@ -11318,80 +11318,98 @@ public void onEntityExpode(ExplosionPrimeEvent e) {
public void onPlayerDeath ( PlayerDeathEvent e ) {
public void onPlayerDeath ( PlayerDeathEvent e ) {
//Delay this for 5 ticks. See if Fatal Survivor kicked in in time. (Or you got healed).
//Delay this for 5 ticks. See if Fatal Survivor kicked in in time. (Or you got healed).
final PlayerDeathEvent e2 = e ;
//Bukkit.broadcastMessage("Player Death: "+e.getEntity().getHealth()+" HP, Last Damage: -"+e.getEntity().getLastDamage()+" from "+e.getEntity().getLastDamageCause());
e2 . getEntity ( ) . setHealth ( 1 ) ;
//If we have Fatal Survivor, use the force! Otherwise, uh, you're dead.
Bukkit . broadcastMessage ( "Player Death: " + e2 . getEntity ( ) . getHealth ( ) + " HP, Last Damage: -" + e2 . getEntity ( ) . getLastDamage ( ) + " from " + e2 . getEntity ( ) . getLastDamageCause ( ) ) ;
final Main plugin = this . plugin ;
Player p = e . getEntity ( ) ;
Bukkit . getScheduler ( ) . scheduleSyncDelayedTask ( this . plugin , new Runnable ( ) {
e . setDeathMessage ( e . getDeathMessage ( ) . replace ( p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) ) . getPrefix ( ) + p . getName ( ) + p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) ) . getSuffix ( ) , p . getName ( ) ) ) ;
p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) ) . setSuffix ( "" ) ;
public void run ( ) {
boolean survivor = false ;
Player p = e2 . getEntity ( ) ;
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Explorer" ) ) {
e2 . setDeathMessage ( e2 . getDeathMessage ( ) . replace ( p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) ) . getPrefix ( ) + p . getName ( ) + p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) ) . getSuffix ( ) , p . getName ( ) ) ) ;
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Explorer" , p ) > = 10 ) {
p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) ) . setSuffix ( "" ) ;
//Check to see if our "fatal s urvivor" effect is available.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < plugin . explorerlist . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . plugin . explorers . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( Bukkit . getPlayer ( plugin . explorerlist . get ( i ) . player ) ! = null ) {
if ( this . plugin . explorers . get ( i ) . event = = 0 & & this . plugin . explorers . get ( i ) . name . compareTo ( p . getName ( ) ) = = 0 ) {
Player p2 = Bukkit . getPlayer ( plugin . explorerlist . get ( i ) . player ) ;
survivor = true ;
if ( p . equals ( p2 ) ) {
break ;
//This is an explorer in the explorer data.
plugin . explorerlist . get ( i ) . wedied = true ;
if ( ! plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Explorer" ) | | ( plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Explorer" ) & & plugin . getJobLv ( "Explorer" , p ) < 20 ) ) {
double balance = Main . economy . getBalance ( p . getName ( ) ) ;
double lose = plugin . getConfig ( ) . getDouble ( "losemoney.LoseAmount" ) ;
double loseAmount = Main . economy . getBalance ( p . getName ( ) ) / 100 . 0D * lose ;
String message = "You lost $%amount because you died." ;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.00" ) ;
loseAmount = Double . parseDouble ( df . format ( loseAmount ) ) ;
if ( Main . economy . has ( p . getName ( ) , loseAmount ) ) {
plugin . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Player " + p . getName ( ) + "'s getting withdrawed with " + loseAmount + "$" ) ;
Main . economy . withdrawPlayer ( p . getName ( ) , loseAmount ) ;
message = message . replaceAll ( "%amount" , String . valueOf ( loseAmount ) ) ;
} else {
plugin . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Player " + p . getName ( ) + "'s getting withdrawed with " + balance + "$" ) ;
Main . economy . withdrawPlayer ( p . getName ( ) , balance ) ;
message = message . replaceAll ( "%amount" , String . valueOf ( balance ) ) ;
p . sendMessage ( message ) ;
if ( plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Explorer" ) ) {
PersistentExplorerList eve = new PersistentExplorerList ( p . getName ( ) ) ;
PersistentExplorerList eve = new PersistentExplorerList ( p . getName ( ) ) ;
eve . event = 1 ;
eve . event = 2 ;
eve . data = p . getExp ( ) ;
eve . expiretime = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 3600 ;
eve . data2 = p . getLevel ( ) ;
plugin . explorers . add ( eve ) ;
eve . expiretime = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 1200 ;
this . plugin . explorers . add ( eve ) ;
if ( ! survivor ) {
FatalSurvivor ( p ) ;
if ( survivor | | ! this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Explorer" ) ) {
//You are dead buddy.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < plugin . explorerlist . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( Bukkit . getPlayer ( plugin . explorerlist . get ( i ) . player ) ! = null ) {
Player p2 = Bukkit . getPlayer ( plugin . explorerlist . get ( i ) . player ) ;
if ( p . equals ( p2 ) ) {
//This is an explorer in the explorer data.
plugin . explorerlist . get ( i ) . wedied = true ;
if ( ! plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Explorer" ) | | ( plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Explorer" ) & & plugin . getJobLv ( "Explorer" , p ) < 20 ) ) {
double balance = Main . economy . getBalance ( p . getName ( ) ) ;
double lose = plugin . getConfig ( ) . getDouble ( "losemoney.LoseAmount" ) ;
double loseAmount = Main . economy . getBalance ( p . getName ( ) ) / 100 . 0D * lose ;
String message = "You lost $%amount because you died." ;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.00" ) ;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.00" ) ;
double deathX = p . getLocation ( ) . getX ( ) ;
loseAmount = Double . parseDouble ( df . format ( loseAmount ) ) ;
double deathY = p . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) ;
if ( Main . economy . has ( p . getName ( ) , loseAmount ) ) {
double deathZ = p . getLocation ( ) . getZ ( ) ;
plugin . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Player " + p . getName ( ) + "'s getting withdrawed with " + loseAmount + "$" ) ;
String deathWorld = p . getLocation ( ) . getWorld ( ) . getName ( ) ;
Main . economy . withdrawPlayer ( p . getName ( ) , loseAmount ) ;
plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) + ".deathpointX" , Double . valueOf ( deathX ) ) ;
message = message . replaceAll ( "%amount" , String . valueOf ( loseAmount ) ) ;
plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) + ".deathpointY" , Double . valueOf ( deathY ) ) ;
plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) + ".deathpointZ" , Double . valueOf ( deathZ ) ) ;
plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) + ".deathworld" , String . valueOf ( deathWorld ) ) ;
plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) + ".revived" , Boolean . valueOf ( false ) ) ;
plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) + ".revivetime" , Long . valueOf ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ) ) ;
plugin . saveAccountsConfig ( ) ;
double mincost = plugin . getConfig ( ) . getDouble ( "revive-cost-rate" ) ;
if ( p . getBedSpawnLocation ( ) ! = null ) {
mincost * = Math . abs ( p . getBedSpawnLocation ( ) . getX ( ) - deathX ) + Math . abs ( p . getBedSpawnLocation ( ) . getY ( ) - deathY ) + Math . abs ( p . getBedSpawnLocation ( ) . getZ ( ) - deathZ ) ;
} else {
} else {
mincost * = Math . abs ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getSpawnLocation ( ) . getX ( ) - deathX ) + Math . abs ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getSpawnLocation ( ) . getY ( ) - deathY ) + Math . abs ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getSpawnLocation ( ) . getZ ( ) - deathZ ) ;
plugin . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Player " + p . getName ( ) + "'s getting withdrawed with " + balance + "$" ) ;
Main . economy . withdrawPlayer ( p . getName ( ) , balance ) ;
double mymoney = plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getDouble ( p . getName ( ) + ".money" ) ;
message = message . replaceAll ( "%amount" , String . valueOf ( balance ) ) ;
double finalcost = ( mincost * plugin . getConfig ( ) . getDouble ( "revive-cost-rate" ) ) + ( mymoney * plugin . getConfig ( ) . getDouble ( "revive-cost-tax" ) ) ;
if ( plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Explorer" ) & & plugin . getJobLv ( "Explorer" , p ) > = 20 ) {
finalcost * = 0 . 25 ;
if ( mymoney > = mincost ) {
p . sendMessage ( "You died. It will cost you $" + df . format ( finalcost ) + " to revive2. To revive, type /revive me2." ) ;
} else {
p . sendMessage ( "You died. You do not have enough money in your bank to revive2." ) ;
p . sendMessage ( "Cost: $" + df . format ( finalcost ) + ". If you want to revive, type " + ChatColor . AQUA + "/revive me" + ChatColor . WHITE + " when you have enough." ) ;
p . sendMessage ( message ) ;
if ( plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Explorer" ) ) {
PersistentExplorerList eve = new PersistentExplorerList ( p . getName ( ) ) ;
eve . event = 2 ;
eve . expiretime = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 3600 ;
plugin . explorers . add ( eve ) ;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.00" ) ;
double deathX = p . getLocation ( ) . getX ( ) ;
double deathY = p . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) ;
double deathZ = p . getLocation ( ) . getZ ( ) ;
String deathWorld = p . getLocation ( ) . getWorld ( ) . getName ( ) ;
plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) + ".deathpointX" , Double . valueOf ( deathX ) ) ;
plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) + ".deathpointY" , Double . valueOf ( deathY ) ) ;
plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) + ".deathpointZ" , Double . valueOf ( deathZ ) ) ;
plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) + ".deathworld" , String . valueOf ( deathWorld ) ) ;
plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) + ".revived" , Boolean . valueOf ( false ) ) ;
plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) + ".revivetime" , Long . valueOf ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ) ) ;
plugin . saveAccountsConfig ( ) ;
double mincost = plugin . getConfig ( ) . getDouble ( "revive-cost-rate" ) ;
if ( p . getBedSpawnLocation ( ) ! = null ) {
mincost * = Math . abs ( p . getBedSpawnLocation ( ) . getX ( ) - deathX ) + Math . abs ( p . getBedSpawnLocation ( ) . getY ( ) - deathY ) + Math . abs ( p . getBedSpawnLocation ( ) . getZ ( ) - deathZ ) ;
} else {
mincost * = Math . abs ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getSpawnLocation ( ) . getX ( ) - deathX ) + Math . abs ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getSpawnLocation ( ) . getY ( ) - deathY ) + Math . abs ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getSpawnLocation ( ) . getZ ( ) - deathZ ) ;
double mymoney = plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getDouble ( p . getName ( ) + ".money" ) ;
double finalcost = ( mincost * plugin . getConfig ( ) . getDouble ( "revive-cost-rate" ) ) + ( mymoney * plugin . getConfig ( ) . getDouble ( "revive-cost-tax" ) ) ;
if ( plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Explorer" ) & & plugin . getJobLv ( "Explorer" , p ) > = 20 ) {
finalcost * = 0 . 25 ;
} , 5 ) ;
if ( mymoney > = mincost ) {
p . sendMessage ( "You died. It will cost you $" + df . format ( finalcost ) + " to revive. To revive, type /revive me." ) ;
} else {
p . sendMessage ( "You died. You do not have enough money in your bank to revive." ) ;
p . sendMessage ( "Cost: $" + df . format ( finalcost ) + ". If you want to revive, type " + ChatColor . AQUA + "/revive me" + ChatColor . WHITE + " when you have enough." ) ;