@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ bool Enemy::CanShoot() { |
void Enemy::ShootBullet() { |
fireDelay = game->enemyData[GetID()].fireDelay; |
game->bullets.push_back({ game->bullet, pos,rot,0.2f,{std::cosf(rot) * game->shotSpd,std::sinf(rot) * game->shotSpd }, YELLOW,false }); |
game->bullets.push_back({ game->bullet, pos,rot,0.2f,{std::cosf(rot) * game->shotSpd,std::sinf(rot) * game->shotSpd }, YELLOW,false,GetID(),blinking}); |
} |
void Enemy::ReloadBullet(float fElapsedTime) { |
@ -699,6 +699,134 @@ void FaceBall::RenderMesh(mat4x4&matView,std::vector<Triangle>&vecTrianglesToRas |
} |
} |
void FaceBall::RenderMeshDeathScreen(mat4x4& matView, std::vector<Triangle>& vecTrianglesToRaster, Object& o) { |
for (auto& tri : o.mesh.tris) { |
Triangle triProjected, triTransformed, triViewed; |
mat4x4 localMat = Matrix_MakeIdentity(); |
mat4x4 rotMat = Matrix_MakeRotationY(o.rot); |
localMat = Matrix_MultiplyMatrix(localMat, rotMat); |
mat4x4 matTrans = Matrix_MakeTranslation(o.pos.x, o.pos.y, o.pos.z); |
localMat = Matrix_MultiplyMatrix(localMat, matTrans); |
triTransformed.p[0] = Matrix_MultiplyVector(localMat, tri.p[0]); |
triTransformed.p[1] = Matrix_MultiplyVector(localMat, tri.p[1]); |
triTransformed.p[2] = Matrix_MultiplyVector(localMat, tri.p[2]); |
triTransformed.uv[0] = tri.uv[0]; |
triTransformed.uv[1] = tri.uv[1]; |
triTransformed.uv[2] = tri.uv[2]; |
triTransformed.col[0] = tri.col[0]; |
triTransformed.col[1] = tri.col[1]; |
triTransformed.col[2] = tri.col[2]; |
triTransformed.tex = tri.tex; |
vec3d normal, line1, line2; |
line1 = Vector_Sub(triTransformed.p[1], triTransformed.p[0]); |
line2 = Vector_Sub(triTransformed.p[2], triTransformed.p[0]); |
normal = Vector_CrossProduct(line1, line2); |
normal = Vector_Normalise(normal); |
vec3d camera = { 0.758110702,0.222716771,3.00489759 }; |
vec3d vCameraRay = Vector_Sub(triTransformed.p[0], camera); |
if (Vector_DotProduct(normal, vCameraRay) < 0) { |
vec3d light_dir = Vector_Mul(vLookDir, -1); |
light_dir = Vector_Normalise(light_dir); |
float dp = std::max(0.7f, Vector_DotProduct(light_dir, normal)); |
triViewed.p[0] = Matrix_MultiplyVector(matView, triTransformed.p[0]); |
triViewed.p[1] = Matrix_MultiplyVector(matView, triTransformed.p[1]); |
triViewed.p[2] = Matrix_MultiplyVector(matView, triTransformed.p[2]); |
triViewed.uv[0] = triTransformed.uv[0]; |
triViewed.uv[1] = triTransformed.uv[1]; |
triViewed.uv[2] = triTransformed.uv[2]; |
triViewed.col[0] = Pixel(triTransformed.col[0].r * dp * dp, triTransformed.col[0].g * dp * dp, triTransformed.col[0].b * dp * dp); |
triViewed.col[1] = Pixel(triTransformed.col[1].r * dp * dp, triTransformed.col[1].g * dp * dp, triTransformed.col[1].b * dp * dp); |
triViewed.col[2] = Pixel(triTransformed.col[2].r * dp * dp, triTransformed.col[2].g * dp * dp, triTransformed.col[2].b * dp * dp); |
Pixel originalCol[3] = { triViewed.col[0],triViewed.col[1],triViewed.col[2] }; |
float dist = std::sqrtf(std::powf(camera.x - triTransformed.p[0].x, 2) + std::powf(camera.y - triTransformed.p[0].y, 2) + std::powf(camera.z - triTransformed.p[0].z, 2)); |
float dist2 = std::sqrtf(std::powf(camera.x - triTransformed.p[1].x, 2) + std::powf(camera.y - triTransformed.p[1].y, 2) + std::powf(camera.z - triTransformed.p[1].z, 2)); |
float dist3 = std::sqrtf(std::powf(camera.x - triTransformed.p[2].x, 2) + std::powf(camera.y - triTransformed.p[2].y, 2) + std::powf(camera.z - triTransformed.p[2].z, 2)); |
float colorMult = dist > 5 * PI / 3 ? 0 : std::sinf(0.3 * dist + PI / 2); |
float colorMult2 = dist2 > 5 * PI / 3 ? 0 : std::sinf(0.3 * dist2 + PI / 2); |
float colorMult3 = dist3 > 5 * PI / 3 ? 0 : std::sinf(0.3 * dist3 + PI / 2); |
triViewed.col[0] = Pixel(triViewed.col[0].r * colorMult, triViewed.col[0].g * colorMult, triViewed.col[0].b * colorMult); |
triViewed.col[1] = Pixel(triViewed.col[1].r * colorMult2, triViewed.col[1].g * colorMult2, triViewed.col[1].b * colorMult2); |
triViewed.col[2] = Pixel(triViewed.col[2].r * colorMult3, triViewed.col[2].g * colorMult3, triViewed.col[2].b * colorMult3); |
triViewed.tex = triTransformed.tex; |
for (Bullet& b : bullets) { |
float dist = std::sqrtf(std::powf(b.pos.x - triTransformed.p[0].x, 2) + std::powf(b.pos.y - triTransformed.p[0].y, 2) + std::powf(b.pos.z - triTransformed.p[0].z, 2)); |
float dist2 = std::sqrtf(std::powf(b.pos.x - triTransformed.p[1].x, 2) + std::powf(b.pos.y - triTransformed.p[1].y, 2) + std::powf(b.pos.z - triTransformed.p[1].z, 2)); |
float dist3 = std::sqrtf(std::powf(b.pos.x - triTransformed.p[2].x, 2) + std::powf(b.pos.y - triTransformed.p[2].y, 2) + std::powf(b.pos.z - triTransformed.p[2].z, 2)); |
float colorMult = (dist < 2 ? std::sinf(0.75 * dist + PI / 2) * 4 : 1); |
float colorMult2 = (dist2 < 2 ? std::sinf(0.75 * dist2 + PI / 2) * 4 : 1); |
float colorMult3 = (dist3 < 2 ? std::sinf(0.75 * dist3 + PI / 2) * 4 : 1); |
Pixel lightCol = b.col / 2 + Pixel{ 128, 128, 128 }; |
if (dist < 2) { triViewed.col[0] = Pixel(std::min(255, std::max((int)originalCol[0].r, (int)(originalCol[0].r * colorMult / float(255.f / lightCol.r)))), std::min(255, std::max((int)originalCol[0].g, (int)(originalCol[0].g * colorMult / float(255.f / lightCol.g)))), std::min(255, std::max((int)originalCol[0].b, (int)(originalCol[0].b * colorMult / float(255.f / lightCol.b))))); } |
if (dist2 < 2) { triViewed.col[1] = Pixel(std::min(255, std::max((int)originalCol[1].r, (int)(originalCol[1].r * colorMult2 / float(255.f / lightCol.r)))), std::min(255, std::max((int)originalCol[1].g, (int)(originalCol[1].g * colorMult2 / float(255.f / lightCol.g)))), std::min(255, std::max((int)originalCol[1].b, (int)(originalCol[1].b * colorMult2 / float(255.f / lightCol.b))))); } |
if (dist3 < 2) { triViewed.col[2] = Pixel(std::min(255, std::max((int)originalCol[2].r, (int)(originalCol[2].r * colorMult3 / float(255.f / lightCol.r)))), std::min(255, std::max((int)originalCol[2].g, (int)(originalCol[2].g * colorMult3 / float(255.f / lightCol.g)))), std::min(255, std::max((int)originalCol[2].b, (int)(originalCol[2].b * colorMult3 / float(255.f / lightCol.b))))); } |
} |
//triViewed.col = triTransformed.col;
int nClippedTriangles = 0; |
Triangle clipped[2]; |
nClippedTriangles = Triangle_ClipAgainstPlane({ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }, triViewed, clipped[0], clipped[1]); |
for (int n = 0; n < nClippedTriangles; n++) { |
// Project triangles from 3D --> 2D
triProjected.p[0] = Matrix_MultiplyVector(matProj, clipped[n].p[0]); |
triProjected.p[1] = Matrix_MultiplyVector(matProj, clipped[n].p[1]); |
triProjected.p[2] = Matrix_MultiplyVector(matProj, clipped[n].p[2]); |
triProjected.col[0] = clipped[n].col[0]; |
triProjected.col[1] = clipped[n].col[1]; |
triProjected.col[2] = clipped[n].col[2]; |
triProjected.tex = clipped[n].tex; |
triProjected.uv[0] = clipped[n].uv[0]; |
triProjected.uv[1] = clipped[n].uv[1]; |
triProjected.uv[2] = clipped[n].uv[2]; |
triProjected.uv[0].u = triProjected.uv[0].u / triProjected.p[0].w; |
triProjected.uv[1].u = triProjected.uv[1].u / triProjected.p[1].w; |
triProjected.uv[2].u = triProjected.uv[2].u / triProjected.p[2].w; |
triProjected.uv[0].v = triProjected.uv[0].v / triProjected.p[0].w; |
triProjected.uv[1].v = triProjected.uv[1].v / triProjected.p[1].w; |
triProjected.uv[2].v = triProjected.uv[2].v / triProjected.p[2].w; |
triProjected.uv[0].w = 1.0f / triProjected.p[0].w; |
triProjected.uv[1].w = 1.0f / triProjected.p[1].w; |
triProjected.uv[2].w = 1.0f / triProjected.p[2].w; |
triProjected.p[0] = Vector_Div(triProjected.p[0], triProjected.p[0].w); |
triProjected.p[1] = Vector_Div(triProjected.p[1], triProjected.p[1].w); |
triProjected.p[2] = Vector_Div(triProjected.p[2], triProjected.p[2].w); |
triProjected.p[0].x *= -1.0f; |
triProjected.p[1].x *= -1.0f; |
triProjected.p[2].x *= -1.0f; |
triProjected.p[0].y *= -1.0f; |
triProjected.p[1].y *= -1.0f; |
triProjected.p[2].y *= -1.0f; |
// Scale into view
vec3d vOffsetView = { 1,1,0 }; |
triProjected.p[0] = Vector_Add(triProjected.p[0], vOffsetView); |
triProjected.p[1] = Vector_Add(triProjected.p[1], vOffsetView); |
triProjected.p[2] = Vector_Add(triProjected.p[2], vOffsetView); |
triProjected.p[0].x *= 0.5f * (float)ScreenWidth(); |
triProjected.p[0].y *= 0.5f * (float)ScreenHeight(); |
triProjected.p[1].x *= 0.5f * (float)ScreenWidth(); |
triProjected.p[1].y *= 0.5f * (float)ScreenHeight(); |
triProjected.p[2].x *= 0.5f * (float)ScreenWidth(); |
triProjected.p[2].y *= 0.5f * (float)ScreenHeight(); |
vecTrianglesToRaster.push_back(triProjected); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
void FaceBall::RenderWorld() { |
// Set up rotation matrices
mat4x4 matRotZ, matRotX, matWorld; |
@ -742,7 +870,6 @@ void FaceBall::RenderWorld() { |
ClearBuffer(BLACK, true); |
triRenderCount = 0; |
for (auto& triToRaster : vecTrianglesToRaster) { |
Triangle clipped[2]; |
std::list<Triangle>listTriangles; |
listTriangles.push_back(triToRaster); |
@ -967,6 +1094,10 @@ bool FaceBall::OnUserCreate() |
hud = new Decal(new Sprite("assets/hud.png")); |
exit_wall_tex = new Decal(new Sprite("assets/exitwall.png")); |
enemy_IShoot_tex = new Decal(new Sprite("assets/enemies/IShoot.png")); |
life4 = new Decal(new Sprite("assets/life4.png")); |
life3 = new Decal(new Sprite("assets/life3.png")); |
life2 = new Decal(new Sprite("assets/life2.png")); |
life1 = new Decal(new Sprite("assets/life1.png")); |
enemy_ShootMe = { "assets/enemies/ShootMe.obj", enemy_ShootMe_tex }; |
enemy_IShoot = { "assets/enemies/IShoot.obj", enemy_IShoot_tex }; |
@ -983,6 +1114,13 @@ bool FaceBall::OnUserCreate() |
return true; |
} |
bool FaceBall::CheckPlayerCollision(vec3d movementVector, vf2d pos, float radius) { |
vf2d newpos = { pos.x + movementVector.x,pos.y + movementVector.z }; |
float dist = std::sqrtf(std::powf(newpos.x - game->player.GetPos().x, 2) + std::powf(newpos.y - game->player.GetPos().z, 2)); |
return dist < radius + game->player.GetRadius(); |
} |
int FaceBall::CheckEnemyCollision(vec3d movementVector, vf2d pos, float radius) { |
vf2d newpos = { pos.x + movementVector.x,pos.y + movementVector.z }; |
for (int i = 0; i < game->enemies.size();i++) { |
@ -1010,6 +1148,12 @@ bool Bullet::Update(float fElapsedTime) { |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
if (FaceBall::CheckPlayerCollision(adjustedSpd,{pos.x,pos.z},0.1)) { |
game->HurtPlayer(shooterID,shooterBlinking); |
return false; |
} |
} |
if (!FaceBall::CheckCollision(adjustedSpd, {pos.x,pos.z}, 0.05)) { |
pos.x += adjustedSpd.x; |
pos.z += adjustedSpd.z; |
@ -1020,6 +1164,12 @@ bool Bullet::Update(float fElapsedTime) { |
return true; |
} |
void FaceBall::HurtPlayer(EnemyID id,bool blinking) { |
hp = std::max(0, hp - 1); |
lastHitBy = id; |
lastHitByBlinking = blinking; |
} |
void FaceBall::RenderHud(float fElapsedTime) { |
if (!GetKey(olc::D).bHeld && !GetKey(olc::A).bHeld) { |
hudOffsetAcc += 20 * fElapsedTime; |
@ -1029,10 +1179,118 @@ void FaceBall::RenderHud(float fElapsedTime) { |
} |
} |
SetDecalMode(DecalMode::NORMAL); |
DrawDecal({ -32 + hudOffset,-18 }, hud, { 1.05,1.05 }); |
if (hp <= 0) { |
FillRectDecal({ 0,0 }, { float(ScreenWidth()),float(ScreenHeight()) }); |
std::string topText = enemyData[lastHitBy].name + " SAYS"; |
std::string bottomText = "HAVE A NICE DAY !"; |
// Set up rotation matrices
mat4x4 matRotZ, matRotX, matWorld; |
matRotZ = Matrix_MakeRotationZ(0); |
matRotX = Matrix_MakeRotationX(0); |
//matTrans = Matrix_MakeTranslation(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
matWorld = Matrix_MakeIdentity(); |
matWorld = Matrix_MultiplyMatrix(matRotZ, matRotX); |
//matWorld = Matrix_MultiplyMatrix(matWorld, matTrans);
vec3d vUp = { 0,1,0 }; |
vec3d vTarget = { 0,sinf(0.0944495052),cosf(0.0944495052) }; |
mat4x4 matCameraRot = Matrix_MakeRotationY(3.12987614 - PI / 2); |
vLookDir = Matrix_MultiplyVector(matCameraRot, vTarget); |
vec3d camera = { 0.758110702,0.222716771,3.00489759 }; |
vTarget = Vector_Add(camera, vLookDir); |
mat4x4 matCamera = Matrix_PointAt(camera, vTarget, vUp); |
mat4x4 matView = Matrix_QuickInverse(matCamera); |
std::vector<Triangle>vecTrianglesToRaster; |
Object o = { enemyData[lastHitBy].mesh,{0,0,3} }; |
RenderMeshDeathScreen(matView, vecTrianglesToRaster, o); |
//std::sort(vecTrianglesToRaster.begin(),vecTrianglesToRaster.end(),[](triangle&t1,triangle&t2){return (t1.p[0].z+t1.p[1].z+t1.p[2].z)/3.0f>(t2.p[0].z+t2.p[1].z+t2.p[2].z)/3.0f;});
if (vecTrianglesToRaster.size() > 0) { |
std::cout << vecTrianglesToRaster[0].p[0] << std::endl; |
} |
triRenderCount = 0; |
for (auto& triToRaster : vecTrianglesToRaster) { |
Triangle clipped[2]; |
std::list<Triangle>listTriangles; |
listTriangles.push_back(triToRaster); |
int nNewTriangles = 1; |
for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++) |
{ |
int nTrisToAdd = 0; |
while (nNewTriangles > 0) |
{ |
// Take triangle from front of queue
Triangle test = listTriangles.front(); |
listTriangles.pop_front(); |
nNewTriangles--; |
// Clip it against a plane. We only need to test each
// subsequent plane, against subsequent new triangles
// as all triangles after a plane clip are guaranteed
// to lie on the inside of the plane. I like how this
// comment is almost completely and utterly justified
switch (p) |
{ |
case 0: nTrisToAdd = Triangle_ClipAgainstPlane({ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }, test, clipped[0], clipped[1]); break; |
case 1: nTrisToAdd = Triangle_ClipAgainstPlane({ 0.0f, (float)ScreenHeight() - 1, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f }, test, clipped[0], clipped[1]); break; |
case 2: nTrisToAdd = Triangle_ClipAgainstPlane({ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, test, clipped[0], clipped[1]); break; |
case 3: nTrisToAdd = Triangle_ClipAgainstPlane({ (float)ScreenWidth() - 1, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, test, clipped[0], clipped[1]); break; |
} |
// Clipping may yield a variable number of triangles, so
// add these new ones to the back of the queue for subsequent
// clipping against next planes
for (int w = 0; w < nTrisToAdd; w++) |
listTriangles.push_back(clipped[w]); |
} |
nNewTriangles = listTriangles.size(); |
} |
for (auto& t : listTriangles) { |
// Rasterize triangle
SetDecalStructure(DecalStructure::LIST); |
SetDecalMode(DecalMode::NORMAL); |
DrawPolygonDecal(t.tex, { |
{t.p[0].x, t.p[0].y}, |
{t.p[1].x, t.p[1].y}, |
{t.p[2].x, t.p[2].y} |
}, { |
{t.uv[0].u,t.uv[0].v}, |
{t.uv[1].u,t.uv[1].v}, |
{t.uv[2].u,t.uv[2].v}, |
}, { t.uv[0].w,t.uv[1].w,t.uv[2].w }, { t.p[0].z,t.p[1].z,t.p[2].z }, { t.col[0],t.col[1],t.col[2] }); |
DrawPolygonDecal(nullptr,{ |
{t.p[0].x, t.p[0].y}, |
{t.p[1].x, t.p[1].y}, |
{t.p[2].x, t.p[2].y} |
},{ |
{0,0}, |
{0,0}, |
{0,0}, |
}, { t.uv[0].w,t.uv[1].w,t.uv[2].w }, { t.p[0].z,t.p[1].z,t.p[2].z }, { BLACK,BLACK,BLACK });*/ |
SetDecalStructure(DecalStructure::FAN); |
triRenderCount++; |
} |
} |
DrawStringDecal({ (float)(ScreenWidth() / 2 - GetTextSize(topText).x / 2 * 3),140.f }, topText, { 96,96,255 }, { 3,6 }); |
DrawStringDecal({ float(ScreenWidth() / 2 - GetTextSize(bottomText).x / 2 * 3),float(ScreenHeight() - 140.f) }, bottomText, { 96,96,255 }, { 3,6 }); |
} |
vf2d hudAdjustment = { -32,-18 }; |
vf2d hudLoc = { hudAdjustment.x + hp>0?hudOffset:0,hudAdjustment.y}; |
DrawDecal(hudLoc, hud, { 1.05,1.05 }); |
DrawDecal(hudLoc + vf2d{ 704,56 } - hudAdjustment, life4, { 1,1 }, float(hp) / maxHP > 0.75f ? WHITE : VERY_DARK_GREEN); |
DrawDecal(hudLoc + vf2d{ 704 - 64,56 } - hudAdjustment, life3, { 1,1 }, float(hp) / maxHP > 0.34f && float(hp) / maxHP <= 0.75f ? WHITE : VERY_DARK_GREEN); |
DrawDecal(hudLoc + vf2d{ 704 - 128,56 } - hudAdjustment, life2, { 1,1 }, hp > 0 && float(hp) / maxHP <= 0.34f ? WHITE : VERY_DARK_GREEN); |
DrawDecal(hudLoc + vf2d{ 704 - 192,56 } - hudAdjustment, life1, { 1,1 }, hp <= 0 ? WHITE : VERY_DARK_GREEN); |
if (hp > 0) { |
DrawStringDecal({ 112 + hudOffset,4 }, "Triangles: " + std::to_string(triRenderCount), BLACK, { 2,4 }); |
std::string hudText = "Tags Left: " + std::to_string(tagsRemaining) + " Lives: " + std::to_string(lives); |
DrawStringPropDecal(vf2d{ hudOffset + (float)(ScreenWidth() / 2 - GetTextSizeProp(hudText).x * 3 / 2),(float)(ScreenHeight() - 64 - GetTextSizeProp(hudText).y * 6) }, hudText, WHITE, { 3,6 }); |
} |
FillRectDecal({ 0,0 }, vf2d{ (float)ScreenWidth(),(float)ScreenHeight() }, { (uint8_t)0,(uint8_t)0,(uint8_t)0,(uint8_t)screenAlpha }); |
} |
@ -1207,7 +1465,7 @@ bool FaceBall::OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) |
switch (mode) { |
case GAME: { |
HandleKeys(fElapsedTime); |
RenderWorld(); |
if (hp > 0) { RenderWorld(); } |
RenderHud(fElapsedTime); |
}break; |
case EDITOR: { |