@ -5929,42 +5929,17 @@ implements Listener
Player p = e . getPlayer ( ) ;
Bukkit . getPlayer ( "sigonasr2" ) . sendMessage ( "Extacting " + e . getItemAmount ( ) + " " + e . getItemType ( ) ) ;
} * /
public void onLeafDecay ( LeavesDecayEvent e ) {
Player [ ] list = Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < list . length ; i + + ) {
double distance = Math . abs ( list [ i ] . getLocation ( ) . getX ( ) - e . getBlock ( ) . getX ( ) ) + Math . abs ( list [ i ] . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) - e . getBlock ( ) . getY ( ) ) + Math . abs ( list [ i ] . getLocation ( ) . getZ ( ) - e . getBlock ( ) . getZ ( ) ) ;
if ( distance < 50 ) {
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( list [ i ] , "Woodcutter" ) & & this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Woodcutter" , list [ i ] ) > = 20 ) {
//Increase sapling drops by 64%.
if ( e . getBlock ( ) . getData ( ) ! = 3 ) {
//This is not a jungle leaf block.
if ( Math . random ( ) * 100 < = 25 ) {
//Produce a sapling.
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . dropItem ( e . getBlock ( ) . getLocation ( ) , new ItemStack ( Material . SAPLING , 1 , e . getBlock ( ) . getData ( ) ) ) ;
//list[i].sendMessage("You got an extra spawned sapling.");
} else {
if ( Math . random ( ) * 100 < = 12 . 5 ) {
//Produce a sapling.
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . dropItem ( e . getBlock ( ) . getLocation ( ) , new ItemStack ( Material . SAPLING , 1 , e . getBlock ( ) . getData ( ) ) ) ;
} else
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( list [ i ] , "Woodcutter" ) & & this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Woodcutter" , list [ i ] ) > = 5 ) {
//Increase sapling drops by 40%.
if ( e . getBlock ( ) . getData ( ) ! = 3 ) {
//This is not a jungle leaf block.
if ( Math . random ( ) * 100 < = 12 ) {
//Produce a sapling.
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . dropItem ( e . getBlock ( ) . getLocation ( ) , new ItemStack ( Material . SAPLING , 1 , e . getBlock ( ) . getData ( ) ) ) ;
//list[i].sendMessage("You got an extra spawned sapling.");
} else {
if ( Math . random ( ) * 100 < = 6 ) {
//Produce a sapling.
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . dropItem ( e . getBlock ( ) . getLocation ( ) , new ItemStack ( Material . SAPLING , 1 , e . getBlock ( ) . getData ( ) ) ) ;
public void onLeavesDecay ( LeavesDecayEvent e ) {
if ( e . getBlock ( ) . getData ( ) = = 0 /*Has to be oak.*/ ) {
//We will check for nearby players.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) . length ; i + + ) {
Player p = Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] ;
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Woodcutter" , p , Job . JOB20 ) & & p . getLocation ( ) . distanceSquared ( e . getBlock ( ) . getLocation ( ) ) < = 900 ) {
//There is a chance to drop an apple!
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 02 ) { //Reduced from 1/200 to 1/50 chance.
p . getWorld ( ) . dropItemNaturally ( e . getBlock ( ) . getLocation ( ) , new ItemStack ( Material . APPLE ) ) ;
@ -5983,6 +5958,15 @@ implements Listener
currentitem . addUnsafeEnchantment ( Enchantment . getByName ( "DIG_SPEED" ) , 3 ) ;
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ e . getNewSlot ( ) ] . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "pickaxe" ) & & this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Miner" , p , Job . JOB20 ) ) {
ItemStack currentitem = p . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ e . getNewSlot ( ) ] ;
if ( currentitem . getEnchantmentLevel ( Enchantment . getByName ( "DIG_SPEED" ) ) < 6 ) {
currentitem . addUnsafeEnchantment ( Enchantment . getByName ( "DIG_SPEED" ) , 6 ) ;
if ( currentitem . getEnchantmentLevel ( Enchantment . getByName ( "DURABILITY" ) ) < 4 ) {
currentitem . addUnsafeEnchantment ( Enchantment . getByName ( "DURABILITY" ) , 4 ) ;
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ e . getNewSlot ( ) ] . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "spade" ) & & this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Digger" , p , Job . JOB10 ) ) {
ItemStack currentitem = p . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ e . getNewSlot ( ) ] ;
if ( currentitem . getEnchantmentLevel ( Enchantment . getByName ( "DURABILITY" ) ) < 5 ) {
@ -7305,6 +7289,10 @@ implements Listener
PlayerData pd = this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) ;
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Fishing chance is reset.");
pd . fishingrodcatchrate = 0 . 002 ;
pd . fishingstreak = 0 ;
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Fisherman" , p , Job . JOB30B ) ) {
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . GRAY + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Fishing streak reset..." ) ;
if ( e . getState ( ) = = State . CAUGHT_FISH ) {
if ( this . plugin . getConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( "thanksgiving-enabled" ) ) {
@ -7339,7 +7327,12 @@ implements Listener
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Fisherman" , p , Job . JOB30B ) ) {
this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . fishingstreak + + ;
this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . fishingrodcatchrate + = this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . fishingrodcatchrate * 0 . 05 ;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.00" ) ;
if ( this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . fishingstreak % 5 = = 0 ) {
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . GREEN + "" + this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . fishingstreak + " in a row! " + ChatColor . GRAY + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Current Fish Catch Rate: " + ( ( this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . fishingrodcatchrate / 0 . 002 ) ) + "%" ) ;
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Fisherman" ) ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Fisherman" , 0 . 175 , 3 ) ;