditems [ i ] . clone ( ) ;
replenishitem . setAmount ( 1 ) ;
@ -3754,6 +3851,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
/ *
//this.plugin.tempinventory = Bukkit.getPlayer(e.getWhoClicked().getName()).getInventory().getContents();
CraftingInventory result = e . getInventory ( ) ;
@ -4560,8 +4658,24 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
if ( this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( "halloween-enabled" ) ) {
e . setDroppedExp ( e . getDroppedExp ( ) * 2 ) ;
if ( f . getKiller ( ) ! = null & & f . getKiller ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . PLAYER ) {
Player p = f . getKiller ( ) ;
Player p = null ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . plugin . hitmoblist . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . id . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
if ( this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . id . contains ( e . getEntity ( ) . getUniqueId ( ) ) ) {
//This is the player that killed. Also identify them.
p = this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . p ;
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Found: "+e.getEntity().getUniqueId().toString());
this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . id . remove ( e . getEntity ( ) . getUniqueId ( ) ) ;
this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . p . giveExp ( e . getDroppedExp ( ) ) ;
if ( e . getDroppedExp ( ) ! = 0 ) {
p . playSound ( p . getLocation ( ) , Sound . ORB_PICKUP , 0 . 9f , 1f ) ;
break ;
if ( p ! = null ) {
for ( int x = - 10 ; x < 10 ; x + + ) {
for ( int y = - 3 ; y < 3 ; y + + ) {
for ( int z = - 10 ; z < 10 ; z + + ) {
@ -4592,7 +4706,7 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
if ( this . plugin . supportmoblist . get ( i ) . id . contains ( e . getEntity ( ) . getUniqueId ( ) ) ) {
//Award the support player.
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Found: "+e.getEntity().getUniqueId().toString());
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( this . plugin . supportmoblist . get ( i ) . p , "Support" , 0 . 025 , 3 ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( this . plugin . supportmoblist . get ( i ) . p , "Support" , 0 . 05 , 6 ) ;
this . plugin . supportmoblist . get ( i ) . id . remove ( e . getEntity ( ) . getUniqueId ( ) ) ;
this . plugin . supportmoblist . get ( i ) . p . giveExp ( e . getDroppedExp ( ) / 2 ) ;
if ( e . getDroppedExp ( ) / 2 ! = 0 ) {
@ -4684,6 +4798,53 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
} else {
//We're going to see if a player killed it themselves then.
Player pp = null ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . plugin . hitmoblist . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . id . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
if ( this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . id . contains ( e . getEntity ( ) . getUniqueId ( ) ) ) {
//This is the player that killed. Also identify them.
pp = this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . p ;
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Found: "+e.getEntity().getUniqueId().toString());
this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . id . remove ( e . getEntity ( ) . getUniqueId ( ) ) ;
this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . p . giveExp ( e . getDroppedExp ( ) ) ;
if ( e . getDroppedExp ( ) ! = 0 ) {
pp . playSound ( p . getLocation ( ) , Sound . ORB_PICKUP , 0 . 9f , 1f ) ;
break ;
//Check other players and give them assist experience.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . plugin . hitmoblist . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . id . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
if ( this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . id . contains ( e . getEntity ( ) . getUniqueId ( ) ) & & this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . p ! = pp ) {
//This is the player that killed. Also identify them.
Player tempp = this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . p ;
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( tempp , "Support" ) ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Found: "+e.getEntity().getUniqueId().toString());
this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . id . remove ( e . getEntity ( ) . getUniqueId ( ) ) ;
this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . p . giveExp ( e . getDroppedExp ( ) / 4 ) ;
if ( e . getDroppedExp ( ) / 4 ! = 0 ) {
tempp . playSound ( p . getLocation ( ) , Sound . ORB_PICKUP , 0 . 4f , 0 . 6f ) ;
} else {
this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . id . remove ( e . getEntity ( ) . getUniqueId ( ) ) ;
this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . p . giveExp ( e . getDroppedExp ( ) / 2 ) ;
if ( e . getDroppedExp ( ) / 2 ! = 0 ) {
tempp . playSound ( p . getLocation ( ) , Sound . ORB_PICKUP , 0 . 4f , 0 . 6f ) ;
break ;
e . setDroppedExp ( 0 ) ;
/ *
@ -4735,7 +4896,7 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
playernearby = true ;
if ( ( ( Player ) nearby . get ( i ) ) . getFireTicks ( ) > 0 & & ( ( Player ) nearby . get ( i ) ) . getHealth ( ) < = 8 ) {
//They are on fire, you intend to douse them.
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 60 , 3 0) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 4 . 80 , 24 0) ;
@ -4759,7 +4920,7 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
if ( foundlava ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 05 , 1 0) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 15 , 6 0) ;
@ -6124,7 +6285,7 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
if ( this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . p . getName ( ) . compareTo ( ( ( Player ) e . getDamager ( ) ) . getName ( ) ) = = 0 ) {
if ( ! this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . id . contains ( ( ( Entity ) f ) . getUniqueId ( ) ) ) {
this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . id . add ( ( ( Entity ) f ) . getUniqueId ( ) ) ;
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2") .sendMessage("Added to list: "+((Entity)f).getUniqueId().toString());
//p .sendMessage("Added to list: "+((Entity)f).getUniqueId().toString());
this . plugin . hitmoblist . get ( i ) . registeredtime = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) + 1200 ;
@ -6946,10 +7107,11 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
if ( e . getBlockPlaced ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . CROPS ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Farmer" , 0 . 005 , 1 ) ;
if ( e . getBlockPlaced ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . PUMPKIN_SEEDS ) {
//p.sendMessage("Placing down "+e.getBlockPlaced().getType()+" ("+e.getBlockPlaced().getTypeId()+"), "+e.getBlockPlaced().getData());
if ( e . getBlockPlaced ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . PUMPKIN_STEM ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Farmer" , 0 . 01 , 2 ) ;
if ( e . getBlockPlaced ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . MELON_SEEDS ) {
if ( e . getBlockPlaced ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . MELON_STEM ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Farmer" , 0 . 01 , 2 ) ;
@ -6974,7 +7136,7 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
if ( ! found ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 00 , 1 ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 01 , 2 ) ;
} else
if ( e . getBlockPlaced ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GLOWSTONE ) {
@ -8007,10 +8169,11 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Weaponsmith" , 0 . 025 * amount , 4 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
/ *
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . WOOD_SWORD ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Weaponsmith" , 0 . 05 * amount , 10 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
} * /
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . FLINT_AND_STEEL ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Weaponsmith" , 0 . 06 * amount , 12 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
@ -8028,12 +8191,13 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SWORD ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Weaponsmith" , 0 . 975 * amount , 175 * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Weaponsmith" , 3 . 60 * amount , 280 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Blacksmith" ) ) {
boolean crafteditem = false ;
/ *
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . STONE_HOE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 04 * amount , 7 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
@ -8045,7 +8209,7 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . STONE_PICKAXE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 075 * amount , 15 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
} * /
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . LEATHER_BOOTS ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 125 * amount , 8 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
@ -8067,158 +8231,158 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_HOE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 325 * amount , 24 * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 325 * amount , 38 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BOOTS ) {
int mult = 1 ;
if ( ( item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ! = null & & ! item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . DARK_AQUA + "Weak " ) ) | | item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) = = null ) {
mult = 8 ;
mult = 10 ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 375 * mult * amount , 27 * mult * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 375 * mult * amount , 80 * mult * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_PICKAXE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 40 * amount , 30 * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 40 * amount , 58 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_HELMET ) {
int mult = 1 ;
if ( ( item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ! = null & & ! item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . DARK_AQUA + "Weak " ) ) | | item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) = = null ) {
mult = 8 ;
mult = 10 ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 50 * mult * amount , 45 * mult * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 50 * mult * amount , 100 * mult * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_SPADE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 625 * amount , 55 * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 625 * amount , 23 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_HOE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 65 * amount , 60 * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 65 * amount , 65 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_LEGGINGS ) {
int mult = 1 ;
if ( ( item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ! = null & & ! item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . DARK_AQUA + "Weak " ) ) | | item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) = = null ) {
mult = 8 ;
mult = 10 ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 725 * mult * amount , 6 0* mult * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 725 * mult * amount , 14 0* mult * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SPADE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 75 * amount , 65 * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 75 * amount , 90 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HOE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 80 * amount , 70 * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 80 * amount , 188 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BOOTS ) {
int mult = 1 ;
if ( ( item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ! = null & & ! item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . DARK_AQUA + "Weak " ) ) | | item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) = = null ) {
mult = 8 ;
mult = 10 ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 825 * mult * amount , 5 0* mult * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 825 * mult * amount , 12 0* mult * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_CHESTPLATE ) {
int mult = 1 ;
if ( ( item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ! = null & & ! item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . DARK_AQUA + "Weak " ) ) | | item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) = = null ) {
mult = 8 ;
mult = 10 ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 875 * mult * amount , 70 * mult * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 875 * mult * amount , 175 * mult * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_HELMET ) {
int mult = 1 ;
if ( ( item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ! = null & & ! item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . DARK_AQUA + "Weak " ) ) | | item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) = = null ) {
mult = 8 ;
mult = 10 ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 925 * mult * amount , 8 0* mult * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 925 * mult * amount , 15 0* mult * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_PICKAXE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 925 * amount , 8 0* amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 0 . 925 * amount , 29 0* amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BOOTS ) {
int mult = 1 ;
if ( ( item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ! = null & & ! item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . DARK_AQUA + "Weak " ) ) | | item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) = = null ) {
mult = 8 ;
mult = 10 ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 1 . 00 * mult * amount , 85 * mult * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 1 . 00 * mult * amount , 390 * mult * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_LEGGINGS ) {
int mult = 1 ;
if ( ( item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ! = null & & ! item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . DARK_AQUA + "Weak " ) ) | | item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) = = null ) {
mult = 8 ;
mult = 10 ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 1 . 025 * mult * amount , 10 0 * mult * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 1 . 025 * mult * amount , 17 0 * mult * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_CHESTPLATE ) {
int mult = 1 ;
if ( ( item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ! = null & & ! item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . DARK_AQUA + "Weak " ) ) | | item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) = = null ) {
mult = 8 ;
mult = 10 ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 1 . 15 * mult * amount , 130 * mult * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 1 . 15 * mult * amount , 192 * mult * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HELMET ) {
int mult = 1 ;
if ( ( item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ! = null & & ! item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . DARK_AQUA + "Weak " ) ) | | item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) = = null ) {
mult = 8 ;
mult = 10 ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 1 . 15 * mult * amount , 125 * mult * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 1 . 15 * mult * amount , 480 * mult * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_LEGGINGS ) {
int mult = 1 ;
if ( ( item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ! = null & & ! item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . DARK_AQUA + "Weak " ) ) | | item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) = = null ) {
mult = 8 ;
mult = 10 ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 1 . 325 * mult * amount , 145 * mult * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 1 . 325 * mult * amount , 660 * mult * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE ) {
int mult = 1 ;
if ( ( item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ! = null & & ! item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . DARK_AQUA + "Weak " ) ) | | item . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) = = null ) {
mult = 8 ;
mult = 10 ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 1 . 50 * mult * amount , 1 75* mult * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Blacksmith" , 1 . 50 * mult * amount , 750 * mult * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Cook" ) ) {
boolean crafteditem = false ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . BREAD ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 0125 * amount , 5 * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 003125 * amount , 1 . 25 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . COOKIE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 016875 * amount , 1 . 50 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . MUSHROOM_SOUP ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 0375 * amount , 15 * amount ) ;
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 009 375 * amount , 3 . 7 5* amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . COOK IE) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 06 75 * amount , 2 5* amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . PUMPKIN_P IE) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 03 75 * amount , 1 5* amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLDEN_CARROT ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 0875 * amount , 35 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLDEN_APPLE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 1125 * amount , 45 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . PUMPKIN_PIE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 15 * amount , 60 * amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . CAKE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 10625 * amount , 21 . 25 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . CAK E) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 2 125* amount , 8 5* amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLDEN_APPLE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 1125 * amount , 45 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Cook" , p ) > = 10 & & crafteditem = = true ) {
@ -8227,6 +8391,7 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( new ItemStack ( item . getType ( ) , amount , item . getDurability ( ) , item . getData ( ) . getData ( ) ) ) ;
/ *
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Support" ) ) {
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . BREAD ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 015 * amount , 2 * amount ) ;
@ -8264,7 +8429,7 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . CAKE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 03 * amount , 2 * amount ) ;
} * /
private void handleCrafting ( InventoryClickEvent event ) {
@ -8291,53 +8456,24 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
public String [ ] getJobs ( Player p ) {
String [ ] string = { this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getString ( p . getName ( ) + ".jobs.job1" ) , this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getString ( p . getName ( ) + ".jobs.job2" ) , this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getString ( p . getName ( ) + ".jobs.job3" ) } ;
return string ;
return this . plugin . getJobs ( p ) ;
public String [ ] getJobs ( String p ) {
String [ ] string = { this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getString ( p + ".jobs.job1" ) , this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getString ( p + ".jobs.job2" ) , this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getString ( p + ".jobs.job3" ) } ;
return string ;
return this . plugin . getJobs ( p ) ;
public boolean PlayerinJob ( String p , String job ) {
String [ ] jobs = getJobs ( p ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < jobs . length ; i + + ) {
if ( job . equalsIgnoreCase ( jobs [ i ] ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
return this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , job ) ;
public boolean PlayerinJob ( Player p , String job ) {
String [ ] jobs = getJobs ( p ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < jobs . length ; i + + ) {
if ( job . equalsIgnoreCase ( jobs [ i ] ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
return this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , job ) ;
public int getJobLv ( String job , String p ) {
if ( PlayerinJob ( p , job ) ) {
int slot = - 1 ;
//Check which slot contains our job.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + ) {
if ( this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getString ( p + ".jobs.job" + ( i + 1 ) ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( job ) ) {
slot = i ;
break ;
if ( slot ! = - 1 ) {
return this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getInt ( p + ".jobs.job" + ( slot + 1 ) + "lv" ) ;
} else {
return 0 ;
return 0 ;
return this . plugin . getJobLv ( job , p ) ;
public boolean validItem_Weaponsmith ( ItemStack i ) {
@ -8389,105 +8525,8 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
public ItemStack EnchantItem ( ItemStack item , int lv ) {
boolean protection = false ; //Set to true when a protection enchantment has been given.
boolean silktouch = false ; //Set to true if silk touch OR fortune is set. Only one of these can be there.
boolean enhanceddmg = false ; //Set to true if a damage increasing enchantment has been given.
//First figure out which item this is.
final EnchantLevelDatabase ENCHANTMENT_DATA = new EnchantLevelDatabase ( ) ;
List < StoreValues > enchant_data = new ArrayList < StoreValues > ( ) ; //OMGGGG. forgot to initialize the dang list!
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . STONE_HOE | | item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_HOE | | item . getType ( ) = = Material . WOOD_HOE | | item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_HOE | | item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HOE ) {
enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . stone_hoe ;
} else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . BOW ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . bow ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_SWORD ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_sword ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_SWORD ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . gold_sword ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SWORD ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_sword ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . STONE_SPADE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . stone_shovel ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . STONE_PICKAXE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . stone_pickaxe ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . LEATHER_BOOTS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . leather_boots ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . LEATHER_LEGGINGS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . leather_pants ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . LEATHER_CHESTPLATE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . leather_tunic ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . LEATHER_HELMET ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . leather_cap ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_SPADE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_shovel ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BOOTS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_boots ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_PICKAXE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_pickaxe ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_HELMET ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_helmet ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_SPADE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_shovel ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_LEGGINGS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_leggings ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SPADE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_shovel ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BOOTS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_boots ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_CHESTPLATE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_chestplate ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_HELMET ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_helmet ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_CHESTPLATE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_chestplate ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_PICKAXE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_pickaxe ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BOOTS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_boots ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_LEGGINGS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_leggings ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_CHESTPLATE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_chestplate ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HELMET ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_helmet ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_LEGGINGS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_leggings ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_chestplate ; }
int enchantments = 0 ;
int iterations = 0 ;
while ( enchantments = = 0 & & iterations < 100 ) { //Attempt to enchant it, up to 100 tries.
iterations + + ;
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Enchant data size is "+enchant_data.size());
for ( int i = 0 ; i < enchant_data . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Comparing level "+lv+" to enchant requirement: "+enchant_data.get(i).enchantlevel);
if ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchantlevel = = lv ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Checking "+enchant_data.get(i).enchant.getName());
if ( Math . random ( ) < = enchant_data . get ( i ) . chance ) {
//This enchantment can be added. (Assuming it's compatible.)
if ( ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . PROTECTION_FALL . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . PROTECTION_FIRE . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . PROTECTION_PROJECTILE . getName ( ) ) & & ! protection ) {
protection = true ;
enchantments + + ;
item . addEnchantment ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant , enchant_data . get ( i ) . level ) ;
} else
if ( ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . DAMAGE_ALL . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . DAMAGE_UNDEAD . getName ( ) ) & & ! enhanceddmg ) {
enhanceddmg = true ;
enchantments + + ;
item . addEnchantment ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant , enchant_data . get ( i ) . level ) ;
} else
if ( ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . SILK_TOUCH . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . LOOT_BONUS_MOBS . getName ( ) ) & & ! silktouch ) {
silktouch = true ;
enchantments + + ;
item . addEnchantment ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant , enchant_data . get ( i ) . level ) ;
} else {
//It's not a special condition enchantment. Just make sure it doesn't exist and add it.
if ( ! item . containsEnchantment ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant ) ) {
item . addEnchantment ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant , enchant_data . get ( i ) . level ) ;
//see if we should try for a second/third/fourth enchantment.
boolean keepgoing = false ;
if ( lv = = 5 ) {
if ( enchantments = = 1 & & Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 07 ) {
keepgoing = true ;
} else
if ( enchantments = = 2 & & Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 045 ) {
keepgoing = true ;
} else
if ( enchantments = = 3 & & Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 03 ) {
keepgoing = true ;
if ( ! keepgoing ) {
break ;
return item ;
public ItemStack EnchantItem ( ItemStack item , int lv , Player p ) {
return this . plugin . EnchantItem ( item , lv , p ) ;
// HACK! The API doesn't allow us to easily determine the resulting number of
@ -8530,19 +8569,19 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
if ( PlayerinJob ( ( Player ) player , "Weaponsmith" ) ) {
if ( getJobLv ( "Weaponsmith" , player . getName ( ) ) > = 10 & & validItem_Weaponsmith ( post ) ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
ItemStack resulting = EnchantItem ( post , 5 ) ;
ItemStack resulting = EnchantItem ( post , 5 , ( Player ) player ) ;
player . getInventory ( ) . setItem ( i , resulting ) ;
if ( PlayerinJob ( ( Player ) player , "Blacksmith" ) ) {
if ( getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , player . getName ( ) ) > = 10 & & validItem_Blacksmith ( post ) ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
ItemStack resulting = EnchantItem ( post , 10 ) ;
ItemStack resulting = EnchantItem ( post , 10 , ( Player ) player ) ;
player . getInventory ( ) . setItem ( i , resulting ) ;
} else
if ( getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , player . getName ( ) ) > = 5 & & validItem_Blacksmith ( post ) ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
ItemStack resulting = EnchantItem ( post , 5 ) ;
ItemStack resulting = EnchantItem ( post , 5 , ( Player ) player ) ;
player . getInventory ( ) . setItem ( i , resulting ) ;
@ -9857,6 +9896,13 @@ public void onEntityExpode(ExplosionPrimeEvent e) {
e . getClickedBlock ( ) . setData ( ( byte ) ( ( e . getClickedBlock ( ) . getData ( ) + 2 % 4 ) ) ) ;
} * /
if ( e . getAction ( ) = = Action . RIGHT_CLICK_AIR | | e . getAction ( ) = = Action . RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK ) {
if ( p . getItemInHand ( ) ! = null & & ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . FLINT_AND_STEEL | | p . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . LAVA_BUCKET ) ) {
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Support" ) ) {
this . plugin . setMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( e . getAction ( ) = = Action . RIGHT_CLICK_AIR | | e . getAction ( ) = = Action . RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK ) {
boolean largechest = false ;
boolean smallchest = false ;