@ -2160,6 +2160,13 @@ public class PlayerListener
return true ;
//Special reasons that should always happen.
if ( e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . SPAWNER | | e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . BUILD_IRONGOLEM | | e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . BREEDING | |
e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . BUILD_SNOWMAN | | e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . BUILD_WITHER | | e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . LIGHTNING | |
e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . SPAWNER_EGG | | e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . VILLAGE_DEFENSE | | e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . VILLAGE_INVASION ) {
return true ;
return false ; //If we got down to here, allow this particular mob to spawn.
@ -6622,15 +6629,23 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
if ( this . plugin . inventoryFull ( e . getPlayer ( ) ) ) {
if ( e . getRemaining ( ) = = 0 & & same ) {
if ( special_convert ( e . getItem ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getType ( ) ) ) {
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . GRAY + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Picked up " + e . getItem ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getAmount ( ) + " " + convertToItemName ( e . getItem ( ) . getType ( ) . getName ( ) , e . getItem ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getData ( ) . getData ( ) , e . getItem ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getType ( ) ) + "." ) ;
} else {
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . GRAY + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Picked up " + e . getItem ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getAmount ( ) + " " + String . valueOf ( mod ) + "." ) ;
} else {
if ( e . getRemaining ( ) = = 0 ) {
if ( special_convert ( e . getItem ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getType ( ) ) ) {
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . GRAY + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Picked up " + e . getItem ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getAmount ( ) + " " + convertToItemName ( e . getItem ( ) . getType ( ) . getName ( ) , e . getItem ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getData ( ) . getData ( ) , e . getItem ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getType ( ) ) + "." ) ;
} else {
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . GRAY + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Picked up " + e . getItem ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getAmount ( ) + " " + String . valueOf ( mod ) + "." ) ;
public void onPlayerOnFire ( EntityCombustEvent e ) {
@ -7611,20 +7626,6 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
final Player p = ( Player ) e . getDamager ( ) ;
if ( f . getNoDamageTicks ( ) < f . getMaximumNoDamageTicks ( ) / 2 . 0f & & this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( p . getName ( ) + ".settings.notify4" ) ) {
Bukkit . getScheduler ( ) . scheduleSyncDelayedTask ( this . plugin , new Runnable ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.0" ) ;
DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat ( "#0" ) ;
if ( f . getCustomName ( ) ! = null ) {
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Dealt " + df . format ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) ) + " damage to " + f . getCustomName ( ) + ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + " (-" + df2 . format ( ( ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) ) / f . getMaxHealth ( ) ) * 100 ) + "%)" ) ;
} else {
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Dealt " + df . format ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) ) + " damage to " + ChatColor . WHITE + f . getType ( ) + ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + " (-" + df2 . format ( ( ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) ) / f . getMaxHealth ( ) ) * 100 ) + "%)" ) ;
} , 1 ) ;
if ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & & p . getItemInHand ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ! = null & & p . getItemInHand ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . DARK_GRAY + "[BROKEN]" ) ) {
e . setDamage ( 0 ) ;
e . setCancelled ( true ) ;
@ -7632,7 +7633,7 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) ) . setSuffix ( healthbar ( p . getHealth ( ) , p . getMaxHealth ( ) , p . getFoodLevel ( ) ) ) ;
//p.sendMessage("No Damage Ticks: "+f.getNoDamageTicks());
ItemStack item = p . getItemInHand ( ) ;
double critical_chance = 0 , armor_pen = 0 , life_steal = 0 , attack_speed = 0 , dmg = 0 ;
double critical_chance = 0 , armor_pen = 0 , life_steal = 0 , attack_speed = 0 , dmg = 0 , armor_pen_dmg = 0 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) ! = Material . BOW & & item . getItemMeta ( ) ! = null & & item . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ! = null & & item . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) . size ( ) ! = 0 ) { //Make sure this isn't a ranged weapon.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < item . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( this . plugin . containsEnchantment ( item . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) . get ( i ) , "Critical Chance" ) ) {
@ -7717,7 +7718,8 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
//This means some piercing can be done.
//e.setDamage(normaldmg+this.plugin.getStatBonus(4, this.plugin.getAccountsConfig().getInt(p.getName()+".stats.stat5")/4));
if ( f . getHealth ( ) - ( normaldmg + armor_pen ) > 0 ) {
f . setHealth ( Warning ( f , 13 ) ) ;
f . setHealth ( f . getHealth ( ) - ( normaldmg + armor_pen ) ) ;
armor_pen_dmg = ( normaldmg + armor_pen ) ;
if ( f ! = null ) {
if ( this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( p . getName ( ) + ".settings.notify4" ) ) {
if ( f . getCustomName ( ) ! = null ) {
@ -7795,26 +7797,27 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
} else {
if ( ( ( Projectile ) e . getDamager ( ) ) . getShooter ( ) ! = null & & ( ( Projectile ) e . getDamager ( ) ) . getShooter ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . PLAYER ) {
final Player p = ( Player ) ( ( Projectile ) e . getDamager ( ) ) . getShooter ( ) ;
if ( f . getNoDamageTicks ( ) < f . getMaximumNoDamageTicks ( ) / 2 . 0f & & this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( p . getName ( ) + ".settings.notify4" ) ) {
final double armor_dmg = armor_pen_dmg ;
Bukkit . getScheduler ( ) . scheduleSyncDelayedTask ( this . plugin , new Runnable ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.0" ) ;
DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat ( "#0" ) ;
if ( f . getCustomName ( ) ! = null ) {
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Dealt " + df . format ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) ) + " damage to " + f . getCustomName ( ) + ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + " (-" + df2 . format ( ( ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) ) / f . getMaxHealth ( ) ) * 100 ) + "%)" ) ;
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Dealt " + df . format ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) + armor_dmg ) + " damage to " + f . getCustomName ( ) + ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + " (-" + df2 . format ( ( ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) ) / f . getMaxHealth ( ) ) * 100 ) + "%)" ) ;
} else {
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Dealt " + df . format ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) ) + " damage to " + ChatColor . WHITE + f . getType ( ) + ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + " (-" + df2 . format ( ( ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) ) / f . getMaxHealth ( ) ) * 100 ) + "%)" ) ;
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Dealt " + df . format ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) + armor_dmg ) + " damage to " + ChatColor . WHITE + f . getType ( ) + ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + " (-" + df2 . format ( ( ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) ) / f . getMaxHealth ( ) ) * 100 ) + "%)" ) ;
} , 1 ) ;
} else {
if ( ( ( Projectile ) e . getDamager ( ) ) . getShooter ( ) ! = null & & ( ( Projectile ) e . getDamager ( ) ) . getShooter ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . PLAYER ) {
final Player p = ( Player ) ( ( Projectile ) e . getDamager ( ) ) . getShooter ( ) ;
p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) ) . setSuffix ( healthbar ( p . getHealth ( ) , p . getMaxHealth ( ) , p . getFoodLevel ( ) ) ) ;
ItemStack item = p . getItemInHand ( ) ;
double critical_chance = 0 , armor_pen = 0 , life_steal = 0 , attack_speed = 0 , dmg = 0 ;
double critical_chance = 0 , armor_pen = 0 , life_steal = 0 , attack_speed = 0 , dmg = 0 , armor_pen_dmg = 0 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . BOW & & item . getItemMeta ( ) ! = null & & item . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ! = null & & item . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) . size ( ) ! = 0 ) { //Make sure we are using a ranged weapon.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < item . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( this . plugin . containsEnchantment ( item . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) . get ( i ) , "Critical Chance" ) ) {
@ -7919,7 +7922,8 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
//This means some piercing can be done.
//e.setDamage(normaldmg+this.plugin.getStatBonus(4, this.plugin.getAccountsConfig().getInt(p.getName()+".stats.stat5")/4));
if ( f . getHealth ( ) - ( normaldmg + armor_pen ) > 0 ) {
f . setHealth ( Warning ( f . getHealth ( ) - ( normaldmg + armor_pen ) , 17 ) ) ;
f . setHealth ( f . getHealth ( ) - ( normaldmg + armor_pen ) ) ;
armor_pen_dmg = ( normaldmg + armor_pen ) ;
if ( this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( p . getName ( ) + ".settings.notify4" ) ) {
if ( f . getCustomName ( ) ! = null ) {
//p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+""+ChatColor.ITALIC+" Dealt "+(Math.round(normaldmg+armor_pen)*10)/10+" damage to "+convertToItemName(f.getCustomName())+".");
@ -7992,6 +7996,21 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
if ( f . getNoDamageTicks ( ) < f . getMaximumNoDamageTicks ( ) / 2 . 0f & & this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( p . getName ( ) + ".settings.notify4" ) ) {
final double armor_dmg = armor_pen_dmg ;
Bukkit . getScheduler ( ) . scheduleSyncDelayedTask ( this . plugin , new Runnable ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.0" ) ;
DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat ( "#0" ) ;
if ( f . getCustomName ( ) ! = null ) {
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Dealt " + df . format ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) + armor_dmg ) + " damage to " + f . getCustomName ( ) + ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + " (-" + df2 . format ( ( ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) ) / f . getMaxHealth ( ) ) * 100 ) + "%)" ) ;
} else {
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Dealt " + df . format ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) + armor_dmg ) + " damage to " + ChatColor . WHITE + f . getType ( ) + ChatColor . RED + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + " (-" + df2 . format ( ( ( enemy_starthp - f . getHealth ( ) ) / f . getMaxHealth ( ) ) * 100 ) + "%)" ) ;
} , 1 ) ;
@ -10072,8 +10091,12 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
if ( newItemsCount > 0 ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("AaMay").sendMessage(newItemsCount+" New Items have been detected.");
if ( plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( player . getName ( ) + ".settings.notify2" ) ) {
if ( special_convert ( compareItem . getType ( ) ) ) {
Bukkit . getPlayer ( player . getName ( ) ) . sendMessage ( ChatColor . DARK_AQUA + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Crafted " + newItemsCount + " " + convertToItemName ( compareItem . getType ( ) . name ( ) , compareItem . getData ( ) . getData ( ) , compareItem . getType ( ) ) + "." ) ;
} else {
Bukkit . getPlayer ( player . getName ( ) ) . sendMessage ( ChatColor . DARK_AQUA + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Crafted " + newItemsCount + " " + convertToItemName ( compareItem . getType ( ) . name ( ) ) + "." ) ;
rewardCraft ( compareItem , newItemsCount , player ) ;
@ -12181,6 +12204,14 @@ public void onEntityExpode(ExplosionPrimeEvent e) {
else ;
public boolean special_convert ( Material mat ) {
if ( mat = = Material . WOOL | | mat = = Material . INK_SACK | | mat = = Material . CARPET ) {
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
public String convertToItemName ( String val ) {
val = val . replace ( '_' , ' ' ) ;
char [ ] mod = val . toCharArray ( ) ;
@ -12211,6 +12242,73 @@ public String convertToItemName(String val) {
return String . valueOf ( mod ) ;
public String convertToItemName ( String val , short data , Material material_id ) {
String color = "" ;
String name = "" ;
switch ( material_id ) {
case WOOL : {
name = "Wool" ;
} break ;
case INK_SACK : {
name = "Dye" ;
} break ;
case CARPET : {
name = "Carpet" ;
} break ;
switch ( data ) {
case 0 : {
color = "White" ;
} break ;
case 1 : {
color = "Orange" ;
} break ;
case 2 : {
color = "Magenta" ;
} break ;
case 3 : {
color = "Light Blue" ;
} break ;
case 4 : {
color = "Yellow" ;
} break ;
case 5 : {
color = "Lime" ;
} break ;
case 6 : {
color = "Pink" ;
} break ;
case 7 : {
color = "Gray" ;
} break ;
case 8 : {
color = "Light Gray" ;
} break ;
case 9 : {
color = "Cyan" ;
} break ;
case 10 : {
color = "Purple" ;
} break ;
case 11 : {
color = "Blue" ;
} break ;
case 12 : {
color = "Brown" ;
} break ;
case 13 : {
color = "Green" ;
} break ;
case 14 : {
color = "Red" ;
} break ;
case 15 : {
color = "Black" ;
} break ;
return String . valueOf ( color + " " + name ) ;
public void onHangingBreak ( HangingBreakEvent e ) {